I have three Sphinx's Revs but no deck to put them in anymore. I'm trying to move into modern and am working on a tron deck but I will look at any offers sent to me. Let me know!

I want to build a tron deck. That means I need a lot of high end cards. As much as I love my Taiga, I want to play tron more. Lets make a trade!

Bump pump

Looking for pretty much the entire deck. Took first at a GPT with it when I used my stores deck and decided it was really really fun. Take a look at the deck on my page. Yes I need the ENTIRE deck.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Baby bump


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I have a Griselbrand that I have no need of and really want to get a crucible of worlds. Anybody? Also looking for mono blue commander pieces so let me know!

inception noise

I'm building a Talrand deck and need some stuff.
Rhystic Study

Let's make a deal!

bippity boppity bump

bumpy bumpy



Looking to get one of each sword. I'm doing this for a friend so please dont ask me to trade anything other than the Stoneforge and Snapcaster. This is a list from highest to lowest priority.
High Priority:
Sword of Fire and Ice
Sword of Body and mind

Lower priority
Sword of Light and Shadow
Sword of War and Peace
Sword of Feast and Famine


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have three temples the dreadbore and the two rakdos return. any chance your willing to trade avacyn? my friend really wants one.


I want to be the first one in my little group to have dual lands. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm building a control deck and need 2 Sphinx's Rev and 3 Kiora. Let me know if we can work something out!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need  to get the land base for my bant deck:
1x hallowed fountains
2x breeding pool
2x temple garden
1x temple of enlightenment
1x temple of mystery
3x temple of plenty

Let me know if you have any of these and i will take foil too. I dont have all of them on my wishlist cause i'm lazy so just set up a trade.

Looking to trade my fetches into duals for my animar edh. so trop volcanic and taiga. Let me know if we can make a trade!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Want to make a trade for a misty. I eventually want one of each fetch but I'm tired of offering trade after trade. Anybody have a fetch that they want to trade for something else?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

And Stoneforges


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need as many Gris as you can get me!

I have an interest in sylvan library and some other stuff. I have a Brimaz. Do you want to make a trade?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
