Got a pair of Abrupt Decay's I'm not using, let me know if you still need them.  Could use a Sacred Foundry

Got a Cryptic and Stoneforge, could go for your Misty Rainforest if your up for that.

Interested in that foil Courser of Kruphix, how much is it going for?

Oooooooooooooooooo, I didn't know it was worth that much! Sorries!

would you do 2 normal versions for a foil version?

Got a sword will start something up

I got one of the swords modern masters ill start something up

He's going for $31.04 at Tcg Mid, so that.

Pulled a Brimaz at my local midnight pre-release.  Would like to trade him, shoot me an offer for him, I'm not looking for anything in particular, just to get rid of him (I'll also sell him for $20 cash + shipping)

Got a FTV: Realms Aether Vial, would you be interested in that version?  Could go for your Snapcaster if you are.

My x3 Thoughtseize (Theros) for you Vendillion Clique (modern masters) big_smile:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Got a stoneforge mystic, see anything on my list to get me up to that Bloodstained Mire?

Got a stoneforge mystic, see anything on my list to get me up to that Bloodstained Mire?

I've got a Stoneforge and Ftv: Aether Vial.  Would be interested in Liliana and other stuff, let me know if your interested

Or what are their usernames so I can message them, regarding a possible trade gone bad case (or is there a specific admin that deals with this?)?

I have one a True-Name Nemesis sad anyone wanna go halvsies on the Tarn with me big_smile

Sure, let me know if you see anything on my list for your Vial, or Snapcaster



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would  like to try and get either your Thassa, Sword of Light and Shadow, FTV:20 Swords to Plowshares, or FTV:20 Tangle wire,  let me know if you see anything you want.

Says it all in the title, would like to swap my True-Name Nemesis for a Liliana of the Veil.  Pretty much a one for one swap, but I'd be willing to throw in something smaller in addition to get her.


I've got Fleecemane, Prophet, Anger, Chained to the Rocks, and temple of silence.  I'll start something up.

DTrain wrote:
Rocc wrote:

Got the Thalias, and Paths, the Path to Exiles are modern masters though, interested?

Yeah, I don't really care about edition.  Modern Masters is fine.  Send me a trade offer and we can try to work something out.

Will do

Got the Thalias, and Paths, the Path to Exiles are modern masters though, interested?

Title says it all, hoping to pick up a couple of thoughtseizes.  If you see anything on my list that you want/need just shoot me a trade proposal, I don't mind looking at lists.


I've got a couple of stormbreaths laying around, ill see if you have anything I want

I've got a merciless eviction I think, and I could use your Assemble the Legion.  Start a trade up if your interested.