(13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Kammikaze wrote:

Lili just doesn't seem to fit with the strategy of the deck at all. The only reason I can see playing her is for the creature removal after resolving a Living End if they happened to have some creatures in their gy beforehand. Her +1 will allow your opponent to dump creatures as well as you so that's not helpful, but you don't even need that added discard anyway since you're playing creatures that can get themselves into the gy.

I see 4 versions of Living End in your list of decks. Is this the one you are currently running?

Thats a fair argument, I was thinking she would be a decent utility if I were wanting to throw something in the gy to cheat out, but that just makes more possible dead-spots in my deck
Yes, Resto-Living End is my current one, but I have recently taken Restoration Angel out since I don't really like how it fits. Its nice for the double triggers, but other than that it sits in my hand usually. I have 4 versions because I looked into it heavily when I was building it to try and take parts that I liked from others to see if I could improve the one I use.


(13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

Off the top of my head
Spike Feeder
Fulminator Mage
Avalanche Riders

All fit in that slot and do good in the deck.

Fulminator and Avalanche Riders have invaluable spots, and I feel as though Spike Feeder and Shriekmaw seem like more of sideboardish cards, more so Shriekmaw


(13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

It could certainly work I just think its not an optimal choice.

What options would you say trump Liliana?


(13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

She could work, but there are alot of cards that can help support living end better in general. Shes not the best way to slow the game down or keep you alive against aggro which is what Living end currently uses its flex slots for.

Two things that work against her

1) Living end is often touted as a Budget deck (Though with Fulminator being so $$$ These days I guess this isnt true any more)
2) You dont want an opponent's creature in their graveyard when you living end. And all your creatures have cycle/sac effects already so her abilities aren't directly beneficial.

Mine is somewhat budget already, but I don't mind throwing things in there that'll bump it up. Fulminator is very $$$ and its why I have only been able to get one so far.
And, no I don't want them to have creatures in the graveyard, but I can deal with them using Macabre and Leyline of the Void to keep their graveyard bare.


(13 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Someone at my LGS brought up the idea of running Liliana of the Veil in Living End, but I don't know if the upsides would be worth it compared to her limitations I can see her having.

Also, I am having trouble putting together a sideboard for my deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/657151


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Entreat the Angels seems like a pretty sweet card, but I don't see where they fit? I've scrounged around on the internet a bit and there doesn't seem to be much of a strategy or deck that does along with it.





(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

drock007 wrote:

Have you looked at any of the Selesnya Aggro and Midrange decks that already utilize Voice of Resurgence

Why did you tire of your Selesnya deck?

What about going GWB (Junk) and use the new GB god to create snake tokens at instant speed to pump the tokens left behind by voice? 

Just some ideas.

I currently have a Selesnya Aggro with my Voices, but it just doesn't bring me as much pleasure as I would like it to since my group doesn't really like my deck. But I may just need to play it in a Tournament again to get the feel back since I haven't for a while.

I more so was thinking Athreos for Junk if I were to do it, bringing him back to my hand possibly, but 9/10 making my opponent eat the 3 damage per Voice. Pharika could make a nice touch, and I never really thought of her meshing with the Voice tokens, though I would have to depend on my grave for creatures and two open mana. But thats how most decks work when trying to combine abilities of cards.

Another Idea I thought of is going Naya, maybe having some Assemble the Legions?


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have grown somewhat tired of my Selesnya, and I kind of want to make a new deck with Voice of Resurgence to get some use from him out of him. I would prefer for it to be Standard, but I am up for Modern Ideas as well.

Take a look and see if there is anything of mine you would like if you have anything below, and maybe some of the things on my wishlist not included on here. Also, I am mostly looking to get shock lands in exchange for my own shocks.
Notable Haves:
Jace, Architect of Thought x1(Duel Deck)
Huntmaster of the Fells x4
Ajani, Caller of the Pride x1 *Foil*
Cyclonic Rift x2 Foil x1 non-Foil
Thundermaw Hellkite x2
Animar, Soul of Elements x1
Vexing Devil x3
Overgrown Tomb x2
Sacred Foundry x1
Ingot Chewer x3
Sylvan Caryatid x2
Temple of Malady x4
Verdant Catacombs x4
Fulminator Mage x3
Damping Matrix x2
Guttural Response x4
Leyline of the Void x3

Lower Priority Wants:
Cavern of Souls x2
Phantasmal Image x3
Cursecatcher x2
Aether Vial x1
Silvergill Adept x4
Snapcaster Mage x3



(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Attacking and tapping it for mana are two separate things. If you attack with him you are unable to use the mana ability, and vis versa



(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DispatchDave wrote:

Regarding protection:


Regarding Source (where the effect is coming from):


So, when an enchantment gives a creature +2/+2, the enchantment is not dealing damage, the creature is.


ETA: Regarding enchantments, " These enchantments must be attached to an object specified by the Enchant ability, and exert an effect on that object. " (emphasis mine)
This shows that the enchantment spell has an effect on your creature card (for example), not an effect on your opponent's protected card.

That makes much more sense to me, and thank you for the sources and clarification, this will help tremendously!
Also thank you yearofglad for help with the clarification!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yearofglad wrote:

No. They're not blocking the enchantment, they're blocking the creature, which is green.

Are you able to quote any of the rules that may dictate it? People that I play with would be more apt to believe me if there is some form of proof. If not, I can try my best to find a source.



(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've been playing against cards like Stormbreath Dragon and Soldier of the Pantheon, and wondered if a creature enchanted by an Aura counts towards a creatures colors or attributes to be protected against? For example, say I have a Boon Satyr enchanted by an Unflinching Courage, can someone with either a Stormbreath Dragon, or a Soldier of the Pantheon block it unpenalized?

Edit: I would like some form of quotation from the rules if at all possible as well



(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've seen a lot of versions of fog, and I haven't really seen Junk so I thought I would try my hand at making a list. Can't really decide what will work the best together, or even what else might fit in the deck. Haven't worked on the land base, but I wasn't planning on messing with it till I have the deck all worked out. I'm open to any idea's or criticism on the deck.

Here's the List:




(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

One thing I would possibly change would be the Revoke Existance in the side be a Deicide since it is used for enchantments most of the time, its instant speed, and if you hit a god, you remove all of the other copies.
Aside from that though it seems like a solid list!

100000384911105 wrote:

H: 8 Mirroden Islands and 15 Mirroden Swamps and 1 Foil Swamp Mirroden

Im actually looking for the rare lands from there such as Copperline Gorge and Blackcleave Cliffs