I'll swap for my wooded foothills. With the reprint, who knows what's going to happen.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to complete my playset of Thoughtseize. Also looking to clean up my wishlist a bit. Start something up or post here.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for two more Breeding Pools to complete my set.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Start something up or post here if you have them.

It was sarcasm cause of this whole crazy thing yesterday. Disregard his comment.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah if the price is right. Start something up and we can discuss there.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have a decent tradelist and some higher value things in inventory that I could part with. If you have Wastelands, Mox Opals, or Arcbound Ravagers, reply here or start up a trade.

Looking to pick up a playset of each.


Looking to get an English Karakas and some Wastelands. If you have them, start something up.

Have a couple Plateaus that I'm hoping to turn into Wastelands or other legacy staple lands. Link to pictures of the Plateaus: http://imgur.com/a/qrIoH

Start up a trade or post here.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bump. still looking.

Looking to finish up a splinter twin list. Need the following cards:

2x Splinter Twin
3x Blood Moon
2x Keranos, God of Storms


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Picked up a wooded foothills. Looking to see who has what I need for it.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you have one, post here or start up a trade. Could potentially move things from inventory for it.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for 1-4 of them. Start up a trade if you have them and want stuff from my trade list.

bump. still looking

Looking for a playset of Goryo's Vengeance and Fury of the Horde. Feel free to post something here or start up a trade.

105 each or for the pair?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to build an affinity list. That being said, it's for more casual play than winning all the events. Below is the list I'd eventually like to acquire. Feel free to post or start up a trade.

4x Mox Opal
4x Cranial Plating
4x Blinkmoth Nexus
4x Darksteel Citadel
2x Glimmervoid
3x Etched Champion
3x Steel Overseer
4x Arcbound Ravager

Looking for a set of Chain Lightnings and Eidolons for Legacy Burn. The specific list of cards I'm looking for are here:

4x Chain Lightning
4x Eidolon of the Great Revel
4x Price of Progress
3x Searing Blaze
4x Fireblast
2x Sulfuric Vortex

Start something up or post here.

Not making a big deal about it. I just think as a trading community, we should have two way communication. When you cancel a trade, give someone a heads up. Maybe say why. Otherwise the other party might get confused why you're asking for cards you've already walked away from.

Didn't realize you were only trading a tundra. I seen a whole list in your OP. My bad.

You also didn't say you didn't see enough for tundra, you said you'd have to think about a combo of lily and verdants, then canceled. Check the chat log.

Well I have verdants, but you cancelled the trade on me without saying anything...

I got some of those things. Start something up if interested.