(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

psrex wrote:

http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp … uct=551415

In my opinion It's going to be the chase rare of the set.

So far from what has been released I would have to agree, one of my favorite minor gods that they have made. It has made me reconsider my colors for my next standard deck.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

It will see play in pod, unfortunately, and absolutely some play in standard.

Edit: This seems like a terrible card for Living End. You don't want your creatures back in your hand.

Didn't see it went to your hand....but situationally I could see it be good in Living end, but I saw it as bringing it back to the field for some reason.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anybody else see this being a playable card like I do? yikes
Edit: Nevermind no Living End use hmm
Still like the card though cool

Athreos, God of Passage:
http://www.magicspoiler.com/mtg-spoiler … d-passage/

jlee wrote:

Any interest in foils of living end cards?

Maybe one, I'm not really sure, shoot a trade though


I am in the process of build living end, here are the cards I am in need of:

Living End x3
Fulminator Mage x4
Pale Recluse x1
Street Wraith x3
Ingot Chewer x4
Blackcleave Cliff x3
Copperline Gorge x3
Karpulsan Forest x2
Blood Crypt x1
Godless Shine x1
Overgrown Tomb x1

Also in need of:
Deathrite Shaman x2
Nighthowler x1
Shadowborn Demon x2
Nemesis of Mortals x1


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

Check out this Living End Deck, its from a local player and he typically does quite well. (top 8 in 60+ player tourneys) Its what I get my experience of it from and I think in general its pretty good for what it is. Im not sure if its 100% just a netdeck or not I stopped checking XD but I think it should give you a good idea of what direction to head in. IMO the weakest part of it is the white splash in the mana base for leyline in the board but either way.


I tried it out, and I actually like the list quite a bit more than the ones I have found! The white splashes I have seen I dont really understand because I cant really see the white doing a whole lot for the deck aside from the cycler spider, and of all the leylines, I prefer Leyline of the Void for this deck. Eh net decking is fine, as long as you admit to it, otherwise if you say its your own when its not its rather irritating.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

Living end is a great deck.  Its only major issue is cost and graveyard hate these days

You probably want some number of these main deck depending on budget.
beast within
Spike feeder
Fulminator Mage
Avalanche Riders

A mainstay portion of the deck is Land Destruction, its principally what enables the secondary win con of Playing fatties and swinging and I think I've probably lost more games to fatties like that than to Living end going off once I understood how to play around it.

You will want some of these in your sideboard ingot chewer and maybe even main deck.

Personally Im not a fan of the architects of will myself but they could work. I'd stick to stuff you can play main deck if necessary though.

Your mana base could also use some upgrading depending on how competitive your local area is. I'd stick to a few fetches or shocks, but keep it low to keep you from putting yourself into danger range of aggro decks if you have unlimited budget.

OR drop the Terramorphics and get a few pain lands instead! If you are like most of us and dont have unlimited funds for the game smile

I have found a version of it that is much more pricey than mine, but I figured that the more I put into, the better itll run, granted though it is easier to say that with a proxied deck rather than do it. Learning how to run it is half the battle, because I have found myself in the position where I was a turn or two from Living end going off, and I had to force one off that turn or id die, along with running into walls with cycling.

I have considering most of those, and currently the Mage and the Beast within are mainboard, and I have seen Avalanche along with Shriek in builds.

Considering there are people in my area that go to Starcity Opens and GP's, there are pretty money heavy decks that are dead-on copies of decks, or very near it. So considering this, I may need to go fairly far to compete.

Though I may not have unlimited funds, I have ways of getting the decks I would like. Currently I have a handful of decks to play, but really there isn't much to them to make me want to play them outside of casual aside from 2 of them. All in all I am not too worried about price unless it nears something like a thousand.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm not going to even begin to claim I'm a competitive modern player, but I know that if you're not doing much until T3, you will likely lose quite a bit.  It's not entirely uncommon to see Infect or a variety of other decks combo out around that time... so perhaps look a bit closer at the more established Living End builds (Travis Woo was one of the architects of the deck, so it'd be worth the time to go look at whatever his most recent adaptation of it is).

You would definitely want some early-game removal in the SB too.

I found his deck, and it looks much stronger, probably considering it has a few hundred more in it. Im just wondering if the fetches are worth it at this point, or if i could make do wthout them.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Atrilix wrote:

So what do you have in the way of removal then? As long as you can can consistently hit hard after turn 3 that's a nice tactic!

It i a nice tactic, but there are ways of killing the graveyard and they may have their own combo at this point if that is the kind of deck they are running.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Atrilix wrote:

Living End and the deck have differing goals.
The mana curve has you waiting til turn 3 to get anything out in play no matter how many cards you draw with cycling.
The deck itself looks good if you can capitalize off your card draws with a new card.

I do see that turn 3 is about the time the deck starts taking the offensive, and it doesnt really bother me considering it removes it. The more I look at it, the more i see I do not have any removeal really which is quite troublesome to me.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Recently since I played my elf-ball deck at an FNM and helped me to decide I need another deck for Modern. I've been looking around and I think Living End is the way I want to go. I have a decklist here:http://deckbox.org/sets/649801
(The original decklist http://deckbox.org/sets/649222 )
I think it needs some work to be a bit more competetive, so any ideas?
Also, I am unsure as to what I should sideboard for certain matches or possibly protection of what I am doing?


(4 replies, posted in Batesville Band MTG)

ATplace2be wrote:

anything (pretty much anyway) that isnt in my burn, mill, and palneswalker decks. just about everything else is up for grabs. and my tradelist is soooooooooooo not complete

I have some stuff I like, but idk if they are there


(4 replies, posted in Batesville Band MTG)

What all are you seeling there?


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

IMO, i think the best options are to go full bant control, or take it more of a sylesnya route with advent of the wurm, voice, fleecemane.  splashing detention sphere for removal and sphinx's reve for draw power.

Well considering I have a Selesnya deck already, I would rather stray from making something like it, and I don't want to modify it too much more. So Id say the control route is the way id like to go.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

I would have called this build bant midrange.  GR monsters will beat you because they just go bigger and do if faster than you can. 

I play UWr control recently and I've done okay against RG monstes and jund monsters, though i've heavily tailored my deck to beat them and the aggro matchup.  It is the supreme, verdict, detention sphere, shinx's rev shell though.  I've rarely felt "stomped" like Timber said.

I run 2 main deck celestial flares and a main deck nullify.  You have to save counters/flares for the storms breaths and deal with everything else with charms, spheres and verdicts.  Also, pithing needle is great for domri.

After board, i put in more flares, more efficient counters and blind obedience. 

in bant you still have access to some of that stuff, however it'd have to be in your sideboard or change the deck a little.  some of the cards in the deck just look bad imo, Kiora's follower for example, a bear that untaps stuff?  idk, doesn't seem very strong.

At the moment I think it is too creature based to really say its control-ish. Kiora's follower is mostly just a bear elvish mystic with this deck.
In all honesty I have no idea what to fix in the deck, or if I should re-vamp the entire thing to be less creature heavy.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Timber wrote:

Okay, so what about the deck destroyed you?

- too fast?
- too big?
- too much card advantage from Domri/Garruk?
- too much trample?

You're a control deck, so what didn't you have answers for?
- Stormbreath dragon?  I imagine there isn't a card in your deck that can take him out.
- Planeswalkers?

I've found that RG monsters just stomps control generally, but you can stabilize if you can kill its planeswalkers and have an instant-speed answer for Stormbreath.

His deck doesn't run garruk, but he gas domri who keeps picking off my creatures and getting him stormbreat and other big things. He also runs xenagod who hits pretty hard, especially with flying, and stormbreath is a problem to both of my decks thanks to protection from white. The deck as it's self does not have a ton of "control" feel to it considering it has little removal and counter magic to deal with all the creatures it's bound to face.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Timber wrote:

How many matches did you play?  Did you try side boarding?  What did you side board?

We played about 4 or 5 before he told me to switch decks because he got tired of playing it. To be quite honest, I dont know what to substitute in for the matchup, especially since I don't fully understand the deck quite yet. And sideboarding in general is a task for me.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Update on play testing: I don't care for the build anymore after taking on G/R Monsters, and getting crushed by the time I could do anything. I might not be playing it right, but I don't think that is fully it. So now I dont know if I should either try to make a new version, work on this one, or just altogether scrap and move to a different format.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

yeah, if it's an FNM deck and not going to see PTQ/5k play then it may not be a huge deal. 

Even then, though, i know my FNM is fairly comparative.  I've gone to more casual stores and crushed before, but I usually bat 500 at my usual haunt.   YMMV...

If I were to think it worthy of a PTQ or GP, then I would put quite a lot more time towards it, but I only have 1 deck that I would do that with, and it isn't even done to my liking. Still though I will put forth a decent amount of time trying to mess around with it. My store's main decks are rather troubling to play against, though only about 5 of them at most are of concern to play against, most other players are newer.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:
majormogley wrote:

I've tested the Post Born of the Gods Reid Duke Prophet Bant, and all I can say is that I am in love. I may make some tweaks to it, but I am not sure at this point since half the deck is proxies!

I just want to point out that Reid Duke could probably pilot a ham sandwhich to a 50/50 record at a large tournament.  And while I'm sure the deck is decent enough to win games, it hasn't put up any big numbers. 

Just be aware you're piloting a brew, albeit a brew by a pro, but still a brew and I haven't seen him or anyone else play it to any success.

You bring up a very valid point, and I can understand why I isn't top tier as many of the other builds I have seen. So I think I may mess with it a bit to make it more so how I like it, but all in all mine more than likely will not see much more play than my local card shop/ playing with my friends. Nonetheless, it still may need some tweaking.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've tested the Post Born of the Gods Reid Duke Prophet Bant, and all I can say is that I am in love. I may make some tweaks to it, but I am not sure at this point since half the deck is proxies!


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Timber wrote:

Reid Duke built a Bant Control deck for GP Dallas (pre-BNG so no Kiora) that he called Prime Speaker Bant.  It looked pretty cool.  However, like all other Standard UWx builds, it's focused on Sphinx's Revelation.

Here's the deck tech for some ideas:


I think it's tough to build a control deck in the current Standard configuration based around Sylvan Caryatid and Prophet of Kruphix because Supreme Verdict exists, but Prophet is really tough to play against.

Let us know what you end up doing!

http://www.starcitygames.com/article/27 … -Gods.html
This is the deck that I first saw when I was looking to make a Bant build, and to be perfectly honest; I am 50/50 on it. I like it, but I am unsure about it, and certain cards that are set with it. its actually the reason I have a near playset of Prophet held back, and gives me some reason to keep some other cards I have, I just dont know how well it works, and I am willing to test it.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

If you want to play control in standard ATM then, its got to be the UW shell with verdicts, sphinx's,d-sphere, jace etc...

You're really just splashing green at that point for a kiora or two, plus some sideboard action with mistcutter hydras.  Green doesn't add a whole lot to the archetype. 

If you want to play control, UWx splash, red or black, is the way to go.  In red you get counterflux and izzet charm, which are both good in the mirror and provide some added flexibility. Black, gives you access to hero's downfall and more hard removal if you're facing a lot of creature/planes walker decks, ala, GR aggro.

You could alternatively do a bant midrange, that used the sylesnya token generators, advent, sylesnya charm, conclave, voice, etc... splash some blue for things like prime speaker, and kiora

There's also some fringe hex-proof potential within these colors, but I think that's not really a strong deck in the format.

which do you think appeals to you more?

You bring up very valid points, and some of my friends said I would more than likely get stomped with the bant control at the moment. I thought about doing Esper Control, but I don't really know if its for me, though I think it is the one I would probably try for over UW and UWr. The Bant midrange sounds quite interesting, considering I have a pretty decent build of a Selesnya Aggro.


(20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

You talking about standard?

Oh sorry, meant to include that, yes standard.