Is JTMS from FTV20 or Worldwake? Inventory indicates Worldwake, but post says FTV20.

Are you talking like 1 for 1? I'd be up for that action smile Send me a trade request if you want to discuss a deal.

I got a decent amount on your wishlist, you interested in trading from inventory at all? Lots of goodies there! I understand if not.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Works for me Themaddhatter2304. Feel free to look over my lists and send me an offer around 5-6$. If nothing works out, I'll hit up truechill's advice!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bump. someone's gotta have some for trade!

If you decide to break it up, I'd be interested in All is Dust and Sensei's Diving Top.

Do you happen to have the tokens with the wurmcoil?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Really would like to get at least 2 of each wurmcoil token. Feel free to post or start up a trade if you have some.

Interested in some of your things. Feel free to start up a trade if you see anything on my list.

You're post indicates cards for sell yet I'm not seeing them when I try to propose a trade. Specifically interested in the following:
Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Mirran Crusader
Past in Flames
maybe Flickerwhisp

which bob is that? MMA or Ravnica?



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent offer.

sent you a trade request.

Looking to move some value for other value.

List of haves:
Voice of Resurgence (plus tokens)
Garruk, Caller of Beasts
Chandra, Pyromaster
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Domri Rade

List of wants:
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

Start up a trade or post here.

Do you actually still have the Karn? We had a trade going but was cancelled cause the Karn was traded. If you still have it, I'd be interested in seeing if we can work something out.

Please send offers.

Nice! That's what I'm trying to do. I just got a Grove but I'm kind of leaning toward just playing the Karplusan Forest's because they're a lot cheaper. I see you are also running those. Do you think they work out well enough or are the Groves a necessity?

1 Karn available?


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a Tezzeret and some other PWs on your wishlist. Start something up and we'll go from there.

I still need 1.

Might be interested in that Karn if we can work something out involving Brimaz. I'll let you start the trade as you have a very stern warning on starting trades with you.


I have a fair amount of decent cards. Looking to finish up the RG Tron list with 1 Karn, 1 Emrakul, and 4x Karplusan Forest.

Notable haves:
Sphinx's Revelations
Voice of Resurgence
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
A lot of planeswalkers

willing to trade out of inventory? I'm not seeing much in the tradelist, but I do have 3 for trade with the elemental tokens if interested.