(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

fistyke wrote:

Eu nu stiu de ce atata agitatie.

1. Do you play in Duel Commander tournaments? No. Set up house rules and enjoy the game. Tadaaaaaa!

i WAS thinking about playing in tournaments, ok maxin la GPs
singurul show-stopper a fost ca nu am vrut sa le car cu mine deckul...
now i have no second thought about not doing so...

rules committee exists for reasons:
-make sane decisions
-keep the spirit of the formats
-keep the format healthy
they failed all of them now and on multiple occasions


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

the death of a format:
http://www.duelcommander.com/2016/11/cl … st-update/


(0 replies, posted in Noutăți)

https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/ne … progenitus


(15 replies, posted in Taverna)

am gasit sa pornim un topic unde posta doar carti foarte weird
ideea a venit dupa ce am vazut asta:
Force of Savagery

https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comme … _rtronmtg/

swordfischer wrote:
juzer wrote:

So far when someone logs in to their deckbox account, they have absolute no way of telling at first glance if someone has initiated a trade with them, unless they send message first.
And some people don't read their emails, or if they log in via facebook, god knows where those emails end up...
A visual indicator would be nice nexd to the "Trading" button to show new trade offers.

Would be very cool to have, I think more people might respond to trades this way..
Also it could be in the stream smile

Made a mockup:

was thinking of something like this.


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

in principiu EDH/commander/duel commander e facut pentru long games.
nu este ca si modern unde wizards incearca sa asigura ca nici un deck nu castiga consistent (khm...) inainte de tura 4.
EDH a fost inventat pentru slow games - btw Dragon vine de la original legendary dragon din legends: Nicol Bolas, Chromium - actual big creatures, cu drawbackuri, so fara real enters-the-battlefield-i-win-the-game effect.
nu degeaba e staple in formatul asta la blue Consecrated Sphinx, Blue Sun's Zenith, sau Diabolic Tutor e jucat langa Demonic Tutor almost always, Avacyn, Angel of Hope pot fi hard-castat in mono white.

Din cauza asta R/W (adica sligh-aggro-burn) nu prea mers niciodata ca original toate cartiile cun burn in magic au fost facute cu 20 viata luat in considerare.
In multiplayer EDH cred ca plain burn nu merge de loc, decat in forma de wierd combo de genul Ashling the Pilgrim + 99 mountains.
In duel commander de exemplu Lightning Bolt are eficienta doar 66%, si in acelasi timp e the best burn spell.

Cu modificarea asta scenariul urmator o sa fie sadly destul de viabil:
Commander: any 1-3 drop
turn-1: land, 1-drop
turn-2; land, 2-drop, swing with 1-drop
turn-3; land, possibly commander or 3-drop, swing with 1- and 2- drop
turn-3; swing for lethal, gg

O alta chestie interesanta o sa fie lethal commander damage, ca 21 practic nu mai are relevanta...


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

http://www.duelcommander.com/2016/09/se … ist-update
starting life total will be 20....



(0 replies, posted in GameFlux)

1 Cataclysmic Gearhulk
4 Combustible Gearhulk
3 Noxious Gearhulk

preferabil trade

So far when someone logs in to their deckbox account, they have absolute no way of telling at first glance if someone has initiated a trade with them, unless they send message first.
And some people don't read their emails, or if they log in via facebook, god knows where those emails end up...
A visual indicator would be nice nexd to the "Trading" button to show new trade offers.


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)


Adding a column in the trading opportunities page, to show the number of cards, from both sides, that matches wish-tradelists.
Sometimes you just want to move large amount of cards or get rid of them.
Also, when you have a fairly updated playlist with a lot of small cards, this can help you to spot the trader that can send you a lot of cards in one batch.


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

Rarres wrote:
nightride wrote:

is this MTG: NFS edition?

Vehicle?! VEHICLE?!?!? Jeeeeeeez!

in before drifting becomes a game mechanic...

sometimes we do local trades in our closer playgroup.
and sometimes we both want cards, but don't have enough to even it out.
as times goes on, prices fluctuate.
it could be really helpful, if we could see it later (1-2 months) what was the original trade, so everyone can go even.


(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

and they say modern is expensive...


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

caut 2x Steel Wall de imprumut


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

are cineva 1x Surgical Extraction pentru sambata?


(4 replies, posted in Noutăți)

sandorgabor86 wrote:

Phirexian arena. Again....

it's a 6+ dollar rare, come on...


(4 replies, posted in Noutăți)

sandorgabor86 wrote:

http://www.magicspoiler.com/mtg-spoiler … the-guard/

this here should be in red.


the original was HEAVY color-bleed


(4 replies, posted in Noutăți)



(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

MetaIke wrote:


The power creep is real.

history unfolds in front of our own eyes!


(0 replies, posted in Noutăți)



(535 replies, posted in Taverna)

Silviu wrote:

Asa sa tot tragi...

...2 Comet Storm epic fail... tongue


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

well fuck, nu mai am dismember (stupid deckbox arata inventory, si nu tradelist).
dar iti dau aristocrati.

ce a zis Silviu, faptul ca joci WB, nu inseamna, ca trebuie sa bagi WB fetch.
cred ca 1<->4 Polluted Delta<->Bloodstained Mire + 1 white khans fetch ajunge, daca ai si Godless Shrine


(7 replies, posted in GameFlux)

am un Dismember si indulgent aristocrat, care presupun ca le ai si tu.