
New items added to tradelist.

Bump. Plus new wantlist items added.

I am looking for anything off my wishlist, though with an emphasis on Natural Order or any of the pieces for legacy Metalworker.

I also have 2 promo Cryptic Commands that I would like to swap for regular printing Cryptics + value.

I have the Mana Confluences for trade, but it is a little difficult to set up a trade without you having a trade list put together.

I have a Tarmogoyf for trade and am interested in Volcanic Island. If you think we might be able to work something out, start up a trade.

I have a Perilous Vault for trade.

Are you interested in a FOIL Leyline of Anticipation?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

1x Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1-5x (Depending on the offer) Mana Confluence
1x Mantis Rider
4x Jeskai Ascendancy
3x Rakshasa Deathdealer
1x Savage Knuckleblade

Feel free to message me/make an offer if you need any/all of the above. Just looking to get some new stock in my binders primarily. Thanks for looking!

What even goes into a deck like that?

My husband had a version of that deck built before he decided to play something else. I can trade pretty much the whole thing away. But why not use Briber's Purse instead of Astral Cornucopia? I am not sure there is any effective difference, other than Briber's Purse being easier to come by. I will start a discussion with you over what I have of it.

How many Bloodsoaked Champions do you need? I am interested in either Eidolons or Ash Cloud Phoenix.

The standard version or the modern version?

I have a playset that I might be willing to trade, but most of the individual items available in your tradelist would be trading down for them. I have hesitated about responding to your post because of that. Is there anything else you might be willing to trade for them that isn't in your tradelist?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Hero of Bladehold promo, but it is in Spanish.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Discussion started.

Is your Leyline of Sanctity available for Sorin?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a foil Temple of Epiphany for trade if you are interested.

It looks like I may have some cards that you need. Not anything too big or fancy, but if you think it is worth it, start up a trade with me.

I have a Blood Crypt and am interested in your Unhinged Swamp primarily, and in Chord of Calling secondarily.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a foil Treasure Cruise and a foil Vapor Snag.

I am interested. I have some stuff on your wishlist, but would have to add for value still. Check out my list and let me know if you think we might be able to work something out.

What other promos are you looking for? I used to have a fairly extensive promo collection, but I traded or sold most of it. I do still have some nice ones though.

I think I have some of these available. I have been working on a similar EDH deck myself and I think I have some extras of several of these. I will check on it when I get home (as these aren't things that would currently be on my tradelist).


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Does it need to be in English? I have it in Chinese. Let me know if you are interested.