(535 replies, posted in Taverna)



(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

Amonkhet story BINGO:


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

the jank is real:


(27 replies, posted in GameFlux)

benczi wrote:

https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comme … ix_prague/

people that had byes, any opinions on this?

YakiTuo 188 points 1 day ago
I registered with byes.
We could sit anywhere, even next to friends, without restrictions.
I had randoms around me though.
The person in front of me pulled his phone after opening all the packs, and a judge saw him reading a "strategy article", as he called it, and told him to stop.
At that moment, I thought bare words should not have been enough since it was already late to read this kind of articles.
Yes, the whole registration process opened up for sketchy movements.

this happened EXACTLY right next to me, at the 1-bye table, guy next to me was looking at the LSV limited review
no jugde was arranging seating, someone just pointed me at the general direction of the table i should be sitting


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

saw it at someone at the GP:
Karn, SILVER Golem


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

noob friendly evergreen keyword!


(0 replies, posted in GameFlux)

anyone has one for trade?


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

vintage storm is for kids...


(12 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Rarres wrote:

I know it's no longer spoiler season buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I do want to rhetorically ask the following question: why the actual phuck did WotC print a new set with another overpowered piece of crap Vehicle in the form of Untethered Express?!?! WHY?! Crew 1. Trample. Attacks=gets permanent +1/+1 counter. Yay. I look forward to games where I die to it extremely quickly. Like 2 attacks and it's over.

chestii care prind trenul mare (doar din setul asta):
Thopter Arrest
Ice Over
Fatal Push
Daring Demolition
Perilous Predicament
Pacification Array
Take into Custody
Leave in the Dust
Baral's Expertise
Destructive Tampering
Dispersal Technician
Release the Gremlins
Natural Obsolescence
majoritate merge si on the draw, si este in range de common/uncommon
fatul ca trenul e UC, o sa vezi ~2/draft (?) on average
din experienta nu este foarte mare threat early game, la pre-releaseuri cand am pus pe masa a mancat aproape imediat un removal


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

Ixithra wrote:

In mod realist, da, poti sa pui 7-8 power pe battlefield in turn 2. Boschetarul cu Surge avand 10+ power deja pe masa in turn 2 e magical christmas land.

Si asta e daca esti on the play. On the draw, creste enorm numarul de raspunsuri posibile la tot gimmickul asta: Mana Leak, Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Ratchet Bomb, Engineered Explosives, ca sa nu mai zic de inquisition/thoughtseize in primele 2 ture.

Cum suna Thoughtseize/Inquisition into Surgical Extraction or Extirpate la 1 respectiv 2 mana?

nu chier sunt mai multi:
Goblin Bushwhacker langa Reckless Bushwhacker


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

TehAuthor wrote:
juzer wrote:

practic dai Spell Snare la primul emissary, only chance

Read above

yeah, prea multre posturi


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

practic dai Spell Snare la primul emissary, only chance


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

fistyke wrote:
radu_portase wrote:

this exists:
T1: Arid Mesa
      Steppe Lynx
T2: Wooded Foothills
      Hidden Herbalists
      Hidden Herbalists
      Burning-Tree Emissary
      Burning-Tree Emissary
      Reckless Bushwhacker
T3: Atarka's Command

De cate ori crezi ca ai un opening hand ca asta din 100 de meciuri?

langa lynx, joci si Wild Nacatl, din Hidden Herbalists si Burning-Tree Emissary ai 4-of, Skullcrack langa command.
daca nu e T3 kill, sigur moare T4

Our playgroup sometimes takes seriously the order, in which people signed up because sometimes the spots are limited.
Just discovered this today, as i clicked on an event, that i did not notice, that i was already joined and was moved to last place.
There should be a verification if the current action would change the status, before actually setting status, as it changes the timestamp too.


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

radu_portase wrote:
sandorgabor86 wrote:

Cred ca am sa joc Pyroclasm

smile) super bun vs  T3: Atarka's Command

T1: Authority of the Consuls tongue


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

sandorgabor86 wrote:
radu_portase wrote:

this exists:
T1: Arid Mesa
      Steppe Lynx
T2: Wooded Foothills
      Hidden Herbalists
      Hidden Herbalists
      Burning-Tree Emissary
      Burning-Tree Emissary
      Reckless Bushwhacker
T3: Atarka's Command

Cred ca am sa joc Pyroclasm

din pacate daca esti on the draw, ramai la 1 viata...
si Spell Snare nu opreste boschetarul


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

this exists:
http://www.eternalcentral.com/product/u … hardcover/

...is your personal guide through a Vintage master class about understanding the deeper complexities of Gush strategies. With over 400 pages of analysis...


(27 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Rarres wrote:
juzer wrote:

in ungarea

this was funny.

paka wrote:

mai sunt 73 de bilete disponibile

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Va fi prăpăd de lume pe acolo.



(27 replies, posted in GameFlux)

benczi wrote:

who can I bribe to bring me some cigarettes and some cards from Razvan?

PS: in ungarea e si mai ieftin decat la noi (cel putin asa stiu eu)


(2 replies, posted in GameFlux)

970539923022004 wrote:


Dar serios vorbind chiar imi mai trebuie unul sa imi completez setul

ofer cat vrea sa da Ionut + 1 cent! HA so 4.04 MONEY!


(2 replies, posted in GameFlux)

1 euro each


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ixithra wrote:

da, -2, nu stiu de ce am scris +1 smile) In orice caz, Twin this is not. Nu exista remand-uri, bolts, snapcasteri sau serum visions in standard. Si jeskai ascendancy avea turn 4 win si n-a "dominat" in standard. In modern, e alta poveste.

-ascendancy avea nevoie de 3 "main culori" (enchantmentul era WUR)
-o creatura + un zero-cost spell
-mana-dork + 1 costed non-creature spell

combo-ul asta are doar 2 piese
aici ai pefect 1-drop cantrips (Terrarion, Renegade Map)
2-drop cantrip-fixing (Prophetic Prism)
Anticipate a fost printat in DTK, este best spell sa cauti piese
nu ai Thoughtseize, NICI macar Duress, 2 mana discard poate e prea tarziu
ai combo-protection in Dispel

sigura chestie ca a avut ascendancy in plus a fost dig+cruise+fetches.

overall este MULT mai puternic decat ascendancy, MULT mai slab (as-is, adica in standard) ca si twin, dar as puna la un nivel cu deckul de Kiki+Restoration Angel


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ixithra wrote:

Offtopic, but what's the hype about?

Saheeli (+1) plus 3W-ul ala care bounce-uie orice permanent = turn 4 win?

-2, and yes.
+Wandering Fumarole + Crackdown Construct


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

sirIO wrote:

Si tu pe hype train? tongue

oooo... e pentru.... EDH!


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

for trade