Looking to trade my Batterskull + value for an Umezawa's Jitte. Also looking for the following cards from Fate Reforged:

Whisperwood Elemental
Mardu Woe-Reaper
2x Temur Sabertooth
Sage's Reverie

Start up a trade discussion with me! smile


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for Cataclysm and Armageddon, printing from FTV: Annihilation. Shoot me a trade request!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Edited wishlist to reflect ongoing trades. Let's see those trade discussions!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

EDIT: Have obtained everything I need.

Looking for one of each of the following:

- Nahiri, the Lithomancer + the equipment token made by her ult
- Myriad Landscape
- Reef Worm + each of the tokens it makes
- Stormsurge Kraken
- Breaching Leviathan
- Jazal Goldmane
- Flamekin Village
- Wurmcoil Engine + both tokens

Shoot me a trade request! smile

Just what the doctor ordered. Please note I will NOT be accepting any trade offers for the reef that do not in some way include battlefield forge. No exceptions. I am not interested in trading painlands for anything other than painlands.

Looking for a playset of Crackling Doom.

Have assorted misc standard crud - Savage Knuckleblade, Rattleclaw Mystic, Bloodsoaked Champion, Jeskai Ascendancy, and more. Shoot me a trade request!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Shoot me a trade request! Let's see what we can work out.

Edit: got what I needed

Looking primarily for KTK Heaths + anything else on my wishlist; have a small handful of stuff on tradelist. Have a look and shoot me a trade request!

Just looking for these KTK uncommons.

2 Mystic Monastery
1 Opulent Palace
2 Monastery Swiftspear

Shoot me a trade request!


I am only trading this for a ktk Windswept Heath. Shoot me a trade request!

Have a Bloodsoaked Champion, very interested in your Windswept Heath!

I know, I know; everyone's looking for fetchlands right now. Shoot me a trade request if for some reason I'm lucky enough to have things you're interested in.

bump update

updated wishlist


gimme dem coasts

updated topic w/ current wishlist


edited w/ new wants and haves

You play a lot of EDH but you're trading away Perilous Vault? For shame sad

edited w/ current wants

Just lookin for a few things for commander. Here's the full list:

- Collective Restraint
- Genesis
- Hallowed Burial
- Heartwood Storyteller
- Necropotence (FTV only)
- Phyrexian Reclamation (C13 only)
- Regrowth (duel deck)
- Stony Silence
- Twilight Mire
- Xenagos, God of Revels
- Yawgmoth's Will

Hit me up with a trade discussion, let's see what we can work out!


updated tradelist w/ gameday winnings