(0 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Hi everyone,

My tradelist is currently for sale (link in my signature). $10 minimum please. If you order 50+ I will ship for free!

I am also selling everything in my tradelist under 1 dollar as a lot. The list is 95% accurate (some cards missing, some added from irl trades). It is worth a good chunk (450 tcgmid, 250 tcg low) and it isn't just search the cities smile  I am obviously not expecting even low for it, but shoot me an offer you think is reasonable below that!

Finally, I have sealed product for sale:
4 innistrad booster boxes
1 modern masters booster box
4 ftv:20 sealed

Hit me up with offers, I am always willing to negotiate.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Uppers. Some interest, but no offers yet.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Raziel wrote:

Do you have an estimate on the number of cards is the bulk lot?

Its about 10 pages on deck box, so 300+ unique cards. That doesn't account for doubles though. Feel free to browse through the list if you want specifics (its my tradelist, everything under a buck).


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Pitch35 wrote:

Okay, thanks! I might be interested

If so, start up a trade. I just came out of vacation mode smile I will be going back into hibernation soon!


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Inn - 190
MM - 385

Both include shipping and insurance.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

One last up! Make me even a semi-reasonable offer and the lot is yours!


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

psrex wrote:

The above request is just like sellers on TCGPlayer that offer super saver shipping, where buyers get free shipping above $25.  Adding a configurable dollar threshhold for free shipping might be nice, but a set value makes it much easier for buyers to know when the free shipping option will kick in.

If its just a threshold, there needs to be a minimum order threshold too (I recommend 5 dollars). Since most sellers on here aren't stores, do people really want to be bothered with orders for 1.21?


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

For shipping, could you add an option for overall purchase price? I don't care how many cards people order, I care how much they pay. Example:

If someone orders 2 dollars worth of cards, I need to charge for shipping. I can't afford to offer free shipping when the order total isn't enough.

However, if smoeone orders 50 dollars worth of cards, I would be willing to ship for free regardless of the amount of cards. But, I can't set shipping prices in this way.

Does this make sense / can it be added? I feel like it is a necessary functionality for deckbox to be a good marketplace for a seller.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

A bit off topic revenue wise, but a few suggestions in addition to selling:

*Subscription service - Add some additional functionality for like a dollar a month.
*Donations - Put paypal donate button on my profile page. I would be happy to support deckbox, but I don't see the option.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Beagle wrote:

Title says it all - looking to buy three for slightly below TCG.

Sell them before they drop like a rock with the new sales of Commander smile

If anyone has more than the three beagle needs, I will take any amount at 20 smile

Last up before a short hiatus smile


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


And up....still lots of sealed product available.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:
outofstep wrote:

Are we obligated to sell at the price shown, per website rules?

You have to sell at the price you have when the buyer pays for the order. If I made an order and paid for it, you have to ship what I bought.

Please note, as these are not trades, there is no "accept" stage for you as a seller. If a buyer sees what you have to sell and pays, you sold it.

To address the problem with leaving and coming back to surprises, we have added a Vacation Mode. Setting it to on will prevent anyone to trade you stuff or to buy things from you.

We want to add more powerful market tools too, which can analyze your tradelist and show which cards you are selling way below market value or way above market value, to help with managing sales inventories.

Is there any possibility of an 'accept' feature for sellers. Given that the api only updates daily, I also would like to avoid getting burned on spikes.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

outofstep wrote:

Not straight at the beginning. Right now you just get another price column in your tradelist, which you can edit to whatever you want. All cards you set prices for are considered to be for sale.

Are we obligated to sell at the price shown, per website rules?

The reason I ask is, well, just look at card price spikes lately as a result of the Modern events. Let's say that I had a couple Ensnaring Bridge in my sale list (prior to the spike) marked at $11/each, because that was a decent price for them at the time. Then, I go away for a relaxing weekend with the wife and, in the meantime, the card blows up... doubling in price, and, of course, people are all over mine at the $11 price tag because it's not updated/adjusted for the spike.

I guess what I'm asking is -- are we held accountable to updating prices in real time (I know you can set an option to be X% of tcgplayer, but that's been lagging lately)? Or, do we have the final say on a sale without negative feedback or breaking site rules?

Great question.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:

1. Will we be able to create separate lists to sell from. I don't want to combine my trading and my selling in the same list.

Not straight at the beginning. Right now you just get another price column in your tradelist, which you can edit to whatever you want. All cards you set prices for are considered to be for sale.

2. How does charging for shipping work? Is it fixed, can we change it?

When you sign up to be a seller you can set the shipping fees that you wish.

3. Can we implement a minimum order amount? I know for me as a trader who dabbles in selling, I don't want to be shipping out 5 dollars worth of cards. I'm not a store, so its not worth the time really.

Very good point. We do not yet have such a feature, but I want to add it soon.  In the mean time, you can write this information on your 'Bio' on your profile.

4. Can we still accept paypal gift as payment?

Nope, we will strongly discourage that, because gifts are not refundable. We want buyers to be able to be protected as well, and to be able to make refund claims in case sellers lie about sending stuff.

5. What can we expect for the 7% fee? Will upgrades to the system be coming? I know upgrades have been historically slow since you don't do this as a job, will that change if the feature is used heavily enough?

Well, it just became a job smile. Not yet full time, but I'm working full 3 days a week (5 with the weekend big_smile) on it now. If it is popular we actually want to hire some people to help with development and support. So the answer is a definite YES, features will keep coming.

6. Will an option to list sealed product be coming?

At some point, no promises, it's on our list, but low priority. API & missing editions first.

Awesome, thanks for the prompt reply.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

The idea is really cool, but there are some details that are fuzzy:

1. Will we be able to create separate lists to sell from. I don't want to combine my trading and my selling in the same list.
2. How does charging for shipping work? Is it fixed, can we change it?
3. Can we implement a minimum order amount? I know for me as a trader who dabbles in selling, I don't want to be shipping out 5 dollars worth of cards. I'm not a store, so its not worth the time really.
4. Can we still accept paypal gift as payment?
5. What can we expect for the 7% fee? Will upgrades to the system be coming? I know upgrades have been historically slow since you don't do this as a job, will that change if the feature is used heavily enough?
6. Will an option to list sealed product be coming?

Thanks for all your hard work, you have created a great product and community!


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:


Awesome, thanks.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

All of my decks now only have a land category with every card in it. No creatures, enchantments, etc are showing up since the update.



(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Blaze wrote:

How much did you want per bulk rare?

I want to sell the lot, which includes playable uncommons, snow lands, (oh, and foils), etc. So its not all bulk rares. Feel free to start up a discussion and make an offer on the whole thing, I don't actually know how many cards are in that section of my deckbox (don't want to hand count it, no option on deckbox).


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Up smile Make me any reasonable offer and the lot is yours!


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ipna wrote:

Im willing to trade for any amount of bulk at 12 cents per near mint card.

Gonna have to pass, I can get better buylist prices for these cards.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there everyone,

I am aggressively looking to move my bulk and eventually all of my cards. My current bulk (cards under 1 dollar tcg mid) is for trade or sale. The TCGMid price for this part of my collection comes out to about $450 dollars (the list is 95% accurate...some stuff may be missing or extra stuff may be added). However, I realize low value cards aren't worth nearly their tcg mid smile 

I am taking any and all trade or sale offers for this lot. Its not all junk, and there are a lot of EDH playable cards included! Send me some offers and lets start up a discussion.

My tradelist is recently updated as well for any regular trading needs.