Looking for the comic book promo High Tide, just a singleton for EDH. Hit me up with a trade discussion if you've got one available
126 2014-03-17 16:37:35
Topic: W: IDW comic book promo High Tide. H: tradelist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
127 2014-03-02 04:34:39
Topic: H: Brimaz. W: EDH, Modern, offers (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Please take this cat from me
128 2014-02-19 20:52:24
Topic: H: Exploration W: Survival of the Fittest (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just lookin to swap my Exploration for your Survival of the Fittest (for mono-green EDH). We can work out the price difference as needed.
Let's do this thang
129 2014-02-18 17:39:56
Topic: W: 2x SCG "Squirrelstorm" tokens, the ones they give at legacy opens (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Interested in a couple of the "squirrelstorm" tokens (reference here: http://static.starcitygames.com/sales/i lstorm.png ).
They give the tokens out for playing in SCG legacy open events, but I don't personally play legacy so I won't really have any opportunities to get these. I also have no idea how to value them, I couldn't find any on ebay (not surprising though, they're just tokens). If you've got a pair of these particular tokens and are willing to trade them, let me know how much you value them at and we'll see if we can work something out!
Note: I'm looking specifically for the "squirrelstorm" tokens linked above, *not* the squirrel tokens that were given away with regular site purchases last year.
130 2014-02-10 17:02:51
Re: W: 2x Razorverge Thicket, 2x Temple of Plenty. H: Stuuuuffffff (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
bump a doodle doo
131 2014-02-07 13:50:26
Topic: W: 2x Razorverge Thicket, 2x Temple of Plenty. H: Stuuuuffffff (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Need 2 Razorverge Thickets and 2 Temples of Plenty.
get at me
132 2014-02-05 01:33:28
Topic: H: 3x Temple of Abandon, 1x Temple of Malice. W: 3x Temple of Plenty (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just lookin to swap Temples for Temples. I have 3 of the RG temples and 1 of the BR temple and I need 3 of the WG temple.
133 2014-02-03 20:16:44
Re: H: BotG stuff, pack foil Wild Nacatl,list W: Temple of Plenty x3, more (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
134 2014-02-02 18:12:24
Topic: H: BotG stuff, pack foil Wild Nacatl,list W: Temple of Plenty x3, more (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
It's that time again. Born of the Gods prerelease stuff is ripe for the taking! Latest haves (along with rest of tradelist):
Pain Seer x2
Temple of Malice
Fated Intervention
Eater of Hope (promo)
Arbiter of the Ideal (promo)
Heroes' Podium x2 (yeah for reals. If someone actually wants these, I'll eat my hat)
Currently looking for:
10th edition painlands (need one of each)
Razorverge Thicket x2
Temple of Plenty x3
Woodland Cemetery x3
Pact of Negation (MMA)
High Tide (comic book promo)
Hit me up with a trade discussion if you need any of my BotG stuff or anything else on my tradelist!
135 2014-02-02 16:09:07
Re: W: BnG Pre release promos (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Sent trade offer for my blue and black promos.
136 2014-01-28 14:47:36
Re: W: 4x Angel of Serenity. H: Tradelist, mostly standard/EDH (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
bump, ransom still unpaid
137 2014-01-27 21:27:33
Topic: W: 4x Angel of Serenity. H: Tradelist, mostly standard/EDH (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Aliens have abducted my poor innocent girlfriend and demanded a ransom of 4x Angels of Serenity within the week, or else they'll do horribly probe-y things to her. Also they will overheat the earth's core with a special laser and kill us all in fiery doom.
I need a playset. Gimme dem angels.
please have mercy
138 2014-01-25 06:26:52
Topic: H: Blood Crypt+Steam Vents, Elspeth W: Stomping Ground x2, Xenagos x2 (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Have a Steam Vents and a Blood Crypt that I'd like to trade for a Stomping Ground each.
Also have Elspeth, Sun's Champion that I'd like to turn into a pair of Xenagos, the Reveler. Will happily add value to make up the difference.
Start up a trade discussion!
139 2014-01-21 15:00:53
Re: [closed] (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'm sorry, I literally just moments ago confirmed a trade for the nykthos. Apologies!
140 2014-01-21 14:21:09
Topic: [closed] (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Lookin to turn foil Nykthos into either 2x nonfoil Nykthos, or 1x nonfoil Nykthos + value. Am happy to look through tradelists in case you don't have anything else I need.
And as usual tradelist is open for whatever offers on other stuff. Just let me know what you're interested in!
EDIT: traded, sorry.
141 2014-01-18 15:31:04
Re: W: Pact of Negation [MMA], Charbelcher, U.Cerberus x2 H: Tradelist (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
142 2014-01-17 13:48:45
Topic: W: Pact of Negation [MMA], Charbelcher, U.Cerberus x2 H: Tradelist (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Lookin for:
[MMA] Pact of Negation x1
Goblin Charbelcher x1
Crucible of Worlds x1
[Duel Deck] Force Spike x1
Underworld Cerberus x2
Bitterblossom x1
Also have a Foil Nykthos I'm looking to turn into 2x Non-foil Nykthos if anyone's interested in that.
Get a discussion going if you've got any of those for me!
143 2014-01-15 23:57:58
Re: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'm hoping so! And at $2 apiece, the cerberuses (cerberi? cerberoes?) are worth it just to build a casual deck around, even if they don't go anywhere in standard. We'll see, I'm actually a fairly decent brewer but I never have the cards I need by the time prices skyrocket. (I brewed up a mono-black devotion list a full week before the deck went huge at the PT, purely out of boredom... and then scrapped the idea as soon as Nightveil Specter hit $10, haha). Playing the part of speculator isn't something I normally do, so maybe things'll pan out for me this time.
144 2014-01-15 22:02:47
Topic: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
EDIT: Tradelist updated with Mutavault and FOIL Nykthos! Get in on that action, boys and girl.
Looking for:
2x Underworld Cerberus
2x Reaper of the Wilds
2x Xenagos, the Reveler
I would also trade the foil Nykthos for 2x nonfoil Nykthos, if anyone's interested in that.
145 2014-01-15 13:57:15
Topic: WTT: My Grave/Crypt/Vents for your Breeding Pool (+ or - value) (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Need 1x breeding pool, just looking to trade shock for shock. I have 1 each of Watery Grave, Blood Crypt, and Steam Vents. If trade value is different I will expect padding on the appropriate end, naturally. Hit me up, let's do this thang.
146 2014-01-12 08:29:20
Re: W: 36x Zendikar FA Forests. H: tradelist! (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
147 2014-01-08 23:31:20
Topic: W: 36x Zendikar FA Forests. H: tradelist! (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Tradelist should be up to date. Start up a discussion if there's anything on my list that you need!
148 2014-01-04 17:40:01
Topic: W: Last few cards for esper EDH, list inside. H: Tradelist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just need the following cards to finish up Oloro deck I'm building:
Grand Abolisher
Lodestone Golem (Worldwake preferred)
Return to Dust
Thorn of Amethyst
Torpor Orb
Toxic Deluge
Windborn Muse
Wrath of God (Commander 2013 ONLY)
Also looking for 1x GTC Breeding Pool if anyone's got one available.
Start up a trade discussion!
149 2013-12-23 17:11:34
Topic: W: 1x Eldrazi Spawn token, any art (or one of each if you've got em!) (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Just need an Eldrazi Spawn token for my peasant cube, I believe it's the only token produced by cube cards that I'm currently missing. If you've only got one to trade then I don't really care which art it has. Otherwise if you've got 1 of each of the 3 different arts then I'm definitely interested in getting the whole trio. Hopefully someone out there has these! Just start up a trade, let me know which ones you have and what you value them at. Thanks!
150 2013-12-18 18:43:39
Topic: W: Life's Finale, Krosan Grip, Beast Within, wishlist H: Tradelist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking for one of each of the following:
Life's Finale
Krosan Grip
Beast Within
Go For the Throat
Doom Blade
Tradelist in sig, shoot me a trade offer and let's see what we can work out.