(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

That batterskull sure is popular huh?

First trade done, got my wellwisher and elvish vanguard!


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Fellow traders, this was the original EDH deck I wanted to make, ELVES! People treat elves like goblins, you love them or you hate them. I love them, but I hate goblins =P Anyway I need the elves in my wishlist, as well as some utility lands that might be useful.

If you have suggestions please throw them up, I have no idea what I'm doing yet with this deck all I know is I need elves. Karador is my general (no elf junk generals, but he has an elf ghost in his picture,close enough)

Check back for updates to my tradelist, I am overhauling it. Adding a bunch and going over what might have been traded in my LGS. Also I saw the price of Voice of Resurgence today...is that for real?

Thanks, as always, for your time.

(Figure I would make things easy for everyone, here is my needs list)
Elvish Piper
Wren's Run Packmaster
Concordant Crossroads Chronicles version please


(20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sweet, just got confirmed for my pre-order big_smile


(20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Random question, when does MM actually come out?

People bump all the time, no biggie. Also FREE BUMP!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah sorry shocks are not worth an eldrazi mythic. But thanks for the thought.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking for shocks (ie: shameless bump)


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

These are the shocks I'm looking for

Blood Crypt : 2
Temple Garden : 2
Overgrown Tomb : 2
Steam Vents: 1
Stomping Ground : 2
Breeding Pool : 2
Hallowed Fountain : 2
Sacred Foundry : 2

As always thank you for your time!

Got the sculpting steel, last two!

Got HHs and a Sunpetal


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Score! Thanks a bunch


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm literally just looking for all the stuff with merfolk and elves on it, among other things. If it is a group of common/uncommons for those three sets, Lorywn, Morningtide, and shadowmoor. Can you get that together and quote me something?


(18 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

jassi007 wrote:

Honestly for 15-20 if its mostly Zendikar Block and up I would be intersted. I'm playing again after a long break (lorywn block) so getting a bunch of commons in some of the sets is something I'm trying to do on the cheap. If you really have a boatload of commons and are willing to look for some specific things I could work up a list and maybe offer a little more per card for your effort?

Dude if you have bunches of commons from lorywn to shadowmoor please oh please sell me a box of them =P


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got legion's


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got the filters and shocks and a sphinx's rev you need

*Are you willing to trade from inventory? Your tradelist does not interest me all that much

Got the Academy ruins!

Just a little bit to go =P

*Edit* Oh yeah, got Tezzeret in the same trade!

Sol ring achieved! List is current

I got a jace for you

One Academy Ruins Down. Still looking for listed cards.

I got wurms! Trade going up

Course not!

One of these days I am gonna need something, and then it will be time to pay the piper. But until then!

Sorry Helios, got the ruins. I get to keep the foil prairie today =P

I'm looking to get Academy Ruins, honestly just give me a chance to work a trade, I'm sure we can come so an amenable soultion.

Thanks for your time

Memnarch obtained, updated list.

I'm interested in the cavern, trade up