Hey all, I'm looking for lands to help complete a deck. I'm in need of:
4 x Copperline Gorge
3 x Blackcleave Cliffs
1 x Overgrown Tomb
4 x Verdant Catacombs
Just open a trade up!
Thanks if you read this!
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Xysos
Hey all, I'm looking for lands to help complete a deck. I'm in need of:
4 x Copperline Gorge
3 x Blackcleave Cliffs
1 x Overgrown Tomb
4 x Verdant Catacombs
Just open a trade up!
Thanks if you read this!
Ahh sorry. I should change that. I actually traded for the three Living ends earlier tonight. Swapped Foil M14 Chandra for about 56$ of cards. Thanks for pointing that out. But mainly atm I'm needing Catacombs, Mages, and some various cycles and stuff. If you have any Violent Outbursts, Demonic Dreads, Avalanche Riders, Street Wraiths, or Valley Rannet I'd be interested.
Hey all. As the title suggests I'm working on a living end deck. At the moment I need 4 Verdant Catacombs and 4 Fulminator Mages. Hit me up with a trade if you'd like to help a sir out!
Got her traded! Sorry for anybody who was interested that didn't get a chance.
EDIT: Traded away Chandra!
Have a Straight out of the pack foil Chandra, Pyromancer as well as a Mint/Near Mint Alliances Force of Will.
Looking for cool cards as well as cards for a "Living End" deck! Hit me up with trades!
Have a Straight out of the pack foil Chandra, Pyromancer as well as a Mint/Near Mint Alliances Force of Will.
Looking for cool cards as well as cards for a "Living End" deck! Hit me up with trades!
Title says it all! Just got a m14 pack and got chandra pyromancer in foily goodness! hit me up with trades!
I am too! My friend and I opened a M14 box each and got a total of 10....
Hey all, I'm currently looking for the following :
2 Of each bringer of the dawn (red, white, black, blue, green)
4 Door To nothingness
4 Paradox Haze.
If you look at my decklist for my "Old School Big Beastie", I'm searching for most cards on there, especially the artifact lands.
Thanks for looking!
What do you value the Venser sleeves, Matte Sleeves, and Headless Horseman sleeves at?
Still looking for 1 DoJ, 2 Seachrome Coast's, 2 Glacial Fortress's, 1 Grand Arbiter (MM edition pref.), a Mimic Vat, and 2 Batterskulls
Hey all
I'm looking for some cards to finish two decks.
The priority of these decks is in the order they are listed. I would prioritize trades that get me cards for the first deck over the latter.
Thanks for reading
For one of the decks I'm looking for :
Day of Judgment x 3
Seachrome Coast x 2
Glacial Fortress x 3
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV x 1
Mimic Vat x 1
Batterskull x 2
For the second deck I'm looking for:
Bringer of the Red Dawn x 2
Bringer of the White Dawn x 2
Bringer of the Blue Dawn x 2
Bringer of the Black Dawn x 2
Bringer of the Green Dawn x 2
Paradox Haze x 4
Door To Nothingness x 4
I have a few shocklands. Godless Shrine, Watery Grave, Breeding Pool, and Stomping ground to be specific. All mit except Godless shrine which has seen an incredibly miniscule amount of play.
Also, why do you have so many cool foil/foil promo cards that I want ;__;
I'll be checking back on this post periodically to see if you've replied.
I'm interested in the following:
Ajani Goldmane
Akroma's Memorial
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
Cathedral of War, (foil, foil promo, and non foil)
Day of Judgement (foil promo)
Ink Eyes, Servant of Oni (foil promo)
Liege of the Tangle (foil)
Pathrazer of Ulamog (foil promo)
Sun Titan
Supreme Verdict (foil promo)
Sword of Kaldra
Szadek, Lord of Secrets
Tatsumasa, The Dragon's Fang
The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast® Customer Service
Also want Tamiyo, The Moon Sage and a few other cards.
Have quite a few items including shock lands. My tradelist only includes my rares that are not currently in my deck(s). If you are looking for a common or uncommon card just ask.
EDIT: Added tradelist link
Not sure how to send a trade offer ._.
I'm new to this site.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by Xysos