Appreantly Tectonic Edges are good trade fodder, as are the ever popular Zendi Full Art Lands.

What's so cool about Tec Edges?

What do you go for? What's good trade fodder? I hate turning down trades for stuff that I don't want anyway, just because they don't have the stuff I'm looking for right now, or worse yet, the stuff that I'm already getting in another trade.


Not feeling the Glimmervoid. Offer something different. I have a Simic Self Mill, Rakdos Aggro,... I want to build a casual Knight of the Reliquary centered deck. I'm also working on an Esper tap down deck around Gideon's Avenger. I like the looks of Jund/Golgari self mill. I really like the card advantage of flashback. Selesnya swarm */* where * equals your creatures sounds fun and face smashy.

Basically anything less boring than Glimmervoid is really a possibility!


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump for having looked, and having none of the ones you want in foil. Sorry. You do have a couple cards I want though, so feel free to browse my stuff.