Honestly, is there anybody that has interest in this card?  I know it went through the roof last week but it seems like everybody (myself included) is trying to trade it off before the price falls out.

I just don't know anybody that wants to build a deck around him, much less pay the kind of price tcg is putting on him...

Just curious to see what others think about this card

If anybody has interest in these cards shoot me a trade!


I have a lot of interest in Thrags, Angel of Serenity, Supreme Verdict and other cards on my wishlist as well.  If I traded a Liliana I would want a shockland or I would want to group her into a trade that would get me a lot of the cards I am looking for.

Other than Liliana I'd be open to trading Caverns, Griselbrand, Craterhoof, Rakdos's Return, Armada, etc for anything else on my tradelist...


I also have a Craterhoof Behemeth if that interests anybody...

I have 2x Lilianas for trade as well as a Cavern of Souls.  I also have a other standard cards in addition to some from the scars block that I would trade.


I'm looking for 2 Overgrown Tombs and 1 Temple Garden.  Hit me up!

I have a foil Sublime for trade along with 3 others with one being a Korean edition.  I also have 2 Lilianas, 4 Silverblades (2 Promo), Griselbrand, and an Armada Wurm for trade.

1x Temple Garden
2x Overgrown Tomb
4x Thragtusk
3x Angel of Serenity

Hit me up for some trades!



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade Sent

Send me your trades!


I'm trying to build up the pieces for a seperate deck right now...I might come back and trade for the Falkenwraths later but they're not at the top of my priority list.

I just put her on there in case there is interest in some of the other stuff I have for trade.

I'm looking pretty specifically to get a Temple Garden and 2 Overgrown Tombs for these cards.  I have other cards available for trade too...


Other notable wants:
Blood Crypt
Supreme Verdict
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
Garruk, Primal Hunter
Falkenwrath Aristocrat

I'll look into getting one, I usually just put a link to my tradelist on the post.

I can trade the armada wurm, let me know what other cards you have interest in b/c I'd like to get a supreme verdict as well if it makes sense!


Trade sent

I also have some standard stuff like Rakdos's Return, Dreadbore, and Armada Wurm

I have some cards from the scars block that I'd like to trade off if anybody has interest.  I'm going to hold onto my lands but creature cards are fair game.

I'm not looking specifically just for cards on my wishlist so shoot me an offer!



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for shocklands, but I have other wants as well.


Check out my list, I'd like to trade for a Temple Garden or an Overgrown Tomb but I'll listen to your offers.

FYI I also have Wolfir, Vexing, Jarad, Bloodline Keeper, and some stuff from the scars block for trade as well.


I'd like to trade Huntmaster for Temple Gardens and/or Overgrown Tomb but look through my tradelist and see if we can reach a deal.

Other notable wants:
Lotleth Troll
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker


Vraska is traded, dreadbore and pithing needle could be...i would trade thrun but that's not going to be even for a clifftop retreat.  Is there something else you may want to add to it?

Would you only be willing to part with the cards on your tradelist?  I would love to get a lotleth troll or a shock land but I have interest in your armada worm.  Even with the Armada Worm I'd still need a 4 dollar card...maybe like a chromatic lantern or something?

I have a few things on my wishlist but I would listen to any offers you have...



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm not looking to get a lot of value out of vraska, I figure this is a fair deal for anybody that's looking to trade for her.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to trade some stuff off, I'm looking for Lotleth Trolls, Temple Gardens and Overgrown Tombs but I will consider all offers.


I'm also interested in Temple Garden and Overgrown Tomb.

I have RtR cards I just opened like Vraska, Abrupt Decay, Supreme Verdict, etc.  I'm also putting my cards from the scars block up for trade, I have 3 Obliterators, Green Sun's Zenith, Black Sun's Zenith, Surgical Extraction.

If you're interested in any of this feel free to look through my trade list and inventory, there's a lot more there that's on my tradelist.



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have other cards like supreme verdict and some stuff from the scars block as well that I'm looking to trade.  I'm looking for temple gardens, overgrown tombs and lotlith trolls.  Feel free to look through my inventory and make me an offer.


I have some stuff from scars like wurmcoil and a few other things, feel free to look through my tradelist and inventory to see if there's something thats interesting.
