Have more GTC to trade. Look up my tradelist.

Hit me up.

There is a couple of things i'm interested in.

LMK what youd like from me.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in aurelia's fury and/or boros charm.

Check it out

Hit me up and i'll check your tradelist.

Hit me up if your interested and ill check your tradelist.


Trade started

trade started


Trade offer sent

Lots of talk, some deal done, but still some pretty good cads left.

1 obzedat gone
1 lazav gone

The rest is still up for grabs!

Will be on and off all day long, talk to me people!!!


Check it out!!!

Did send a trade offer.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Opened a trade window


Check it out

Trade started...


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Wow this sux big time. I would be so pissed... I was when a guy did not send me a 5$ card in a trade.

Major trade going on there.


I have a HUGE collection of SWCCG. Stopped at Tatoine. Got all the big cards at least once. Make me a list and i could check it out for you. Only if your really interested cause this will be a big days of work. I value them alot and dont really looking to trade them but if we agree on a deal. Why not.


Make offers.

1 windswepth height and zendikar fetch land to compensate in value.

1 Falkerath is foil. 1 kozilek is lightly played.

Looking for Zendikar Fetchland.

4 marsh Flat
4 verdant catacombs
4 scalding tarn
4 misty rainforest

Priority: 1 Windswept Heath

Make me proposal and well see.