check my wishlist but mostly interested in steam vents or hallowed fountains.

Interested in Jace and Steam vents. Mostly steam vents.

My list:

Make some offers wink


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You could make a good/competitive standard deck and go to a lot of tournaments around wherever you live. Some weeks I'll make up to $80 or so in credit just from playing a few days during the week.

JAKElolz wrote:

I'm looking for foil versions of playable standard cards like, geist of saint traft, garruk relentless, huntmaster, etc.  Propose me a trade.

Elderscale wurm? big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I will do 2 restoration angels plus something else for your 3 hinterland harbors from your inventory. Didn't see anything in your tradelist, tbh.

Have good stuff! Check out my list!

Would you do french thalia for a master of the pearl trident?

jbrandon wrote:

I get paid next week on Thursday, if you've still got the geralf's messengers and gravecallers then I'll be interested but I need the money first smile

Sounds good. I'll let you know if they haven't been sold by then.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in the tamiyos, have 2x terminus and 1x entreat the angels. I also have the set of vexing devils from your wishlist if you're still interested in those. I'll set up a trade.

I can do the cemeteries at $40 for the set, the geralfs at $35 and gravecrawlers also at $35. I'll do the 3 aristocrats for $38. If anyone wants to buy a large chunk of this, or more from my tradelist, I can cut a couple bucks off also. :-)

Have 4 geralfs messengers, 4 gravecrawlers, 4 woodland cemeteries, 3 falkenrath aristocrats, 4 dragonskull summits. Will try to set you up with a good deal if you're interested. Could definitely use the money. Also will sell anything from my tradelist. Thanks!

Have lots of good stuffs including:

sulfur falls
thundermaw hellkite
entreat the angels
kiki jiki
sword of feast and famine
elesh norn
wurmcoil engine
other wonderful things

check out my list!

I have all of this (besides the cathedral) in my naya pod deck. You are making it very tempting to trade off parts of it D:< but I don't know what I'd do until rotation haha.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Tried this the other day. Noone wants to give up snaps, lol. I found someone at my LGS that wanted to do the trade though. Happy ending : D

Interested in mizzet, the electromancer, and the charm. Let me know!

Please? big_smile

Bump for fun.

If you have 2 or 3 snapcasters we could still put together a trade : D

and more. I also wouldn't mind getting some dual lands.

I post on here way too much.

echoways86 wrote:

just gonna throw this out there, i have one of the tournament gold bordered edition scroll racks. they can't be played in sanctioned tourneys but can be used in things like edh.

I would be interested in trading for one, but I'd only value it at a couple bucks honestly. If you'd be interested still, check out my list and see if you see anything. I have some mwonvuli beast tracker promos (8 or 9 of them) and a couple knight exemplar promos also.

Check out my list : D

GarrukWildspeaker wrote:

What's the trade value of the Promo Magmaquake, and how many of the Strangleroot Giests are promos?

Forgot to take the magmaquake off my list, but I have 3 strangleroot geist promos. I also have a bunch of the mwonvuli beast trackers as well.


Check out my wishlist or just offer stuff that might be good! Thanks : D
