

Cards below are *Priority*
Wishlist is not 100% up to date, so feel free to propose trades anyways. Can't guarantee, but we can try and make something work!

*FOIL* 4 Blinkmoth Nexus (MMA)
*FOIL* 4 Signal pest
*FOIL* 4 Vault Skirge
*FOIL* 4 Ornithopter (Mirrodin/9th/10th)
*FOIL* 4 Etched Champion 
*FOIL* 3 Springleaf Drum (Theros)
*FOIL* 2 Cranial Plating

2 Relic of Progenitus 
4 Thoughtseize (Lorwyn)
2 Ancient Grudge 
1 Spellskite 
1 Torpor Orb 
1 Blood Moon (The Dark, MMA)

One more time


Also need things on my wishlist, however finishing my Modern Affinity takes priority.

-4 Blinkmoth Nexus
-3 Etched Champion
-4 Vault Skirge
-2 Signal Pest
-4 Thoughtseize (Lorwyn)
-3 Springleaf Drum

**Foils Preferred if you have them!**



Changing from infect to affinity, whole list up for trade!

Edit: Foils are more than welcome as well smile

Looking to scan through lists, mainly for modern/legacy cards. Will look at anything though!

Bring it to the top

Title says it all.

Got about 100 zen lands too ranging sp-nm.


Did a lot of trading last week, looking for some more! My wishlist is not all inclusive, so even you don't have anything from there, still feel free to start up a trade! I am always up for checking out lists.

Note: Foil Hierarch is for a Judge Foil swap.

Let's talk!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

A buddy of mine has a NM Foil Japanese Cryptic Command (Lorwyn) that he is looking to trade if anyone is interested. Mainly looking for offers at the moment, as he is not looking for anything really specific at the moment. If you may be interested, start up a trade and we can see if we can work something out!

As the title says. Willing to entertain offers!


Morning ups

Bump! Lots of cards at below tcg prices people smile

Selling any/all cards in my trade list in preparation for my wife's upcoming birthday. I will discount over tcg prices, just start up a trade with what you are interested in and we can work something out! Cards in inventory are sellable as well, though it is not as up to date as the TL so I may not have some of them.

I also have a bunch of Unhinged cards that I haven't had time to list, if you are looking for any, let me know which ones and I can see if I have them.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have decided to focus the majority of my trading to pimping the following decks:

Azami EDH: http://deckbox.org/sets/386185
Modern BUG Infect: http://deckbox.org/sets/350827

I would prefer not to add each of the cards one by one, so if you have any foils, alters, or signed cards for the Azami deck, or foils for the Infect deck, start up a trade! Some cards are reserved for higher priced wants, however I will consider all trades.

As mentioned, I would like to swap a Scalding Tarn for a Misty Rainforest. In addition, I am looking for lots of other things, to include foiling my Azami EDH deck in my side bar. If you have any pieces, start up a trade! If not but I have things you are interested in, start one up anyways, I may be able to find something! I love looking through lists.
