My nerdboner is intensifying...
76 2015-04-17 11:39:05
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
77 2015-04-11 18:46:30
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Nu-s cu de-astea, dar 'Fie ca..' boyz...
78 2015-04-09 22:21:23
Re: Situation (6 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Ca sa explic ce vrea sa zica Istvan( daca ajuta cu ceva). O creatura ca sa moara trebui e sa aiba lethal damage asignat(which it currently doesn't cuz damage was prevented) sau sa aiba toughness 0 (which it doesn't because of Giant Growth).
hope this was relevant.
79 2015-04-07 11:55:49
Re: Modern (9 replies, posted in Taverna)
well exista si serum visions...which isn't all that bad if you think about it.
80 2015-04-07 10:48:27
Re: Modern (9 replies, posted in Taverna) - ultra-budget deck, scopul pricipal e exasperarea adversarului "trisand" around end of turn triggers cu Sundial of the Infinite.
Problema deckului e ca te bazezi ca adversarul sa joace tot removalul pe tura ta. O sa se prinda intr'un punct.
Fara sideboard deocamdata
Vapor Snag is kinda bad, e mult mai bun intr'un tempo shell. How about think twice?
81 2015-04-07 08:02:15
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Ma gandeam zilele astea sa facem un topic despre deckuri. Sa discutam.
Maybe someone has an idea for a deck. Or has questions regarding certain card choices?
82 2015-03-27 15:33:43
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Nu stii nimic, Nelutu Omat...
83 2015-03-26 12:20:31
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
aparent Snoop Dogg/Lion joaca MtG.
84 2015-03-13 13:34:09
Re: Cluj & Modern (30 replies, posted in Administrativ)
Dude, please don't tell me you have terminal cancer of something....the feels...
Despite all this, eu nu o sa vreau sa joc un deck care nu are acces la toate cartile. Sure, eu nu sunt cel mai bun jucator. Dar nici nu poti merge la troleala cu random cards in sideboard si sa te astepti sa castigi(desi cred ca ai vreo 5% sanse in plus sa castigi dupa asta). You just can't.
Chiar m-ar interesa modernul si as investi daca as avea cu cine sa joc. Dar mai am pana-mi permit sa bag 500Euro intr-un deck.
85 2015-03-13 08:23:20
Re: Fun Set (6 replies, posted in Noutăți)
En Taro Tassadar!
But seriously now, very flavourful cards.
86 2015-03-12 16:05:35
Re: Cluj & Modern (30 replies, posted in Administrativ)
Pana isi vinde cineva un rinichi sa'si ia playset. Then we have an arms race.
87 2015-03-12 15:45:56
Re: Cluj & Modern (30 replies, posted in Administrativ)
O fi vanilla cartea. Dar poate fi un 4/5 pt 2 mana in tura a 3-a. Shit, mai omori un planeswalker si e 5/6. All that shit dodges a fuckton of removal in modern.
88 2015-03-12 15:20:55
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Se pare ca nu o sa avem vreun Taigam. siedness
89 2015-03-12 15:14:09
Re: Cluj & Modern (30 replies, posted in Administrativ)
Vinde careva Goyf la 10Euro?
90 2015-03-12 09:25:06
Re: [Vand] Tot ce am in inventar, big sale time (13 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Te casatoresti, dude?
91 2015-03-10 21:34:52
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
tocmai m-a gasit maicamia pe youtube, boys(i don't wanna fucking know how).
puteti sa va bateti joc de mine.
92 2015-03-04 16:21:14
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Ba..e faina n-am ce's up there to the right on the fun/competitive graph.
93 2015-03-04 09:08:02
Re: DTK pre clan selection (36 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Baga-ma si pe mine la UW/Azorius/Ojutai
94 2015-03-03 16:30:39
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Not necessarily. S-ar putea sa fie legat Destroy, Bounce, Mill(ofc), Loot, Disentomb(sunt destul de sigur ca o sa fie un efect zombieish avand in vedere sa Silumgar cam merge pe ideea asta) . Avand in vedere ca varianta UW are deja counter pe el, am marii dubii ca o sa apara si la UB. Ar fi nice ca fiecare command sa aiba 2 moduri in comun cu cele vecine(though I doubt it).
95 2015-03-03 16:10:08
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Ma intreb de cate carti o sa fie millul la Silumgar.
Btw, are cineva niste deckuri beginner-level pe care le-as putea imprumuta weekendul asta? (nu stiam sigur unde sa postez asta)
96 2015-03-02 17:14:04
Re: [DTK]: Dragons of Tarkir spoilers (34 replies, posted in Noutăți)
I've got a bad feeling about rebound. E destul de bun cu prowessul de la Jeskai, dar s-ar putea ca wizards sa-l fi facut overcosted ca sa nu fie OP.
97 2015-02-27 10:15:03
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
"The way Mark Rosewater describes the development of Innistrad block, he explains that there was little confidence for his idea of a Gothic horror block, so the plan was originally for the third set to take place on a different plane entirely. But eventually it was decided to keep the setting, and just remove the horror.
But what if the creative design had been more daring, and kept the horror tone all the way to the end? Instead of threat-worsening threat-deus ex machina, what if it had ended the way the best horror movies do, with a horrifying twist?
Here's how I'd have done it: Keep the basic plotline, except Sorin plays a greater role as the one who keeps the balance between humans and vampires, so his vampire family aren't endangered, but can't overfeed on defenseless humans.
So Liliana comes to the humans and offers an alliance: they help her break open the Helvault. The humans get their angel, she kills a demon, everyone wins.
The humans condemn her, of course, because she's a witch and an abomination. But some are convinced by her insistence that they're her only hope, and together they mount an attack.
Liliana reaches the Helvault, after the humans have done their job as a tasty distraction for the monsters who guard it, and together the humans and Liliana smash it. The angels return, curses are lifted, humans are saved.
But it turns out that the angels aren't quite what the humans wanted them to be. Sorin created them with his BW philosophy in mind, not to strike back against the monsters, but to make things balanced, so make sure that humans weren't hunted to extinction. Making them fight for justice and peace wasn't on the priority list. Avacyn and her flock aren't humanity's champions. They're humanity's game wardens. And their first act is to punish those who sided with the black-magic-wielding witch with exile, as free game for the vampires.
Then the angels start laying down ground rules back home, with the intent of making sure the humans are controlled and don't fall into the hands of the vampires unless it's under their regulation. No travel unless an angel permits it. No weapons unless an angel orders you to take one up. All werewolves are either forced to live in the woods regardless of form, or become wolfir, tamed laborers for the angels. If there are not enough willing sacrifices to the vampires, the angels choose martyrs to sacrifice themselves.
The humans discover that, in ceasing to be prey, they've become livestock instead."
Mi-ar fi placut mai mult sfarsitul asta la block.(though it's still better than the RtR outcome)
98 2015-02-02 11:47:23
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
99 2015-01-19 16:43:19
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Holy shit! Separat as fi zis ca nu sunt surprins, dar toate trei deodata? Now that's heavy!
La modern s-ar putea sa fie PTul. Ca tata lumea stie pod. Deckuri noi = hype
100 2015-01-19 16:29:55
Re: nu stiu voi, dar (535 replies, posted in Taverna)
Nu stiam unde sa postez cum noi nu jucam formate mai vechi, dar ma gandeam ca ati fi interesati :