still need


no one wants this sexy bonfire eh?

title says it.
i need 4 of each of those fetchlands arid mesa and scalding tarn.
Up for trade for these is a bonfire, a tamiyo, an entreat the angels, and a bruna.


For delver these are what i still need.
3 scalding tarn
1 misty rainforest
3 serum visions
1 burst lightning
2 deprive
1 electrolyze
2 blood moons
2 relic of progenitus
2 threads of disloyalty
1 combust
2 huntmasters

Im also putting together a non format specific goblin deck to play for fun with friends.  I have a list of some that i was looking at in my wishlist but im open to anything good for a casual goblin deck. thanks!

updated what i needed and what i still have for trade.



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

that's racist big_smile

yurf wrote:

I have a non-promo Foil Serum Visions if you are interested in it.


No bites so far. maybe it will help if i list exactly what i need.

  • 3 scalding tarn

  • 1 misty rainforest

  • 3 serum visions

  • 1 burst lightning

  • 2 deprive

  • 1 electrolyze

  • 2 blood moons

  • 2 relic of progenitus

  • 2 threads of disloyalty

  • 1 combust

  • 2 huntmasters

I think everything i still need is on my wishlist. I have some decent stuff to trade still. Needing scalding tarns and some of the instants and sorceries.  Stuff like serum visions, blast lightning, etc.

still looking for scalding tarns and some other things.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have 3 chords, i need both misty and scalding tarn


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

AntDog wrote:

How about 3 Spell Snares for the Thoughtseize and 1 Gallows at Willow Hill?

I have a new trade thread up. i changed my mind today on what i want beings that i have acquired a playset of tarmogoyfs and am going to make a deck around them.

Looking for Breeding pools and misty rainforests, Scalding Tarn, Steam Vents, Stomping Ground.  Anything in my inventory is for trade.  I have 2 overgrown tombs, 1 godless shrine, 1 temple garden, and 2 marsh flats, 4 verdant catacombs.  Anything in tradelist is up for grabs though.

*got my hands on some* disregard this thread big_smile


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

roblun wrote:

my foil jace, memory adept for your foil phyrexian obliterator?

After checking multiple places it looks like the oblit is at least $5 more then a jace.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i love my fire and ice so hard


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

see my latest trade post. i know longer want a lot of the cards i originally posted******

I am returning and have returned cards or compensating anyone whos cards i received or those who sent a trade and had delivery confirmation and the cards were intercepted in the mail.  The cards I received were a trade for a seachrome and a glacial falls, and a trade for a foil cavern of souls and a wolfir silverheart.  I returned both those trades, along with compensating another 2 trades that i did not receive the cards but the trader had confirmation of delivery.

i mailed cards for 3 people today just to let you all know

These are going out in the mail in the morning.  I just need the address for the person that needs the images but other then that these are good to go. I think I have attempted to make people happy.

shkuba wrote:
dirkmer wrote:
shkuba wrote:

Which two cards can you send me?

Either the cards that you sent me, or deckbox value via paypal, plus a little whether it be a few dollars or a card i have in my binder.

How much will you paypal me? The value I gave you or the value you owe me?

i believe my post stated that i will send you the same cards that you mailed off, being that i already had those particular ones in my collection, or the value of the cards you mailed plus a little for mailing fees.   I dont have to be doing this, but it was my accounts that caused this problem and I'm trying to make everyone happy.  Now that I think about it i should be requesting the delivery confirmation number for all of these.  For all i know, without that, they were never mailed.

Nolberg wrote:
dirkmer wrote:
Nolberg wrote:

I was just going to ask if I was going to get anything for my shipping cost.  I'd be more than happy to accept a Grim Lavamancer if you have one to cover the shipping and delivery confirmation cost.

no lavamancer. for red rares i have burn at the stake, slagstorm, rite of ruin, and reforge the soul

I'll take a Slagstorm unless you happen to have 2 Noxious Revival, I'd take those instead.

ok so setup a trade. i will send you the two cards that you mailed, plus a slagstorm.  having to take them out of my standard delver deck sad