Got an extra domri and xeganos, will start something up.

Oh sweet baby jesus, do I want your Thassa, I'll start something up.

Could use your shocks, Have Stormbreath, Temple, Arbor, Mistcutter, and Polukronus.  I'll start something up.

I've got a few of those, how much do you value them at?

GalisDraeKon wrote:

Bump, and I would be interested in your Cabal Therapy if you wanted to start up a trade. Also, edited for acquisitions.

Yar, I'll start somethin up.

I could use those pack rat's, don't have anything on your list.  But check out my tradelist and let me know if you see anything for them.

Could use your temple of triumph's, let me know if you see anything on my list:

Hey guys, I'm in need of a few standard burn cards.  They're all in my Wishlist here:

Tradelist here:

But I'll put a few of the bigger ones here,

Chained to the Rocks x4

I also browse through lists so if you see something that you want, just shoot me a trade!


Hey, if anyone wants to buy a True-Name Nemesis I have one for sale.  Tcg low is $29.99, so I'll sell it for that, NM condition.  Just let me know if your interested.  Cheers!

Need your Domri Rade, check my list and let me know if you see anything for him


Have a cryptic command (modern masters) and am interested in your Xenagos.  I'll start something up.

Title says it all, let me know if your interested. Also interested in trading my Elspeth, Sun's Champion for a Stormbreath Dragon

How many of each do you need?

Looks like you have thoughtseize on your Wishlist. Would be up for trading it for your thassa?

Are you looking for the Innistrad check lands as well?

Don't have any Purphoros's but, I'm interested in your Thassa's.  See anything on my list that you might want?

m_mue11er wrote:

Hey I hve thassa that I can trade to you but idk what else haha

What cards are looking to get from me?

Would like to pick up a set of Thassa's, have a few goodies for trade.  Let me know if you interested! Will take a look at lists if you don't have any Thassas as well.


You only interested in the Lorwyn version of Cryptic Command?  I've got a modern masters one and could use that dragon

Hey guys I'm looking to pick up a few Obzedat, got a few good things to trade for them.  Will entertain all offers, even if you don't have any Obzedats. Tradelist


I've got ravager, and some of the shocks off of your wishlist.  Are you interested in trading that horizon canopy for them at all?


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have, shocks, oozes and deathrites.  I'm interested in your Misty's Rainforests if they're available.

I got a Cryptic I can trade, I'll look at your list and see if we can set something up.

Hey guys, I'm looking to get x4 Domri Rade. 

Link to my tradelist.

Let me know if your interested at all!
