I'd be interested, but your price isn't competitive enough compared to eBay.

I'm just curious, any willingness to purchase cards?  I have a playset of NM S&T for sale.

Bump. smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Judge Bribery I would trade towards a Foil 8th.

702341227 wrote:

I may be interested it is just a matter of finishing up all my trades before getting into this one. Would it be alright if I get back to you around next week? Also are there any particular cards you are looking for? If so I can keep an eye out when trading at an event this weekend.

Sure, absolutely.  Take your time.  I can't promise I will still have them by next week, but if I do, I'd be glad to trade.  Priority goes to things on my wishlist, but there are plenty of things off wishlist I could go for as well.

Here is the official marketplace listing for the Lockless Luckboxes.

http://steamcommunity.com/market/listin … %20Luckbox

If you wanted any games or anything, we can work out prices for those separately.  Probably 10-15% off?

I'm trying to trade away my items.  Sorry.

I received my Microplush Blindboxes today from Valve and got the stuff I wanted pretty quickly out of the Lockless Luckboxes. 

I still have 14 more Lockless Luckbox codes I want to either trade for Magic cards or sell.  I also have an Unusual Garrad Drywiz Courier I would be willing to trade.  I would be giving you the code via the trade and you can redeem the box yourself.  I have pictures too of the cards if proof is needed, but I feel like my rep on here will suffice to prove I have things.

I know this is something different, but I feel the gamer communities probably overlap pretty solidly so I figure this may be worth a shot. smile

Let me know if you are interested. 

I also have tons of extra steam wallet $ from selling off the extra items, so if you want a game, I can gift you the game for MTG cards too (or cash at a discount!).


Hey everyone!

I'm trying to recoup some money from recent GP travels as well as get some money for the holiday season.  I have a slate of Judge Foils I am trying to sell as well as some other cards. 

Cards will be priced around or below TCGlow (specifically for NM) at the time of this posting.  I will be willing to haggle a little bit on prices, but probably not too much.  Please keep in mind that the TCGlow price does not include shipping, but mine factor that in.

Cards will be shipped in a toploader/bubble mailer with tracking for free (if above $25, if below, I will ship regular PWE unless you wish to pay for tracking.)

3x Temple of Deceit - $3.50 each
6x Temple of Silence - $4.25 each
5x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - $8 each
1x Thassa, God of the Sea - $11 (Japanese)
2x Thoughtseize - $14 each
4x Hero's Downfall - $9 each
4x Mistcutter Hydra - $3 each
1x Boon Saytr - $2
2x Nylea, God of the Hunt - $6 each
2x Stormbreath Dragon - $15 each

Judge Foils:
3x Bribery - $25 each
2x Crucible of Worlds - $35 each
2x Overwhelming Forces - $24 each
2x Genesis - $26 each
1x Vindicate - $70 (2013 Art) each

Random Higher End Cards:
2x Crucible of Worlds (Fifth Dawn) - $21 each
4x Show and Tell - $55 each
1x Bribery (MM) - $13
4x Tarmogoyf - $115 each
1x Dark Confidant (MMA) - $60
1x Shardless Agent - $13
1x Pernicious Deed (Signed) - $15
1x FOIL Linvala, Keeper of Silence - $95

Some Standard Stuff:
1x FOIL Desecration Demon - $11

GP Albuquerque 2013 - $15
GP Denver 2013 - $15
UltraPro Planeswalker Playmat - $20
Theros Game Day Playmat - $35

I will list more tonight.  If there is anything that I haven't listed here but you are interested in from my tradelist, let me know.  I may be willing to sell it.

I have two I'd be willing to sell - open a trade and tell me your offer.


atomicashes wrote:

Discussion started

Another card sold!


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a bunch.  I don't see much on your tradelist that I would be interested in though.  If you had any interest in buying, let me know.

bighappyblocker wrote:

haha i searched on images "denver 2013 gp playmat"
And theres like 5 different ones and I was like I have no idea which one it is...I was really hoping for that all is dust though

Sorry.  I have a regular All is Dust I can sell.

billbollow wrote:

Still looking!

Any interest in buying? smile I know you have bought from me before is why I'm asking.

Okay, no problem.  I just didn't see anything I would trade for, so I figured I'd offer.

Good luck.

I'm just curious, are you willing to purchase cards at all?  I would be willing to sell some of this.

bighappyblocker wrote:

Do you have a picture of the Denver 2013 GP (I think it's from january?) also do you have the promo all is dust from GP Albuquerque? (Figuring about 10 via tcgplayer low) I'd be willing to work something out for both of these pending the 2013 gp denver image (I haven't seen this before.


I googled that.  I can take a picture too, but I figure this will work?

I'm using the All is Dust, sorry.

What are you paying?  I also should have foil and maybe foreign too.

taytorade wrote:

What edition are your goyfs?


MegaBunnySuicide wrote:
Actinide wrote:
MegaBunnySuicide wrote:

Would you want to sell the foil spellskite on your tradelist? If so let me know how much.

Hey, sorry, totally missed your message.  I will check if I still have that Spellskite.  If so, I'd be glad to sell it.

Sounds good, just let me know.

Sadly, I don't think I have that one available anymore.  Sorry. sad  I will remove from my tradelist.

Good luck!

MegaBunnySuicide wrote:

Would you want to sell the foil spellskite on your tradelist? If so let me know how much.

Hey, sorry, totally missed your message.  I will check if I still have that Spellskite.  If so, I'd be glad to sell it.


Bump for the day - added a foil Linvala to the list.