Can you update your wishlist so we have something to go off of?

what do you value the foil version at, cause I think $70 is a little high right now. I'd give you a regular one plus like $20 in cards

you don't have any specific wants, maybe a Jace AoT on top?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


need born of the god scry lands, prefure green white but would take others, I have 2 r/g and 2 b/g to trade.

trade completed.

mis-placed my set (likely stolen but I will just go with mis-placed) my play set of blood crypt so looking for someone who want to trade a play set of blood crypt for 2 thoughtseize
trade completed


Looking for the following:

Goblin lacky (want oto trade my regular one plus stuff for a from the vaults)
Emrakul (Only interested in promo version or regular version if you are willing to price it the same as the promo version)
Sneak Attack (mostly interested in the promo version

Notable cards I have (Note I likely don't have these listed on deck box but I do have them:
Jace Arcitect of thought

Also looking to trade a Mondern Masters Dark Confidant for a FTV Jace the Mindsculpter

offer sent




bump, still trying to find a cradle, a land tax, and a chrome mox







thanks for asking, I'm set, but I appreciate you posting to ask

thanks for the offer, I'm set on them


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Is sent a trade to ask some questions

want a Umezawa's Jitte, looking to get rid of a mutavault. I would prefure to get the GP promo but would take a normal one (would want something on top of Jitte if normal one, would give a little bit on top for a GP one). Really only looking to trade a mutavault (m14) for a jitte as far as high money cards go\. If this sound interesting to you start up a trade/post below

Also would consider trading the mutavault for a sneak attack (Judge foil strongly prefurred) Judge foil straight up, regular I'd want a little bit on top

bump still looking for a chrome mox

bump, just closed a trade but still looking for more stuff