
pumpkinsword wrote:

I have a japanese promo silverblade paladins and regular restoration angels for trade.  I'm interested in your Liliana of the Veil and your GTC shocks.

I only have what's in here available, that's why I made this thread and put my haves for my wants.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

have Dimir Charm made a trade


sent trade

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

I have a champion and 4 emissaries I would want to trade towards an obzedat. In addition, I saw a remand in your inventory I would love to trade for if you see older stuff of mine!

Start up a trade we can try to work something out.

2x Hellrider
2x Ash Zealot
2 Angel of Glory's Rise
3x Detention Sphere
1x Dimir Charm(Foil)
1x Terminus
1x Chandra, The Fire Brand
1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad

Want: Highest to lowest Priority
1x  Restoration Angel
2x SilverBlade
4x Champion of The Parish
4x Frontline Medic
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
2x Sacred Foundry


Bump for today and Quick Edit

Aquilix wrote:

So you're specifically only trading matched wantlists for eachother?  Sorin can't be traded for Humans?

Yeah I'm mostly looking to get ceartin thins for the walkers sorry


1 Liliana of the Veil
1 Domri Rade
2 Sorin
1 Tamiyo, The Moon Sage
1 Jace, Memory Adept(Maybe 2)
1 Jace Architect of Thought(Maybe 2)
1 Chandra, The Firebrand

Also have
1 Terminus
2 Obzedat

Looking to get 4 Reckoners as well.
I'd like to get all 4 from one trade

Edited need less stuff now

Arioch wrote:

Don't need the Nobles for that deal, but I have the Champions and am interested in your Lili. Let me know if you see anything in my list to trade her for.

She's in a trade for GOST so She's unavailable sorry

Looking to trade these straight across with extra from my side if needed

Vincentarasin wrote:

Propose one for the humans.

I can do the stuff from my RDW section for any humans

Edited main post to organize the trades I want to make.

GoldSoundz wrote:

Any interest in a played geist? Has edge wear down the right side. Could offer that and a clifftop retreat for the liliana.

I don't need any duals at the moment in a big trade for the ones I need other than two steam vents but I can do something else for it?

edit bump

drnaturalist wrote:

I have a promo silverblade paladin and 1 champion of the parish, I'd be interested in a godless shrine. Not sure what else to even it out.

the shocks and other duals are in another trade I'm looking to Turn RDW into Boros Humans

Only looking to Trade Liliana of the Veil Towards Geist of Saint Traft I will do a big trade of All the Planeswalkers+Obzedat for 4x Geist if anyone is willing to do that. Also updated Wishlist working on tradelist.

1x Liliana of The Veil
1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad + Emblem x2
1x Jace, Architect of Thought (have a second on the way)
1x Jace, Memory Adept
1x Tamiyo, The Moon Sage+Emblem
1x Obzedat, Ghost Council
1x Terminus
1x Chandra, The Firebrand
and More

Wants: for UWR
4x Geist of Saint Traft(High Priority)
2x Steam Vents
1x Snapcaster
1x Restoration Angel

Wants: For Boros Humans
4x Champion of The Parish(High Priority)
4x Burning Tree Emissary(High Priority)
2x Sacred Foundry
3x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump and Edited post all 3 Chapel's now

as the title says trying to get 4 Geist have some stuff including Lilly and other walkers


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Edited Main post


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Want to turn my Esper Control/Walkers deck into UWR standard

Here's the deck http://deckbox.org/sets/313160

and everything I want for UWR is in my wishlist

Want: In order of Priority
4x Geist of Saint Traft
4x Boros Reckoner
4x Steam Vents
4x Sulfur Falls
3x Clifftop Retreat
1x Sacred Foundry
1x Snapcaster
3x Restoration Angel
2x Boros Charm

1x Liliana of The Veil
2x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad+Emblem x2
1x Jace, Architect of Thought (have a second on the way)
1x Tamiyo, The Moon Sage+Emblem
Watery Grave x4
Drowned Catacomb x4
Godless Shrine x2
Isolated Chapel x3

and more Domri, Firemane Promo, Hinterland Harbor.

is what I'm mostly looking for I have planes walkers and other shocklands/taplands to trade
