Also willing to trade these for bigger things on my wishlist.



Pitch35 wrote:

possibly interested in marsh flats, though not right at the moment. Are you looking to move this stuff asap, or just whenever you get the right offer?

I'm not desperate to move these quickly.  My prices are relatively firm.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Actinide, we thought about the "selling the old way" issue and its implications. I added a response for in at the bottom of the FAQ. The TL;DR is that we will not forbid it, but also we will not provide any support or dispute resolution for it (cause we can't, not in a satisfactory way). We will also post a warning on these trades to let the "buyer" side of them know of the risks.

Great, thank you.

Some stuff sold - edited out.


Cards range from NM to SP, will send pictures before any deal is made.


Zendikar Fetches
4x Arid Mesa - $45/each
2x Marsh Flats - $40/each
3x Verdant Catacombs - $48/each

Other Stuff
8x Birthing Pod - $55/set
3x Elspeth, Knight-Errant (Duel Deck) - $15/each

200+ MTGO Tix - looking to sell any amount at $0.95/tix or willing to buy ABUR duals.

Stuff I'm less inclined to sell, but will at the right offer
4x Wasteland
4x Force of Will
4x Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1x Tarmogoyf (MM, has a weird dink from production, will give pictures)

As always, I will ship for free.  I prefer as Paypal Gift (or I can send an Invoice if you wish to pay for fees).  I am willing to haggle on prices, but they are listed at what is currently eBay/TCGplayer low.  Open up a trade, make an offer.  We can work from there.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:
Actinide wrote:

Sorry if I missed it sebi, but I still can't find anywhere to clarify if non-system based, forum sales are prohibited from now on.  I love the new system, but I also like to provide the cheapest cards possible, which is harder when there is a 11% fee tacked on (deckbox+paypal).  I would like to use both systems still, but am not sure if that is allowed.  I don't want to break any rules.

This issue should have been addressed in the rules, and I should have already have a solid answer for it, but... smile. We discussed this a couple of times, did not reach a solid decision and somehow forgot about it. But we will discuss and I will post my thoughts on this tomorrow.

Cool, thank you sebi for the clarification.   Let me just say, I really appreciate the work you guys put into the new system and I do look forward to using it.  Having both options would be nice though! big_smile


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Sorry if I missed it sebi, but I still can't find anywhere to clarify if non-system based, forum sales are prohibited from now on.  I love the new system, but I also like to provide the cheapest cards possible, which is harder when there is a 11% fee tacked on (deckbox+paypal).  I would like to use both systems still, but am not sure if that is allowed.  I don't want to break any rules.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Is it prohibited to do selling via forum posts from here on out?


Daily bump.

Updated for the day.

Tarns sold as well.

Mistys sold.  I'm also willing to budge a bit on my prices, just hit me up with your offers.

Stuff removed, some pending.


Zendikar Fetches - Ranges from NM to SP, will send pictures before any deal is made.
4x Misty Rainforest - $300/set
4x Scalding Tarn - $300/set
4x Arid Mesa - $180/set
6x Marsh Flats - $160/set, $40/each
4x Verdant Catacombs - $190/set

Other Stuff
8x Birthing Pod - $55/set
1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (Prerelease) - $35
2x Batterskull - $18
3x Elspeth, Knight-Errant (Duel Deck) - $16
1x Stormbreath Dragon - $15
4x Noble Hierarch - $220/set
2x Horizon Canopy - $26/each
2x Liliana of the Veil - $55/each
1x Vendilion Clique (Morningtide) - $50/each
1x Cryptic Command (Lorwyn) - $45

200+ MTGO Tix - looking to sell any amount at $0.95/tix or willing to buy ABUR duals.

Stuff I'm less inclined to sell, but will at the right offer
4x Wasteland
4x Force of Will
4x Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1x Tarmogoyf (MM, has a weird dink from production, will give pictures)

As always, I will ship for free.  I do expect payment as Paypal Gift (or I can send an Invoice if you wish to pay for fees).  I am willing to haggle on prices, but expect to pay near TCGlow / eBay low.  Open up a trade, make an offer.  We can work from there.

Send me a trade with what you're paying for 4x Show/4xUnderground Sea/4xFoW.


dave0192 wrote:

Interested in marsh flats, how much does it cost to get an invoice?

I'll start up a trade.

Bump.  FYI, I don't need to sell the Fetches as a full 20 set.  I'm just saying I do have a full set for sale. smile



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one if you're still looking, start a trade and give me your offer.


Zendikar Fetches - Ranges from NM to SP, will send pictures before any deal is made.
4x Arid Mesa - $180/set
5x Marsh Flats - $160/set, $40/each
4x Verdant Catacombs - $190/set

Other Stuff
8x Birthing Pod - $55/set
1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (Prerelease) - $35
3x Elspeth, Knight-Errant (Duel Deck) - $16
2x Horizon Canopy - $26/each
2x Liliana of the Veil - $55/each
1x Vendilion Clique (Morningtide) - $50/each
1x Cryptic Command (Lorwyn) - $45

200+ MTGO Tix - looking to sell any amount at $0.95/tix or willing to buy ABUR duals.

Stuff I'm less inclined to sell, but will at the right offer
4x Wasteland
4x Force of Will
4x Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1x Tarmogoyf (MM, has a weird dink from production, will give pictures)

As always, I will ship for free.  I do expect payment as Paypal Gift (or I can send an Invoice if you wish to pay for fees).  I am willing to haggle on prices, but expect to pay near TCGlow / eBay low.  Open up a trade, make an offer.  We can work from there.