(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In general: White-boarder, no copyright year, and skewed-T tap symbol = Revised.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nostalgia is an expensive drug

Good Day

I was wondering how difficult it would be to add an additional flag the card inventory for proxy cards. There are a few proxies that I have picked up from etsy and ebay over the years -- for instance the Power 9 and Tarmogoyf -- that I wouldn't mind trading away to someone who might want them for a cube, commander bling, or a kitchen table game because I either don't use them (Power 9) or I have gotten some genuine copies of since picking up the proxy (Tarmogoyf). I was going to add them to my collection under altered art and put in my bio that I have proxies that are listed as that, but I don't want to represent them as ever being the real thing, because they are not, and it keeps the price of the genuine card which is also would misrepresent what is being offered.

So I was wondering if it is possible to add an additional flag to the card saying that they are proxy and if that flag is selected the price of the card is set to n/a. That way people will know they are not the real thing for sure and the value of the card can be set by the individuals in the trade and not the greater market.