
So here's some stuff that I'm looking for:

An assortment of FTV cards
Cool and awesome promo cards
Tempest medallions
Those legendary creatures with Grandeur
Full art zendikar lands

And I have a tradelist smile

Also, does anyone know what a NM foreign black bordered frnch sol ring is worth? I'm pretty sure it's from unlimited

Please give me cards smile I will give you some of mine in return smile

Bumpity bumped!

I would do 10 lands for a sword of body and mind

Halloween bump smile

Already got that one, but thanks for asking smile

Class got cancelled smile let's make some trades instead!

I'd be interested in the wurmcoil promo, star up a trade and we'll see where it goes!

Still looking for awesome stuff smile

So here's some stuff that I'm looking for:

An assortment of FTV cards
Cool and awesome promo cards
Tempest medallions
Those legendary creatures with Grandeur
Full art zendikar lands

Information about the user Lance Bauer!

And I have a tradelist smile


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah definitely! Start up a trade if you see anything I have you want smile

Here's my trade list: http://deckbox.org/sets/491626

I'm just looking for some awesome promos smile

Trade sent

started up a trade

Sent a trade smile

Start up a trade and then I'll take a look at what else you have smile



Hello everyone smile I'm looking for FOIL M14 Doom Blades and FOIL Dark Betrayal, I am willing to trade a little over value for both of these. I'm also looking for any of the Zur EDH staple cards!

trade sent

How many MTGO tix are you looking for in exchange for the SoFaI?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to find a playset of M14 Foil Doom Blades! Sent me a trade even if you only have a couple big_smile or even just 1!