]Here are a few more good ones.
Resending (All good traders :-))
Thank you!
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Sightburner
]Here are a few more good ones.
Resending (All good traders :-))
Thank you!
If there are any traders not included in the group that you feel should be & would be a benefit to have, please let me know, so I can send them an invite.
As of now, the only invites I've sent out were from my own personal trade experience, which feels a bit too pompous, lol.
I'll be opening up for Fallout tomorrow night, after I open my 2nd CB.
Will hit you up then!
Just wondering why Fallout is listed under 'Other compilations and reprints' in the Editions page, unlike the rest of the Universes Beyond IP's.
Shouldn't this be grouped under 'Non Standard Legal'?
(Asking because I short circuited trying to find it, lol)
Thank you, Sir!
As always, much appreciation for all you do!
Sightburner wrote:Heya, Sebi
I see the deck:collection matching has been reverted to a premium feature.
I'm not complaining about this, nice as it was for a bit, but I was hoping you could turn off the flagging for unmatched cards in decks.
I loved (And miss) the highlighting if a card added to a deck wasn't in my inventory - but havign the screen yell at me to match to a card I own when I literally can't is a bit offputting, lol.Thanks
Fixed now. The "can't match" warning is not shown anymore for basic accounts. The highlighting for missing in inventory (or inventory+wishlist) is back.
Heya, Sebi
I see the deck:collection matching has been reverted to a premium feature.
I'm not complaining about this, nice as it was for a bit, but I was hoping you could turn off the flagging for unmatched cards in decks.
I loved (And miss) the highlighting if a card added to a deck wasn't in my inventory - but havign the screen yell at me to match to a card I own when I literally can't is a bit offputting, lol.
It defaults to 'from inventory' when the deck is marked as built and is unchecked by default in deck ideas (as a deck being "built" signifies those cards are in your inventory already most of the time). I'm not sure what the best solution is... I could try to make it "sticky" so it just defaults to whatever you clicked last.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Having the knowledge makes this seem less of a distraction for me, personally - thank you!
Yep, I can add something for that. In the printing dropdown on card pages (the selector at the top of the page on a card page: https://deckbox.org/mtg/Mountain?fromqs=true) there is a "picture" icon, that when hovered shows the card. I could add this to all the autocompleted selectors I suppose.
That would be hugely appreciated; again, for new decks, the numbers work, but having to go into existing decks to verify every number is exponentially more difficult, IMO.
Thanks again! Appreciate everything you do!
Much appreciated, Sebi.
Followup questions, with the preface that I obv don't know what you have in the pipeline:
Firstly, the 'add to deck' feature defaults to 'from collection'. Is this necessary?
Some idiot, who may have been me, spent too many minutes trying to figure out why the card I was trying to add to a deck yesterday wasn't appearing when I tried to add it. Turns out it was just this one tiny tick box threatening my sanity
Secondly (But less importantly) Is it possible to add the card preview image on the collection add?
I.E. to hover over the cards and see a preview of it. I personally just find it more intuitive than using the numbers, which would require pulling the physical deck to match.
Just my personal opinions as always.
Either way, always appreciate the efforts and structure, Sebi. Stay awesome!
Agreed on the 'cards in deck' theme - it was extremely helpful.
Additionally, I kind of miss having any cards I didn't own highlighted if I had them listed in a deck. It made it much easier for me to parse what I was looking for.
Maybe just a personal opinion, but I found it far more helpful.
I think I have a grand total of 2 of the foils on your wishlist - that said, hit me up any time if you see anything you need.
Is your wishlist 100% accurate - if not, do you have a list of what you need? I might have some unlisted.
For those of you who haven't traded with him before, SengirHellLord is an awesome trader who's helped me finish a few decks and sets in the past (Including my daughter's eponymous Lilianna deck, which was supposed to be a meme, but OMFG). Trade with confidence, he's a great guy.
I strictly collect, and trying to keep up with the release schedule is just not feasible, so I stopped trying to. What I ended up doing was creating an Excel of all the sets I want to complete, then choosing one at random and just have fun going after that single target. Not only is the random nature kind of fun, but it allowed me to inject some much needed joy back into collecting. The best part is releasing myself from any sort of pressure to try and keep up. Everything is cratering these days, nothing’s safe, so I just needed to prioritize other aspects of why I love Magic. I hope everyone can find a pathway that allows them to keep moving forward.
Well said.
I've been on the fence about this same issue, Chad - Keeping up with all the sets, especially with all of the new variants, has just become exhausting (For both my wallet and my mental state). TBH, I miss the old block format and release schedule, and wish to god that they'd go back to it.
Hit me up if I have anything you need. I'll let you know if I start dismantling sets.
TLDR: Manners, honesty, common sense, and communication will save you and everyone you trade with a lot of headaches. Please, use them.
I’m going to preface this post with the fact that I am not a mod, or in any way connected to this site beyond being a longtime (Almost 10 years, and almost 1k trades at the time of this writing) user, and a very active trader. I have no intention of offending anyone, calling anyone out, or stepping on anyone's toes. After noting certain trends among traders for some time, I decided to make this post in the hopes that anyone who reads it might take something from it, and put some of these habits into practice.
I've connected and communicated with a lot of people through DB, and at this point have a strong core circle of users I feel I can wholly trust and reliably trade with. This sort of connection has formed due to a strong sense of respect and goodwill shared throughout regular trades, and repetition of a few core traits that I think are a necessity for a long term tenure here, and an untarnished reputation. So I thought I’d share those facets of manners and common sense in trade that I feel have worked for me, and that I look for when trading with others, BECAUSE they’ve worked for me. As always, these are my opinions only, so feel free to ignore me if that’s your call. Everything I post here is done in a sense of good will, and the betterment of everyone’s experience.
When proposing a trade:
Read the potential trader’s bio, if they’ve completed it. Traders post things here because they want people to see the information, know what they expect from a trade, and spare both traders headaches from needless questions, delays due to restrictions on their own wants or needs, etc. Reading a bio saves a lot of unnecessary back and forth, and can help to streamline the whole experience.
Say something when proposing. This is admittedly a massive pet peeve of mine. To quote another bio I read at some point (Apologies, I cannot remember the exact source), sending a trade without something in the chat is akin to walking up to me and slapping me in the face with your trade binder. Even if it’s something as simple as ‘Any interest’, or ‘What do you think about this?’, anything is better than nothing.
Be flexible with your trade offer. I personally only ever fill out what I want from the other trader, and allow them to choose what they’d like in exchange. I’ve also had people pitch their specific cards to me, then get irritable when I counteroffer. It’s good to remember that not all cards are created equal, and personal want/need/opinion factors in heavily. Don’t try to make the choice for them.
Take a hint/don’t be a pest. I kept trying to think of a better way to put this, but in the end, some people just aren’t going to want to trade with you, for whatever reason. Even if you have cards they list on their wishlist, if they’ve declined the trade (politely or otherwise), ignored you, or otherwise made it even semi-clear that they’re not interested, move on with your life and seek your wants elsewhere. I tend to leave something along the lines of ‘OK, thanks – feel free to hit me up if anything changes’. This leaves the ball in their court if they DO change their minds, and has had returns for me on at least 2 occasions that I can think of.
When receiving a trade offer:
Please have the decency to respond. More than anything else, my #1 complaint about past failed trades is that, despite being on the site (DB does show when you were on last, for those who aren’t aware), traders have left my requests sitting to rot. Even something as simple as ‘No thanks’, or ‘I’ll take a look later on’ is better than mausoleum silence. Even cancelling it outright is better than just leaving it there. I personally give a few days before cancelling – and likely won’t hit that person up again any time soon (Though, as stated in my bio, I’m always open to re-connection if they reach out after the fact).
Be up front if you’re expecting a premium for trading up, etc. Don’t wait until the final ‘draft’ to insert the requirement after the fact. This leaves a sour taste in peoples’ mouths, and that’s not (I assume) what most of us are looking for on the site.
General all-around goodness for all parties:
Update your bio. I personally adjust mine fairly regularly. As mentioned above, this is where you want to post notices for other traders, so they know what to anticipate when trading with you. Value limits (≥ $20), trade restrictions (RL for RL only), or language restrictions (Eng/Fre only) are good examples of what to put here, as well as if you require any form of premium (+10% for trading up), or don’t want specific variants of cards (Mystery Boosters, etc.). Many traders often post their preferences (I prefer foils and special variants, for example), as well as any sealed product they have for trade (Someone PLEASE take my ONE EDH decks ). The more you have here, the less you have to explain mid-trade (And often across multiple trades).
Verify your stock to the best of your ability. We’ve all had the experience – we get excited about a trade only to find out that the card in question is nowhere to be found. It happens, and again, any reasonable trader will understand that mistakes are part of being human. But preventative inventory can be a huge help in avoiding these issues. In a similar vein, don’t list cards on your tradelist that you’re unwilling to trade. I’ve never understood this practice, and again, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
COMMUNICATE. This is my #1 request of ALL traders I deal with. The following line is copied verbatim from my profile: Communication is key. If you have an error on your end, or are delayed in shipment, it's fine - just tell me; we can work through anything with communication.
Be honest about things (i.e. Communicate, part 2). If a card isn’t the description you have listed, let the other trader know before you send it. Ideally, before the trade is finalized, but again, a reasonable person will understand if you communicate before you ship. This allows you to discuss any offset or exchange for the card if condition is important to the receiver, and can allow for cancellation of the trade if necessary before it turns into something that either takes far too long, or you need to call in a moderator for. I’ve experienced this a few times myself, and talking things out has always worked out in the end.
Ship when and how you say you’re going to ship (Communicate, part 3). Life happens – no reasonable person is going to get angry with you because something came up and caused a delay. Again, just communicate. That said, don’t BS other traders. That same reasonable person might not be so understanding if you say you’ll ship on Friday, but by the following week you haven’t moved despite being active, and haven’t bothered to notify them of any delays. In the same vein, posting tracking numbers that are generated online and marking them as shipped works against you if you wait a week to send. Again, be clear, honest, and straightforward when communicating these deals, so no one is inclined to slap your reputation.
Don't ghost, especially mid-trade. This falls in line with the communication, but the closest I've eveer gotten to leaving negative feedback (I don't, ftr; I just block you) was when we finalized a trade and the other side just stopped talking. Very bad form - if you change your mind, it's frustrating, but much better to cancel than to abandon the other person without a statement or explanation.
Leave feedback, especially when it’s positive. This is how we grow on this site as a trader, and how other traders know we can be relied upon. I currently have a reputation score of almost 1k, but if I went back through my trades, I’m sure I’d be over that benchmark if I included all the people who never left me feedback. Help out your fellow traders, especially newer traders who might get glossed over without your help.
Be kind, or at the very least, courteous. We all have things going on beyond this site and these games, but none of that is what we’re here for. We’re here because we enjoy the game and/or the cards, and want to share that enjoyment, even if it’s just through trade, with others. We are a community first and foremost, and it’s important to remember that this is supposed to be fun. So let’s keep it that way.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope that these words help. Be amazing, stay amazing, and happy trading.
I know a few of yall run businesses and ive got a bit of toploaders and a bunch of spare sleeves from trades over the years and im downsizing a bit, so does anyone need them before i just throw them away?
I have a metric tonne of each, so I think I'm set personally, but I appreciate it, Alex.
Hopefully others see the post.
Thank you for sharing here!
I might hit you up shortly, Chad - pulled Breeches and Mirri from the Special Guests foils - but I can't find any pricing online for them yet.
I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone officially into the group.
While I've traded with many people on this site, there are always stronger and more reliable/recurring standbys. After more than a couple recent issues with new traders, I decided to make this group (Invitation only, FTR) to conglomerate those that have stood out in this vein into one collective. I appreciate all of you, the trades that we've enjoyed in the past, and hopefully many more to come in the future, for however long we stay in the game; pun intended.
Please feel free to use this forum for any form of discussion - say hello, introduce yourselves, let us know if you're looking for a particular card,etc. Otherwise, just stay true to the credo - remain honest, reliable, and personable to your collective brothers and sisters.
Stay amazing!
Thank you, Sebi!
Ah...gotcha. Fixed, above :-)
Thanks for reading my recommendation and your feedback Sightburner!
In This Thread I proposed a solution here that takes care of part of the issue you may be experiencing - as long as you mostly get trades from your wants list. This solution would cover you as it would flag the second trade your want was in after you accept the first, as the card would no longer be in your want list.
That said, per your feedback, another symbol (maybe just a = ) says this exact item is in another incoming trade. Then it would be on the trader to know if it's the multiple copies they want, or about to be copy 2 they didn't need...
My pleasure, ZS! I love this site, so I'm all on board with offering what I can to make it better.
The other thread you posted does offer some solutions on the trade screen, but I'm more pointing toward the profile screen.
For example: I sign on, click 'Interesting cards for trade', and I get a list of cards from my wants list that were recently posted. So I click the profile of the user holding said card.
On their profile, it lists all cards on my wants list that the user has in their tradelist, as well as what I have that matches theirs.
THIS is where I'd love to see the 'already in other trades' symbol, so I don't duplicate, double trade, or drive other traders crazy with having to adjust trades in progress because I inadvertently already got a card we were discussing.
Again, a lot of this could be avoided just with some extra care on my part, but this is a feature that would help me personally- I can't imagine I'm alone in this . Just a suggestion.
This is a little different from what ZombieSleeve is proposing, but falls under the same umbrella, so please forgive my not making a new thread.
I'd personally love to see the 'In other trades' tag when I'm looking at someone's profile (not just in the actual trade screen), and the list of 'haves' they have that correlate to my 'wants'. I've opened multiple trades for the same card before, and have on more than one occasion ended up with more copies of said card than I needed because I missed that it was on multiple trades.
Again, it's something that could be avoided with more diligence on my end, but I think it'd be a huge help.
When working on a trade with a partner and going back and forth to get the trade where both parties are happy, often small changes are done - removing a single card or swapping a printing/version. In larger trades, this is almost impossible to detect what was changed.
After User A submits a trade, anything new or changed (Qty. / Set / Condition) is somehow highlighted if User B counters. This state only needs to be visible until any change is applied by User A. The system will have to combine multiple changes if User B makes separate proposed changes since the last time User A logged into the trade.
I don't know if it's feasible to do this with changes alone, but at a minimum, this seems feasible when changes are locked with a proposed trade offer.
Seconded. I see this a lot, and can't count the number of times I've had a deck stalled out because something was removed from a trade and I didn't catch it. Very much a user issue, but this would be a massive help.
Hey there, it may be more easily seen in the main stickied thread for Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards - located here https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=20283
Turns out it WAS called out at the end of that thread - thanks for the comment!
Apologies if this has been asked - I wasn't able to find anything when I searched - but is there a method in place to designate serialized cards when adding to inventory?
Thanks in advance?
Much appreciated! Thanks again!
Just a heads up Sebi, Commander set isn't showing up on the 'Editions' page.
Thanks as always for keeping up with all of this.
Must be hell, with the rapid-fire releases.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by Sightburner