That's Deckmasters: Garfield vs. Finkel


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

majormogley wrote:
psrex wrote: … uct=551415

In my opinion It's going to be the chase rare of the set.

So far from what has been released I would have to agree, one of my favorite minor gods that they have made. It has made me reconsider my colors for my next standard deck.

Thassa and Athreos are definitely #1 and #2 respectively.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It will see play in pod, unfortunately, and absolutely some play in standard.

Edit: This seems like a terrible card for Living End. You don't want your creatures back in your hand.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You should add that in order to be awarded an insurance claim by USPS you will need the original receipt for the purchase of the insurance. Simply purchasing it isn't enough.

Let this be a lesson to everyone in this community. I recently sold a full 75 card modern Scapeshift deck here on DB for $600. I shipped the deck via USPS first class package in an cushion mailer that I purchased at the post office. The package arrived at it's destination completely torn open (including the pull tab having been pulled) and the deck missing.

I hadn't purchased insurance.

The fact that I used a mailer that they say is good enough doesn't matter. The fact that I can prove the deck was in the mailer, the purchase price of the deck, and that the deck wasn't delivered doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I didn't purchase insurance. There's still a tiny chance that I could get reimbursed for my lost deck, but I'm not holding my breath.

Result: I refunded the buyer and now I'm out the value of my entire deck.

Take away: USPS doesn't take responsibility for the stuff they break unless you buy insurance for it.

Lesson: Buy insurance for expensive stuff. It would have cost me $8.

Side note: Sending a PWE with an extra 21c stamp to make it non-machinable does NOT mean it will be hand sorted. From the mouth of the manager of my local PO "There is not a single operation in the Post Office any more that is dealt with mail by hand." So non-machinable items are still "machined," just in a different, slightly more gentle machine than regular envelopes.

You're not the only one. I feel your pain.


(5 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Title says it all. Looking to sell 4 Bitterblossom from Morningtide. One has a small nick on the top edge, but the rest of the card is NM. The other 3 are definitely NM.


See up there ^

As the title says, the word "false" is showing up on my Trading Opportunities page. See attached. Pretty black rectangle shows off my immense paint skills.

Edit: Attach fail


(49 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kinda hard to hear sarcasm when there's a perfectly legitimate second option wink


(49 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

LovesTha wrote:

Why else would someone put their whole collection on a website?

Inventory management?

Sold. Thanks everyone smile

Updated OP.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like to use folded pieces of paper. A small piece of bubble wrap would probably be just fine as well.

Whoops, HikingStick beat me to it!

I read a good drafting strategy somewhere a while back that has really helped my drafting skills. It's called BREAD.
B = Bombs
R = Removal
E = Efficient spells / Evasion
A = Aggro
D = Dregs / Duds

1) Bombs win you the game by themselves. Heliod looks like a bomb and is a very good card, but he won't win you the game by himself. Stormbreath Dragon wins you the game by himself. Planeswalkers usually can win you the game by themselves. Kraken of the Straits, Prescient Chimera, and Sphinx's Disciple would have fit this role for you.

2) Because draft is generally very creature-centric, removal is almost as important as bombs. Being able to remove their bomb is extremely important.

3) Evasion wins you games. Having a single flier on the board when the other person doesn't often times will win you the game. (see Kraken of the Straits, Prescient Chimera, and Sphinx's Disciple) Efficient spells are the other side of "E." The Ordeal cycle is a perfect example of efficient spells. Take Ordeal of Heliod, if you stick it on a flier it basically reads "1W: put 2 +1/+1 counters on target creature and gain 10 life." That is absolutely full of value.

4) As previously mentioned, draft is usually very creature-centric. Creatures are usually drafted very high and as such you should be doing the same, which it looks like you did. Having a good mana curve is part of this, which it looks like you did as well. Going T1 creature, T2 creature, T3 creature can be game winning against some decks.

5) Dregs are the cards that are either unplayable in draft or unplayable in your deck.

One other thing to keep in mind when drafting is the cards that are good or even integral for decks OTHER than the one you're planning on playing and taking those cards so that other drafters can't use them. Most people call this "hate drafting." I personally hate hate hate hate playing against control so when I get a pack that doesn't have anything I particularly need then I will usually grab a counterspell, removal, or any other card that would be good in someone else's deck or that I just don't want to play against.

Here are a couple guides that say pretty much everything I just said, but in different words if you feel like doing some more reading:
Gathering Magic

Hope this helps! smile


(28 replies, posted in Announcements)

Awesome smile Glad that you guys were able to turn this around pretty quick.

Prices are pretty firm. They're already quite a bit lower than you can get them anywhere else.

Lowered the price of the deck by $100! That's $200 off of TCG prices!

I've had some interest in the entire deck so I'm sure I will be moving it that way.

Asking $600 shipped for the whole thing. That's $200 lower than if you were to buy it on TCG. Pretty firm at this price.

Paypal gift or add 4% to cover fees.

Only looking for foil shocks in trade.

Lowered prices. Make me an offer!

I have a Nykthos and a couple other smaller cards from your list. Interested in your Obzedat.

Prices are per card:

4 Primeval Titan - 1 M12 NM, 3 M11 NM - $14
4 Remand - RAV NM - $10
4 Scapeshift - 2 NM 2 LP - $14 / $13
4 Prismatic Omen - 3 NM, 1 NM- - $7
2 Misty Rainforest - NM maybe NM- - $66
4 Scalding Tarn - 2 NM 2 LP (last one maybe MP?) - $66 / $63 / $60
1 Cavern of Souls - NM - $15

I also have all of the other cheaper cards that go with this decklist if anyone is interested in the entire deck. Asking $700 shipped for the whole thing.

Paypal gift or add 4% to cover fees.

$2 shipping or free if purchasing over $50.

Willing to listen to offers! Also looking for foil shocks in trade.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Suggestion for Sebi and the rest of the Deckbox team: Add the ability for sellers to set a minimum value for purchases. Or set a global minimum purchase amount like TCGplayer does. At the top of my profile I clearly state that I will not do sales for under $10 simply because it is not worth the shipping cost.

For example: I just received an order for $1.30. Deckbox + Paypal fees come to about 43c + 70c shipping (49c + 21c non-machinable) nets me a whopping 17c profit. If this is what I have to look forward to then I have no reason to list any cards worth less than $10. If I do that, and I believe other sellers would as well, then DB will never get pricing information for the lower value cards.

I know this is probably quite low on the priority list, but I do think it is a very big problem that needs to be addressed.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

TCGplayerCom wrote:
Kammikaze wrote:
kebertxela86 wrote:

Otherwise, remove the seller options and go back to TCG Player integrated pricing if they will allow for such things.

They won't. That's part of the problem.

Just to be very clear. TCGplayer (My Company) did not say that we wouldn't work with Deckbox again. I even wished Sebi good luck in his endeavor. I was never asked the question: "if the Marketplace was removed, would you allow us direct access to the API?"

I am always open to discussion as Decbox was a tremendous partner with TCGplayer with many year. The launch of the Marketplace was a surprise to me just as it was to many of you.

Chedy Hampson

That is very good to know. Thank you for taking the time to respond. It appears we were misled by one (or more) of the other people that posted in this thread.