Relvox wrote:

How about adding an isntermediate category by continent?
It can be hidden as it is automatic by country...

That's a really good idea!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks for the input, good ideas!

Showing trade score in the 'users with card' is a good point, we'll do it for this release.

We would really like to have a "suggest trades" section. We already have one for people in a community, they see on their page some suggested trade partners. We had this for worldwide and per country too, but as you suspected, it got really slow, and we had to take it out.

There are smart ways to do this, and for a trading site it is almost mandatory, but they're not trivial smile. We just didn't yet get to it. After the current release we'll try to draw up a plan for one, and post about it in Announcements to ask for some feedback.

Roger, will check.

We've added the city to the database, you can set it now smile

We've just added Kiriyat Ono to the database, you should be able to set it as your city now. As for proximity, that is indeed a bit misleading. The only thing is does is it puts all cards available in your city first, then your region, then your country, and then the other countries in the world (but the other countries in the world are in a random order).


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Paddock wrote:

It's very tedious to have to recreate a detailed search, which is aggravated by the fact that the site does not play well with the browser back button.  Being able to store complex searches for later use would save people lots of time.

Hello. Right now you cannot save a search on the website, but one quick way to do it is to bookmark the address. All the filters and search options are in the URL after performing a search, so returning to the same url will yield the same page.

The browser's back button should work fine in all cases. When are you encountering issues?

HikingStick wrote:

You're making us drool, Sebi! Do you have a rough ETA in mind? Are we looking at year-end? End of first quarter 2013?

I'm trying to stop giving ETA's since we're 1.5 moths later than the last one I promised big_smile

We'll try to set up the preview server sunday/monday. It'll be a little bit buggy, but the changes are there to test and see. For the final release, I'd say up to 3 weeks, depending on how many things we find are still problematic in the next week or so.

BlackTracktorist wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

Treacherous Pit-Dweller in the Avacyn Restored block is card 121 of 244 regardless of the language of the printing.

Well, that's reasonable, but then Inventory needs another one column (and cards - another one property): Language, it can be important in some situations.

It's coming! As nice flag icon too tongue

Hello, and thanks for your input.

Many of the points you mention we have already implemented for our next release, which we will preview soon. We'll then be looking forward to your feedback!

On the topic of internationalization, we'd like to have it but there are many things we want to do feature-wise that come before that, and it's a bit of an effort. So we've delayed that for now. Maybe at some point next year!

We can definitely add the city you want to our location database. Did I understand correctly that you'd need Russia, Khanty-Mansy, the city of Nizhnevartovsk?

We'll see what we can do about the search bar too. Our forum software is a bit minimalistic, which has advantages, and obviously disadvantages too smile But maybe we could work something out.


(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumping this to say we've read the discussion intently.

It is very true the deckbox official rules are a bit lax, and unclear on this specific situation, and we are updating them in the near future, along with various other changes which we will describe and discuss in an upcoming post in the announcements forum.

On topic, we tend to agree with Thrun's point of view. As far as we know, other reputable trading platforms use this rule as well (e.g.

Although I can understand why for some people it sounds a bit harsh, and the 50/50 option sounds friendly and fair, there is one important distinction that makes this option the right one:
As a sender, you have the option of insuring your shipment, and requesting signed confirmation. So if you want to make sure you don't lose money, you can. It is unfair to make the receiver lose money / value when he has no choice about it.


We have today found out about an issue that has been a problem since our server move 4 months ago.

We have sometimes received reports that some users cannot access the site anymore, and we've always thought it to be a DNS problem that goes away in time. That however was false.

The problems (which persist for some people until now) are caused by the Hamachi VPN software, which blocks IP addresses from the 5.x.x.x block, of which deckbox is a part of since our server move.

The issue is addressed officially on their forums here, workarounds are listed as well: … td-p/83996 . If you have hamachi installed, please try those workarounds, or as a last resort, try uninstalling it.

If you know of people who can still have problems accessing deckbox from some machines, please pass them this link.

Sorry for the problems caused, let us know if the workarounds work. We're as always available for assistance here or via

P.S. For the IT/network guys amongst you, I'm quoting below an explanation from another source: … m-osx-lion

You have a route for the network there leading to the ham0 interface.

This is the hamachi interface. When Hamachi started their service, they chose the network as their pool of addresses to avoid conflicting with any existing ranges. However, hamachi were never allocated this range.

In the past couple of months, RIPE (who are responsible for this range) have started selling blocks in the 5/8 network. This was inevitable with the quickly depleting numbers of ipv4 addresses, yet hamachi are still using this block.

If you want to access services in this range, then you will need to uninstall hamachi - or at least disable it while accessing those blocks. You could also manually delete the route each time.

The real fix will be for hamachi to purchase a block that they are entitled to use, or to switch to ipv6.

Yep, good idea!

Right now you have to click on the user's name and then you have a "Visit deckbox profile" link there. A bit obscure and out of way though, i agree smile

PeterFitz wrote:

I've used IE, Safari, Chrome and Mozilla.  It looks like there is a second account under the same user name... could be it?

Hey, sorry for the issues. Yes, there was some issue with a duplicate username it seems. Please try to set your location again, this time it will work!

Doiteain wrote:

I accidently put a neutral rating when I meant to give someone a positive rating. Is there any way to fix this?

Sure, open a Support ticket by clicking on "Support & Feedback" in the menu. Please include the link to the trade in question and what changes you'd like.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We have one coming in the next realease!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey, thanks for the feedback and nice words.

You cannot do that right now, it would be a bit awkward since for most collections each of the types would span many tens of pages.

What you can do though is use a filter to see  / browse one type at a time, like this:

The  numbers on top do not reflect the counts of the filtered listing though sad. We might add another count to show how many filtered ones there are.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't want to promise anything since we're already overshot the initial estimation of "end of september" by quite a bit. But it is coming! We'll try doing a little preview next weekend so you guys can see how close we are smile

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  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content,
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  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)

I'm resurrecting this old thread because we're currently finishing up some of the features we've promised here, and also because of email discussions with users on trade score related topics.

Neutral Feedback

There is an interesting idea proposed by someone higher in this thread that I think merits further discussion or consideration: should there be an option for neutral feedback? In principle it makes sense to have it, but looking back it seems many people feel bad for negative feedback, as they would for negative. So maybe a system with just +1 and -1 would be simpler and clearer?

Expired / old trades

Second issue that is currently a problem are "timed out" trades - the ones that have been accepted but then become stuck - either a user does not send cards, or does not mark them as received, or does not leave any feedback. These trades are currently just showing in the pending section for ever - obviously a bad solution smile.

Possible changes

My thoughts on how to better deal with cancelation and trade score:

  • User score will be shown in a clearer fashion: sebi +10, -1 - meaning I have 10 positive feedbacks and 1 negative.

  • We will allow modification of trade feedback for a limited period of time after a trade is finished (probably 2 weeks).

  • Finished trades - cards sent and received, feedback left by both users. For these we can make feedback only use +1 or -1. Feedback text will be shown directly on a users' trade page so that it's easier to see (now you'd need to click on all trades).

  • Finished trades with no feedback - currently shown as Pending. We could treat these as what neutral stands for right now. If someone does not wish to leave a +1 or -1, hence is indifferent, he can just do that. The user's rating will not change in any way. For the above example, I would still have +10, -1, even if I finished another trade for which I did not receive feedback.

  • Unfinished trades for which someone HAS SENT cards - these basically mean someone has messed up: either the sender is lying, the receiver is lying, the post lost the cards and there is no confirmation, one user just does not use deckbox anymore and does not care, etc. After a set period of time passes and a trade is in the same state (1 month?) it will be shown with a warning sign in the trade listing, highlighted as a "problem" trade. One of the participants will have to then terminate it, and feedback can be left. In case it is a provable scam, he can use the report button and we will enforce negative feedback and/or a ban for the offending party. In case it is not provable, both parties just leave feedback explaining what happened

  • Unfinished trades canceled BEFORE anyone sent cards - these happen for many reasons and generally are "no harm done" type of deals. For these we will implement a Reason for cancelation field, as described by HikingStick at the bottom of this post. They will also take NO feedback score.

How does this sound? We're open to suggestions, now's the best time to discuss this, as we're implementing these things currently smile


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

t3chnomanc3r wrote:

[...] Sadly can't even kludge a workable solution of separating my trades from main collection by creating a new account because I will still have to manually set at least edition, foil, & condition on the import. Seems limited import functionality is defacto with every collection manager site & app (android) I've looked at.

True. But we're working on improving this as we speak (er... type smile). The import, add and edit card details will definitely be better in the next release. Only it's very hard to design a smart system for this that covers all needs and use cases sad (or at least for me it is haha).


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Yep, the check for Pauper format is actually very naive and just looks if everything is common. We've added to the todo list an entry to make it a bit smarter. (also EDH is naively checked for 100 cards, nothing else).

Hey guys, it's the season for catching up with database updates!

Warhammer players, you can build decks with Shield of the Gods cards now:

For World of Warcraft we were quite a bit behind. We've now caught up and added Tomb of the Forgotten, War of the Ancients, and some missing holiday promo cards.

Happy deckbuilding!


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Something came up and we couldn't go in the end... sad. All is good for deckbox though, we had some more time to do some snazzy upcoming features in the afternoon.

That was exactly right, we've imported the Duel Deck wrong.

Legality information has been fixed for these cards now.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is it in your inventory? The trade autocompleter only searches in the inventory.