(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Was someone looking for these? I've got two on the way smile

What's up with that thoughtseize from lorwyn


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you see something make an offer. Please be mindful of on going trades. Please try and make all purchases more than $10. Payable to paypal only. Please do not lowball me.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Do you have an updated want list? Shoot me an email or start up a trade and let me know smile


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Okay, its back on. I moved a PLAYSET in less than 24 hours. Bring them to me guys. Most everything on the list is fair game, however there are a few things that I might ask for some extra value on since theyre a little scarce (eg. Morningtide Clique).


(0 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Hey all,

I need a playset of Voice of Resurgence. Im not new so I know the difference between a card that will maintain value for a while and a card that is only high because of the Naya/Selesnya decks running around standard so please do not try to pull the wool over my eyes and ask for an egregious amount of extra value. I'll trade outside the format and do clique and eldrazi for them. Thanks!

linkaad wrote:

Do you by chance have any voice of resurgence? smile

Yeah! Hit me up!


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent an open trade. You've got quite a few things I'd like. Have a look at my trade list if you'd be interested smile



(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

sillystringlvr wrote:

Would you yrade your morningtide clique for one?

I'm really trying to save the clique for old onslaught fetches or in a Jace the Mind Sculptor trade hmm sorry.

Feel free to look!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Pitch35 wrote:

Any interest in buying one?

If you'd like to propose a trade with a price I'd be more than happy to look at it smile


Wow ultra fail on my part there lol. I was curious about the chrome moxes. I have domri rades that are on your wish list

Are you trading from your inventory?

The title pretty much says it all. I need jace for legacy and I've got some good stuff to trade for it. I of course have my trade list but also have Emrakul and Kozilek that are not on the list that I will only trade for Jace. Willing to trade from inventory as well.

The title pretty much says it all. I need jace for legacy and I've got some good stuff to trade for it. I of course have my trade list but also have Emrakul and Kozilek that are not on the list that I will only trade for Jace. Willing to trade from inventory as well.


(11 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

bighappyblocker wrote:

I'd love to work out something for the omnath I like shiny commanders what can I say

Haha understandable. I almost peed a little when the mimeoplasm was printed in foil. Start up a teed and we will work something out


(11 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

bighappyblocker wrote:

Looking for Kiki and Omnath if you've got them maybe we can work something out?

I've got omnath but not kiki tongue


(11 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

Do you still have the ulamog because he's the only piece of the ftv legends I'm really interested in

I do not hmm


(11 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Darkfyre wrote:

I don't have anything from your wishlist =/. Are you willing to work with PayPal?

Absolutely. What are you interested in and I'll make you a number


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Okay, here's one of the commander player's best friends. I have MOST of the From the Vault: Legends box set. I do not want them. They have never ever been played and I would like to trade them promptly. I have a wish list but its not all inclusive. If you want to make me an offer please feel free to do so! smile Im mainly interested in Modern and Legacy!


(11 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Okay, here's one of the commander player's best friends. I have MOST of the From the Vault: Legends box set. I do not want them. They have never ever been played and I would like to trade them promptly. I have a wish list but its not all inclusive. If you want to make me an offer please feel free to do so! smile

Theres a couple things i'd like on your list. Maybe you can find something

I added a few things if you'd like to look again?