

Willing to look at lists as well.

some of the smaller wants (rituals) I don't want to trade staples for.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have all the pieces for melira as well as angel pod and would be willing to part with pieces for eternal standard cards. Fetches, thoughtsiezes and other lands/staples if you have those for trade as well.

Still really need Tarns


Helios52 wrote:

You know your alittle early right? Like this doesn't get released to mid Feburary?

That doesn't matter to anyone who was trying to trade for them or get rid of them now. Everyone wants less for them now.

Title says it all.



(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a foil japanese gavony township if you're interested in foreign cards.


whitemeat wrote:

you willing to trade down?  i have 4x temples and 2x wraths.

Depends what you want, start a trade.




Pretty simple, have plenty of other stuff for trade too, not really looking for anything specific at the moment just to make some trades.

joecat wrote:
raticate_tail wrote:

Cut the banter, just report backabacka's post and move on. It's really annoying seeing the same thread upped over and over because of a silly little argument.

It is not an argument. I actually like backabacka's viewpoint, it was well thought out and backed by facts. Anyone that can fully explain things with facts should be able to express there opinion.
Backabacka - Your logic does make sense, I do still believe it will drop some more ($10 range slightly less).

People are allowed to have discussions, if you don't like a thread, don't read it.

I hope it does get that low, I would be buying them up that low and not trading for them haha They were becoming increasingly difficult to trade when they were 15+ so I wouldn't be surprised if you found people willing to go cheap on them.

joecat wrote:
Backabacka wrote:
joecat wrote:

I will trade for Courser of Kruphix but not at the current price, they are being reprinted in the M15 clash pack.

You realize those are already out right? Courser is basically near it's floor right now.

I do realize they are out, I do not think its near its floor yet. I use desecration demon as an example, it was 11-12 before the reprint went down to 7 immediately and continued dropping down to 3 as more of the decks were sold. D demon has now settled at 4, while I don't see Courser going quite that low I do believe it will drop some more.

You can of course value the card at whatever you want, but that is a really poor example for a number of reasons.

First, Desecration Demon was printed in an event deck for Born of the Gods which was released on Game Day for that set, which was only ~6 months of Demon still in standard, the card was on the downswing anyway (you can check the price history). The price spike after Pro tour Theros when it had it's major breakthrough for THS strd, going from ~8 to ~11. At the time of BTG release he was 9.8 and dropped to 6 after the event deck. However, this decrease is exaggerated because his time in standard was coming to a close. This was the same for ALL RTR block cards around that time that do not see play in external formats, the demons was just slightly exaggerated because of this.

Second, and most importantly, Courser sees play in external formats. He sees extensive play in G/X/X Punisher decks in modern and has even showed up in a few legacy lists. Demon does not in any way shape or form see eternal play.

Third, this duel deck is being release with over a year left of Courser being standard legal, any initial hit that this has on it's price will be recovered once RTR rotates. The best example for this is Thragtusk, Thragtusk was printed in THREE event decks with significant time left in standard and there was not a single time it didn't not recover it's price in about a months time. It went from 10 to 5 to 17 to 10 back to 17. And again, the card sees 0 eternal play.

Courser is an incredibly powerful card in a number of formats, the price was naturally on the downswing. It spiked way too far way too fast because people were buying them up once it was realized the card is powerful outside of standard and was curving back to a more reasonable price, this dip just become slightly accelerated because people are overreacting to the printing in the clash pack, history of this happening with a card still going to be around for this much time shows that the dip is in no way close to permanent.

The card has no where to go but up after it levels off again, which will probably happen at around $12-12.50 (Clash packs are limited print runs and the effect ti will have on the price has already happened) now is the time to buy, but the point I wanted to make here was that right now the card is not a major play in the competitive standard environment. If block shows us anything, which is usually is the best way to know what is going to be really powerful after rotation, the card is going to better than it will ever be come rotation and will almost certainly be the most expensive card from Botg in due time.

I like prices...

joecat wrote:

I will trade for Courser of Kruphix but not at the current price, they are being reprinted in the M15 clash pack.

You realize those are already out right? Courser is basically near it's floor right now.

Killasnipe wrote:

haha, i appreciate it, but maybe someone has a arid mesa or something they'd be willing to give off.

I only just sold mine almost instantly for a $30 buy it now, so it's not completely unreasonable if you're looking to flip it fast, can probably get more.



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

VampireArmy wrote:

still want my foil one? after consideration i might make a deal for it after all

Throw something up, I'm game.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
