Bump! Still looking for the rest of my bogles pieces.

Looking to finish up Bogles. I would love to play it at FNM this week. I just need two daybreak coronets and two keen sense.

Also looking to pick up an Entomb for a friend of mine, as well any other modern or legacy staples. My entire tradelist is available. I also have a playset of Aether Vials I may be willing to get rid of for the right stuff. If you see anything you want, just start up a trade! Thanks!

Looking to pick up 4x Keen Sense and 2x Daybreak Coronet (MMA2 Preferred).

Also looking to pick up modern and legacy staples. Check out my tradelist and open up a trade if you see anything you want. Thanks!

Bump! Added a couple new things to tradelist.

Looking to build Bogles and decided to foil out what I can. Highest priority is Kor Spiritdancer foils, followed by MMA2015 Daybreak Coronet Foils. Still interested in non-foils to just get the deck playable.

Sending shipments out tomorrow. Anybody have the rest of this? Just need a Kolaghan's Command and two Forked Bolts!

Bump! Just need a Terminate (definitely wanting Planeshift if possible) and a K-Command!

Sending packages on Friday, would love to be sending the trades out to finish this deck!

Bump! Got the Snapcaster!

Almost have Grixis Delver finished. Would like to have the rest traded for by Friday if possible!
2x Forked Bolt
1x Kolaghan's Command

I have lots of stuff available for trade. Open up a trade if you see anything!

Hey! Looking to finish up my Aristocrats deck for standard. Here's a list of what I need:
1 Hangarback Walker
2 Liliana, Heretical Healer
1 Smoldering Marsh
1 Sunken Hollow
1 Prairie Stream
2 Evolutionary Leap
2 Butcher of the Horde

I have a playset of Atarka's Commands for trade as well as the rest of the standard stuff in my tradelist. If you see something you want, just open up a trade!

I'm looking for other things listed in my wishlist as well. Thanks for looking!

Bump! Updated list!

Surely somebody has something that I need!



Looking for a lot of stuff. Top of my priorities are:
2x Tropical Island
1x Bayou
3x Underground Sea

Also looking to foil out Aluren and my Peasant deck. Notable things I need are:
3x Pack Foil Cabal Therapy
2x Arena Promo Coiling Oracle
2x Pack Foil Cavern Harpy
4x Pack Foil Unearth
4x Pack Foil Mesmeric Fiend

..and lots more.  I'd really prefer to put my Snapcasters toward duals if at all possible. If you have anything I need, just open up a trade! Thanks for looking!

Looking to pick up 3 Goblin Piledrivers. Also looking to pick up anything on my want list.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, just looking for Piledrivers now.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Alright. Open up a trade if you see something you want for them.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Possibly. Depends on what you're valuing it at.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for 4 Piledrivers for Standard. Check out my tradelist! It should be completely updated from the weekend.

Fair enough, feel free to just open a trade if you see anything. Thanks for your time!

Sorry for the wait! Crazy evening! Anyways, here's the wasteland:


Sure! As soon as I get home. I'm at work currently.


Looking to pick up 3x MM15 Noble Hierarchs at $40 each (CFB NM Price). Getting ready to place an order, but would much rather trade for them if possible. My tradelist should be up to date, with accurate (critical) grading. Just open up a trade and send me a message if you're interested.