Bump, I'm open to all offers.
101 2013-12-02 06:57:50
Re: H: Shrine/Tradelist/$$ W: Thoughtseize/Domri/Wishlist/$$ (26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
102 2013-12-01 02:27:18
Re: H: Shrine/Tradelist/$$ W: Thoughtseize/Domri/Wishlist/$$ (26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
103 2013-11-30 16:30:36
Topic: H: Shrine/Tradelist/$$ W: Thoughtseize/Domri/Wishlist/$$ (26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hello everyone and happy trading
High Priority:
8 Zendikar/Unhinged Mountains
1 Domri
2 Legion Loyalist
Low Priority
2 Xenagos
2 Elspeth
4 Breeding Pool
4 Temple of Mystery
4 Zegana
2 Prophet
I will pay between SCG Buylist and TCGLow for any cards, this can be worked out in trade chat Thanks for looking!
I know my tradelist is getting pretty barren, such is life for someone building multiple decks! Heh, I'm more than willing to bolster trades with a bit of cash.
104 2013-11-07 02:22:25
Re: H: Shocks/Jace W: Thoughtseize/Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
BUMP got the stormbreath still need seize
105 2013-11-05 19:59:22
Re: H: Shocks/Jace W: Thoughtseize/Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
106 2013-11-05 06:25:29
Re: H: Shocks/Jace W: Thoughtseize/Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
107 2013-11-02 07:17:11
Topic: H: Shocks/Jace W: Thoughtseize/Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
As the title says, I have some Shocklands for trade, along with a Jace, AOT and Memory Adept.
I am in need of Thoughtseize, Temple Gardens and some other smaller stuff.
Thanks for looking!
108 2013-10-19 23:59:28
Re: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: BWR staples/shocks/list (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
109 2013-10-19 07:35:03
Re: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: BWR staples/shocks/list (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Still need lots!
110 2013-10-18 01:21:53
Re: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: BWR staples/shocks/list (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
How many of each do you need?
Updated top post with numbers
111 2013-10-17 03:34:36
Topic: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: BWR staples/shocks/list (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Critical Wants:
3 Godless Shrine
3 Sacred Foundry
2 Hero's Downfall
1 Rakdos's Return
2 Temple of Silence
2 Temple of Triumph
2 Anger of the Gods
Medium Wants
3 Soldier of the Pantheon
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
4 Thoughtseize
Hallowed Fountains
Ral Zarek
Stomping Grounds
Jace, AoT
112 2013-10-07 00:32:43
Re: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: Dega staples/shocks/list (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
bumpa, fixed tradelist
113 2013-10-06 16:36:43
Topic: H: Azorius Staples (Rev/JAoT/Aetherling) W: Dega staples/shocks/list (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey guys last time I posted this I was building a different deck, but I noticed that half of my tradelist wasn't updated properly and most of my expensive cards weren't listed for trade, so feel free to peruse again and offer any trades.
I would like to trade my Jund shocks for BWR shocks.
114 2013-10-02 03:03:18
Topic: Jund Shocks for Esper Shocks (And Other assorted items!) (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey guys I'm trying to build my Esper deck and need trades! Feel free to propose with me, I do ship to Canada.
115 2013-09-02 21:02:06
Re: W: Shocks/Sphinx H: Shocks/Jund/Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I will trade to Canada.
116 2013-09-02 19:37:55
Re: W: Shocks/Sphinx H: Shocks/Jund/Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
117 2013-08-30 01:50:45
Re: W: Shocks/Sphinx H: Shocks/Jund/Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Another Bump for good measure.
Still need Shrines/Graves.
118 2013-08-26 20:43:56
Re: W: Shocks/Sphinx H: Shocks/Jund/Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
119 2013-08-25 16:10:13
Topic: W: Shocks/Sphinx H: Shocks/Jund/Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey guys trying to transition from Jund to B/W and U/W decks.
Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/SoulShadow
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/363986
Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/363987
Thanks for looking!
120 2013-08-13 00:55:41
Topic: W: Bonfire/Lily/Wishlist H: Archangel/Ooze/Tradelist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/363987
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/363986
Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/SoulShadow
121 2013-07-09 08:41:08
Topic: W: Bonfire/Huntmaster/Thraggy H: Other Stuff (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I like to keep onto the DRS's except for the right trade, due to their multi-format playability but I am willing to part with them, as I probably will have to to finish my Jund deck.
Have: http://deckbox.org/sets/363986
Want: http://deckbox.org/sets/363987
Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/SoulShadow
122 2013-06-15 02:08:22
Topic: W: Trostani, Bant Lands, Sphinx's H: Others (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi everyone, trying to collect for my bant deck right now!
Wants: http://deckbox.org/sets/363987
Haves: http://deckbox.org/sets/363986
Profile: http://deckbox.org/users/SoulShadow
123 2013-05-01 19:21:27
Topic: W: Gravecrawler/Lotleth/Abrupt Decay H: Tradelist/Garruk/Biomancer (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all, back again with my tradelist and profile: http://deckbox.org/users/SoulShadow New Month new needs!
124 2013-04-24 03:13:45
Topic: H: Zegana/Garruk PH/Biomancer (and more) W: Wishlist! (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am also open to trading for things not on my wishlist and I will sell things on my tradelist if you want to buy it straight up. I may be open to buying from my wishlist but I am tight on cash right now.