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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Rocc
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Posts found [ 101 to 125 of 343 ]
Gerad wrote:I might have some cards that you're looking for. I'll dig through my binders tonight. I'd probably just be trading towards your Stoneforge and maybe your Arid Mesas. Feel free to look at my list in the meanwhile and see if there's anything there that you're interested in. Tradelist.
Sure, I'm more inclined to trade the Stoneforge than the Mesa's. Unless you have the higher end stuff that I need for EDH
wintermute93 wrote:I'm interested in your Flusterstorm, but I'm not sure if I have enough stuff you want to cover it. I have a Greater Good, Garruk PH, and Xenagos from your wishlist. Check my tradelist,
Sure, I'll take a look
I need some EDH things, here's my tradelist: , and here's my wishlist:
Let me know if we can swing a deal.
I've got a Nissa, looking at your Arid Mesa, here's the rest of my tradelist incase you see anything else.
Got a Mana Confluence, and Temple of Plenty. Here's my tradelist if you see anything else you would like:
I'd be interested in you Sliver Hive. Let me know if you see anything on my list for it.
Still need Elspeth's? I could sell you my pair if you still need them.
Interested in your set of Supreme Verdicts, let me know if you see anything on my list for them.
I'm interested, but only have a pair of Mesas to trade, let me know if you want to work something out.
I've got Coursers, Temple Gardens, and Caryatids, you still need them?
Khilborn wrote:Rocc wrote:I've got a pair of elspeth's, a caryatid, and a couple of temples. I don't see any of the standard stuff I'm looking for on your tradelist/inventory. Would you be alright trading older cards for the things you need?
I will trade my older staples (depending on the card) but I will have to get the "better" deal for standard cards.
Makes sense, i'll start something up then.
I've got a pair of elspeth's, a caryatid, and a couple of temples. I don't see any of the standard stuff I'm looking for on your tradelist/inventory. Would you be alright trading older cards for the things you need?
Hey guys,
Pulled a Dack Fayden last night, don't need it. Could use some of the conspiracy stifles, let me know if your interested, will look at lists as well for him.
I could use a Snapcaster Mage, let me know if you see anything from my tradelist.
Still need that Blinkmoth Nexus, I could trade it towards a Stifle if your interested.
Hey guys,
Just tossing this up here I want to start picking up some modern staples. Starting with Bob, preferably the Modern Masters version. I've a few goodies to throw at you for him, just let me know if your interested in trading yours, I'll also entertain offers for this stuff even if you don't have a MM Dark Confidant. Preferably for other modern legal stuffs.
theclarinetmusician wrote:Rocc wrote:I'm interested in the stifle if you see anything on my tradelist for it.
I happen to have a Stifle if you're still looking
Sure, I'll start something up.
I'm interested in the stifle if you see anything on my tradelist for it.
I've an extra Temple Garden, Caryatid, Fleecemane Lion, x2 Setessen Tactics (one foil?), and x2 Banishing Light. I'll start something up.
operationremie wrote:I have two Elspeth's. Don't know what you might want for three brimaz
Let me think about it, I'll start something up.
Sure, I'd be willing to throw you a bunch of temples and some other foil stuff for a Nekusar. Check out my tradelist and let me know if you see anything.
Posts found [ 101 to 125 of 343 ]
Deckbox Forum » Posts by Rocc