Uau neutral.
I want one...

Nici eu nu pot vedea imaginea cupei; nu ca as putea-o castiga, dar curios tot sunt.

Trickster wrote:

Pe de alta parte... mnush, da' eu unul preferam pirates vs ninjas tongue

Wuuuhuuuu! Hell yeah! Can't wait for that.

Momentan nu putem decat specula la ce carti vor fi, teme, etc. Sa spun drept pana acum nu m-a tentat nici un duel deck, asa ca nu vad de ce asta ar fi mai special. Chiar, ce carti ar merita destul de mult pentru ca asa ceva sa merite? ...
Poate daca le fac pe toate foil cu noua tehnologie.


(20 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

O soapta imi ajunge pe la ureche: "...Rebbecaaaa, Rebeeecaaa,...."

Hey, imi plac foarte mult cartile ei smile.


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

laura wrote:
laura wrote:

Era o mare de albastru. Am făcut ieri o instanță din cadrul eventului și când am mers să predăm questu în Ironforge era BÂRNIT de lume. Nici nu puteai ajunge la omu căruia trebuia să îi predai questu big_smile

De aia nu o sa joc niciodata WoW big_smile.
Dungeons & Dragons for me. Sau LoTR smile (daca as avea timpul...).
Care a mai incercat unul din astea? Ca si comparatie...


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

They won! They won! smile

Felicitari tuturor!
Felicitari lui Cristian Buse pentru trofeu!

Way to go bro! Congrats man! smile
To the person next to you: next time kick his arse harder. wink

"Look at how the mana symbol pops!"

That was actually funny lol.
Dar arata intradevar bine. Au de gand sa faca la fel pentru toate foil-urile, chiar daca nu din viitorul aproapiat? Sau nu se stie nimic despre asta...

mihai wrote:

It has Jace in it !

Ma asteptam de la Trickster tongue. (low blow, I know big_smile)

laura wrote:

Of all time, nuș, mi-aș fi dorit niște elfi probabil big_smile

Elfi sunt destui, mancaiar goblinii.

Si da, Incinerate-ul e superb. First love.... Cred ca e si preferata mea. Inca mai joc cartea smile.

Mie imi place si asta:

Plus Cancel. Daca ar fi si cartea la fel de buna...

missao wrote:

omfg that Jason Felix guy must be doing drugs.

Now let's not jump to conclusions here. We're a civilized group. We need hard evidence.

Ah, intrebare: ce carte e reward-ul preferat pana acum? Chiar curios.

"I's got laser eyes. Wass you got?"

Arata bine, dar varianta originala are mai mult farmec. E mai intunecata. Asta arata mai mult a Twilight.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Pai faceti toti deck-uri antiJace si vedeti care se descurca cel mai bine si impotriva celorlalte big_smile.  Tada!
Nimuricule tongue.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ionut wrote:

eu chiar sper sa il reprinteze ca si necomun. Asa macar as pune si eu mana pe un set de 4.

Iti fac cadou 4. Ii printez chiar acum.

Si intradevar, nu va mai plangeti atat ca o incasati. Eu l-am batut fest pana acum, nu inteleg cum voi nu o puteti face. Pampalailor tongue.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Spoook wrote:

ce te prinzi de ureche daca se face un reprint tongue

lol Clar il pun sa se tina de cuvant lol.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Ii ok drumul zic io.

Pe la Vatra Dornei e mai fain tongue.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Silviu wrote:

Edit: M-am uitat mai inainte pe net si am gasit un alt traseu: Cluj-apahida-mociu-reghin-toplita-borsec-poiana largului-targu neamt-pascani-tg frumos-iasi. 391 km, 7h jumate.

Drumul pe la Apahida nu e neaparat cel mai bun... Il poti intreba pe Trickster daca s-a imbunatatit in ultima vreme. Ultima mea memorie e distanta si nu neaparat favorabila.

P.S.: Every time I see your avatar I get the heebie jeebies.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Rarres wrote:
Ryu wrote:

Ajungeti satui de magic, buimaci de somn, fara chef de viata, crampe musculare, etc. etc. Costa mai mult cu masina, dar si comfortul e altul. Plus ca va puteti opri cand vreti.

Nu știu ce fel de mașină ai luat tu în calcul, dar la 4 persoane în fiecare mașină nu costă nici măcar pe aproape la fel de mult ca și trenul. Cu restul sunt de acord.

Inca un motiv sa luati masina atunci smile.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ajungeti satui de magic, buimaci de somn, fara chef de viata, crampe musculare, etc. etc. Costa mai mult cu masina, dar si comfortul e altul. Plus ca va puteti opri cand vreti.


(55 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Yup, propaganda pe gustul meu.. das kamp against the evil oppressors begins tongue

"das kampf", bub.


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

lol Nice one.

Ionut wrote:

Familia Örbän!

Am incercat sa pronunt...


(95 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Hey, no family names on the internet man.
Cand s-au casatorit?
Cati copii au deja? Baiat/fata? tongue

Sorry for the off-topic. But I had to!

We play games. One way or another, all of us do. Many of us also play computer games. Well, most of us. Some of us are geeks, entertainment fains, art fans, some just plain old basement rats.

We've gotten to love and hate entire series, companies, people because of them. All faceless, all somewhere away, in they're own cubicle, typing line of code, after line of code...

Today, ladies, gentlemen and basement rats, we get the chance to be a little bit more personal with at least a couple of them. Here are some links that I hope we'll give a little bit of an insight into an industry that is oh so young, and yet full of shit. … er-things/

Regarding the background stories, the post themselves are mostly self explanatory. Don't forget to check the comments (at least some), as they are more than revealing!

P.S.: I know most of this, some will say, is self understood, obvious (that it happens and always will), but the fact that it's accepted/confronted so directly makes it a bit more pertinent. Like many people said in their comments of the respective blogs, this is a lesson for everybody who wants to go into this domain, especially in a big company. Oh, and please don't post (too many) replies saying this is not true (etc.). This is meant as a discussion starter. I actually post it here because we sometimes see bits of idiocy in our beloved Magic the Gathering also, and I hope that you'll share the thoughts on that also.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well, considering the avalanche of new improvements in the last few days, you're excused tongue.



(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I know I said no rush, but I'm wondering if the one mentioned here might have been forgotten tongue.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Also, another small issue:
when editing a comment, more specifically trying to put selected text as a Magic Card (selected text being a cards name), it reacts as if the editing is done, but without applying the changes.

P.S.: Using Opera tongue. THANK YOU!