

As the title says i looking for 4 Hallowed Fountains or three sacred foundries

1 Kalonian Hydra
4 Glacial Fortresses
2 Jace Memory Adept
2 Full Art Swamps and Fulla art Forests (Valued at 1.25 a piece)

All offers welcome!


why should age matter when making a trade? Whether Your 18 or 80 it shouldn't make a difference for trades and their quality. all that matter is that trades are fair, even and talked about within chat. Someone who's younger shouldn't have to send first.

Another thing i'd like to add is it should be proper etiquette not to post a trading thread on someone else's thread...which has happened to me and it is irritating...


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

then don't respond smile:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


im for this being a sticky post!!


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mates lets lay this to rest ad call it a day and go our seperate ways. There is never a winner or loser in an argument just two hurt people. So i advise both of you to please stop squabbling or saying "who said what" and "he did this" and lay it to rest.... what good does arguing do on the internet? u cant even see the person or hear them so you might as well close this thread!!!

Have a nice day all! smile


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have found that people on the forums are usually better to respond than randoms. However i have been lucky. With 100 proposed trades 50 of them went through as completed. It just depends on who u ask and what you are offering. I agree however that if you have been inactive for months or even years the account shouldn't come up as having that card. It just creates a large pile to sift through that feels infinite.

I also think there should be etiquette on here. If a trade is offered and you decline a simple no thank you and a reason why should suffice. I've had trades sit for weeks with no response and when i check their account they have done 6-10 trades in that time but only mine is unanswered. There has to be some form of NO Thank You so someone is not left hoping...




Title says it all. Im just interested in these. Id do two pools for the hydra if you're interested or a pool and a stomping ground. Either way i still need two shocks fo ir

traded the Gardens for the Steam VEnts

Looking for Hallowed fountains for Breeding pools or Stomping grounds

As the title says i need
4x Stomping Grounds
4x Breeding Pools
4x Steam Vents-Higher Priority

I have
3x Temple Gardens
3 Hallowed Fountains
2 Dragonskull Summits


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

im cool with that and thanks UnstableFlux! but i wish i could just close this thread because its way off topic now........:|:|

then state what exactly u need below

here's how to do this if u want to get trades. say this in the title

H: 1 Kalonian Hydra and 1 Foil One; W: (Whatever you need such as shocks or modern staples, edh or standard)


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

okay well ill try to be more clear in the future...im not looking to soil my rep im just looking to get rid of this card for the right value cards...because in my opinion this will stay a green staple at around $15 once it drops


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

and those who offered for the hydra there was little that i needed from their tradelists besides bulk mirrodin rares and in one instance an Eldamairi's call


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

anything and those specific...why do u feel the need to police this topic? those who offered the trade i offered back and they declined. in some situations it was for other shocks besides the ones i needed. some for mirrodin cards. little do u know. most people that got one my ... page decided to offer for my voice of resurgance rather then the hydra which is why those trades didnt work


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

as a reminder that there are things id like to be included in my trade. if theres one of those in there id trade it but there hasnt been so thats why its untraded


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

underneath i said "id trade for anything" i said
very interested in stomping grounds and steam vents


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

lets put it like this if your gonna call me out for it.
At least one shock land and other stuff then ill trade it. shock has to be either stomping ground or temple garden


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

still open