Gt a couple things from your tradelist. Started up a trade

Got Smithers and a supreme verdict. Intereste in godless shrine. Let me know!

Got a few of your wants here and there, intereste in heists. Opening a trade

Ive got a vengevine. Ill open a trade

Opened a discussion for a possible purchase

Opening a discussion for things!

I have 2 temple gardens, a sacred foundry, and a watery grave (along with other cards listed in my inventory/tradelist), and am interested in trading for snaps and geists.

If you have other offers, I'm always interested also.

Unfortunately my cliques are not for trade.

As listed. Most of my inventory is also for trade, besides the cliques. I'm interested in snap caster makes and Geist of Saint traft, and potentially one hallowed fountain. I'll accept a few glacial fortresses to even out trades and such. If you don't have anything I want, make an offer anywyay, who knows maybe I'll find something


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As it says. Most things in my inventory are for trade. If you have a Geist or some snaps,  let me know. Sadly my cliques are not for trade.

Willing to accept pretty much any offers on the named cards! They're kinda just stuck in my inventory, and I'd like to turn them into other things (preferably things that are useful to me). While that doesn't mean i'm going to trade any of them into 20 smaller cards, it does mean I'll be more likely to trade down a bit, for less to none of the value than I'd normally expect.

Happy trading!

Opening a discussion. I'll trade 1 temple garden+some paypal for both your fountains

I've got a sol ring, austere command, and a balefire dragon. Do you not see them?

As it says. I'll do things for them.

I have a few EDH things you're looking for. Shoot me a trade. I'd do it, but it's a pain on mobile.

As it says. Everything in my inventory except the snapcasters are available for trade. I'm welcome to all offers, but will prioritize the ones that have geist of saint traft. Celestial colonades would be nice, but they are pretty low priority.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Oh darn. Possibly sword of fire and ice?
That available?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be willing to trade extra value for a clique. Got 2 snaps and I see you have an Elspeth knight errant on your list. Clique and something small for the 3?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 2. And a couple things on your wish list. Are you Willin to trade from inventory?

As the post says. I'm willing to hear out other offers, though I am fairly opposed to any more trading down at this point since I did a lot of that to get my EDH cards.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anything on my lists you want for the vengevine?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for any number of vengevines, ideally woul like 4. Everything on my tradelist is up for grabs, except for the Elspeth. Inventory items can be negotiated for potentially.

I have them, and I'm willing to trade for other shocks. I see you have 5 godless shrines, so maybe we can work something out. I'll send a trade later.

Title says it all. I need those cards and 1 each of
Blood crypt
Overgrown tomb
Godless shrine
Breeding pool.

Karrthus is a pretty high priority.
I have 2 temple gardens and 3 hallowed fountains for trade also.

A dragon skull summit would also be nice. I'm in need of various other commons/uncommons also which I will post later if I can.


(20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am potentially interested, but like the others here point out I'd be more comfortable doing this transaction once you have the box on hand.

Trying to complete the lands set for a 5cc EDH Deck. Missing overgrown tomb, bloodcrypt, godless shrine, and breeding pool. A dragonskull summit is also appreciated, as are any other land based trades for such a deck. If you are trading up for my stuff, please offer value.