Need Misty Rainforest x1
Sacred foundry x1
4 Arid Mesa
2 Marsh flats


4 Arid mesa, 2 Marsh Flats, 1 Rainforest, 1 sacred foundry

Im really just looking to Trade the collection as a whole, Either sell it. I could see myself tradeing it off for P9 or Beta/Unlimited Duel Lands.

So i have a complete set of Foil Plainswalkers, All original no promos. Although im looking to sell it, or at the very least trade up to something that would be worth the whole set. Just looking to see if anyone has any interest in it, if not might try ebay.

i JUST updated my trade list, i forgot to add all the cards from my invatoryto my wishlist. Its all there now

Have Foil temple Garden

Im looking to either complete my foil plainswalker collection
Foil Plainswalkers Still needed
Ajani Vengeant Shards Of Alara
Chandra Nalaar Prefered Lorwynn but will Core Sets
Elspeth, Knight-Errent Shards
Garruk Relentless Innistrad
Jace Beleren Lorwynn but will take Core Sets
Koth the Hammer SOM
Nissa Ravane Zendikar
Sarkhan Vol Shards
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad DKA
Tezzeret the Seeker Shards
Vraska The Unseen RTR
Also could use a Foil Hallowed Fountain

Have Foil temple Garden

Im looking to either complete my foil plainswalker collection
Foil Plainswalkers Still needed
Ajani Vengeant Shards Of Alara
Chandra Nalaar Prefered Lorwynn but will Core Sets
Elspeth, Knight-Errent Shards
Garruk Relentless Innistrad
Jace Beleren Lorwynn but will take Core Sets
Koth the Hammer SOM
Nissa Ravane Zendikar
Sarkhan Vol Shards
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad DKA
Tezzeret the Seeker Shards
Vraska The Unseen RTR

Also could use a Foil Hallowed Fountain

Im looking to either complete my foil plainswalker collection or get started back up on MTGO i have 2 Sealed From the Vault Realms.

Foil Plainswalkers Still needed
Ajani Vengeant Shards Of Alara
Chandra Nalaar Prefered Lorwynn but will Core Sets
Elspeth, Knight-Errent Shards
Garruk Relentless Innistrad
Jace Beleren Lorwynn but will take Core Sets
Koth the Hammer SOM
Nissa Ravane Zendikar
Sarkhan Vol Shards
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad DKA
Tezzeret the Seeker Shards
Vraska The Unseen RTR

Not looking for any Promo's Except for maybe the Agents of Artifice Jace Beleren
Looking for Near Mint Plainswalkers

Id Value the From the Vault at around $100

Just got rid of the Vraska and Decays, thanks for the interest.

Looking to get more Innistrad Duel lands and Tamiyo's. For lots of new deck ideas.

Always looking for Foil Plainswalkers that are still on my list.

I cant value the stuff thats rotateing at full price right before rotation.

Blackcleave Cliffs
Copperline Gorge
Darkslick Shores
Eispeth Tirel
Koth of the Hammer
Seachrome Coast

Feast and Famine
Blightsteel Colossus
BLack suns

Elesh Norn
Phyrexian Obliterator
War and PEace

Prime Titan
Grave Titan
Sun Titan
Sorin Markov

Looking for as much of all of this i can get, i dont have much for trades atm, but i might even pay cash if i could get a good deal.

Deff intrested in the Un and the Worldwake.

Looking to trade for Foil Plainswalkers

Looking for Foil Ajani Vengeant first and foremost

But really looking for anything i dont have

Foil Plainswalkers i don't have yet

Ajani Vengeant
Chandra Ablaze
Chandra Nalaar
Origonal Elspeth, Knight Errant
Gideon Jura
Gurruke Relentless
Jace Beleren
Jace, The Mind Sculptor
Karn Liberated
Origonal Koth
Liliana of the Dark Realms
Origonal Zendikar Nissa Revane
Sarkhan Vol
Sorin Markov
Sorin Lord Of innistrad
Origonal Tezzeret the Seeker

Pretty much only looking for the Origonal Version preferably the first print, but for example ii wouldent mind a Foil Chandra Nalaar from M10 opposed to Lorwyn, although Lorwyn one would be preferred.

If you have a good amount of these at once or A Foil Mind Sculptor I might be willing to Part with a Sealed From the Vault Realms or two.
And if there is something you really need thats not on my trade list i doesent hurt to ask.
Also i have a good Amount of Zendikar lands up for trade.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have like 6 promo pallys


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just need one more snapcaster along with my trades I have a good amount of zendikar land for trade.


I have 4/5 swords foil just need one more. Looking to trade but I mostly just have standard stuff. Just looking for the original sword of light and shadow from the darksteel set not the judge promo.