126 2014-08-29 13:35:54
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
127 2014-08-28 11:02:40
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
joecat wrote:
128 2014-08-27 13:37:48
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
129 2014-08-26 17:36:34
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
130 2014-08-26 12:16:36
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
131 2014-08-25 12:58:59
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
132 2014-08-24 16:32:58
Re: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Bistiquea wrote:
I have a couple of smaller items from your list and other versions of several others. Do you do smaller trades?
I will do small trades.
133 2014-08-24 16:10:38
Topic: W:shocks Selling: m. flats, linvala, modern, tradelist (22 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking to clear my wishlist.
134 2014-08-22 23:03:44
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
135 2014-08-21 11:12:51
Re: Looking to Buy Some Cards (2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I have some of these.
136 2014-08-20 11:09:29
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
joecat wrote:
1 Marsh flats is gone
137 2014-08-20 00:41:50
Re: Looking to trade for/buy some cards (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have some of these for sale
138 2014-08-19 22:17:08
Re: Modern (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have blood moons for sale
139 2014-08-06 13:31:00
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
1 Marsh flats is gone
141 2014-08-06 13:13:02
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
marsh flats gone
142 2014-08-06 13:11:44
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
143 2014-08-05 11:50:32
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
144 2014-08-04 12:14:05
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
145 2014-08-03 20:32:16
Re: Foiling out a deck! (11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have foil plains.
146 2014-08-03 16:46:05
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
147 2014-08-02 05:49:52
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Sold some edh stuff.
148 2014-08-02 05:46:22
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
149 2014-08-01 12:36:35
Re: W:Shocks Selling all cards (22 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
150 2014-07-31 16:47:57
Re: W: deathrite shaman Selling fetches, shocks, modern, edh (8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
picked up the eidolons