started trade
77 2014-07-07 16:03:54
Re: w:fetchs h:modern/legacy (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I actually have decided to wait till the fall set before I trade for mistys or trade my dark confidant or savanna for verdants
78 2014-07-03 23:32:52
Topic: w:fetchs h:modern/legacy (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
looking to pick up 4 verdents. I have a dark confidant, 2 snapcasters, couple mutavaults and a an elspeth plus other stuff. I'm wanting the bulk of the value turned into fetches, if I gotta take a little bit a filler to even out a deal fine but I won't take $30 of filler
79 2014-06-26 21:36:17
Re: S: Cryptic Command, Vendilion Clique, Remand, more (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I sent a message about the flats
80 2014-06-22 16:47:36
Re: Tradelist is for sale and also looking to trade for Modern staples (17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
if that's shipped that would work
81 2014-06-22 07:59:34
Re: Tradelist is for sale and also looking to trade for Modern staples (17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
if I bought 3 remands could you do all 3 for $15?
82 2014-06-20 02:09:16
Re: Zendikar Land Swap (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
would you give value for an incentive to do the swap
83 2014-06-11 06:14:48
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
84 2014-06-10 18:37:38
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
85 2014-06-10 04:16:59
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
86 2014-06-09 05:39:06
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
87 2014-06-08 22:08:40
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
88 2014-06-08 14:56:54
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
89 2014-06-07 15:11:59
Topic: Anyone have cards for a modern elf combo deck? (0 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)
was looking for the following, if you want to meet up and trade, possibly even play some games wile we are at it let me know.
4: Heritage Druid
2: Regal Force
3: Summoner's Pact
2: Cloudstone Curio
3: Hum of the Radix
90 2014-06-07 15:10:11
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
91 2014-06-05 23:00:49
Re: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
92 2014-06-04 19:05:37
Topic: W: Modern Combo Elves H: tradelist (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking for the following: (fetch lands are super low priority)
Trading at TCG Mid
1: Summoner's Pact
2: Cloudstone Curio
3: Hum of the Radix
2: Hurkyl's Recall (white border preferred due to price)
4: verdant catacomb
4: misty rainforest
93 2014-05-14 06:32:23
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
94 2014-05-13 04:22:15
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
95 2014-05-12 15:24:23
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
96 2014-05-11 21:49:07
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
bump, have obtained a batterskull, still loking for the others
97 2014-05-10 16:06:13
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
bump, trade fell through so still need them all
98 2014-05-10 05:25:09
Re: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
responded, not finalized so I am still in need of them all
99 2014-05-10 04:14:03
Topic: H: chrome mox, jitte, pulse, w: GP versions (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have the following and would like to swap them for the gp versons (giving value on your side to even it out when applicable)
Jitte (mine is not NM if you have a GP one and want to trade for it I can send pics, it's probably LP to played)
Chrome Mox
Maelstorm Pulse (modern masters)
100 2014-05-05 23:04:31
Re: N: Artifacts/cube stuff H: Shocklands, scrylands, snapcastermage (11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
final bump before I give up on this thread