Can you give me a decent image of each side of it?  "Good condition" is actually a pretty played card, but I'm interested and have a stack of forces varying from mp to mint.

Bump- foil linvala gone, lots of stuff left

Looking to part with some things:

absurd bling/big stuff:
guru swamp/mountain
mana drain
judge foil sol ring
foil unhinged forest/mountain/swamp/2x plains
foil burning wish (not judge)

medium bling:
korean bb mana vault
fbb italian sol ring
alpha basalt monolith (sp)
john avon signed foil japanese zendikar mountain
2x foil rakdos the defiler (have folks hate your kaalia deck less since you can't be mad at a foil card (rule in local edh playgroup bc you put effort into it))

random little edh foils:
halimar depths
rakdos signet
noxious revival
izzet charm
vault of whispers
reliquary tower
gilded lotus
mizzium mortars
gameday black sun's zenith

looking for:
absurd:  big things on list (big means big, and my inventory opens up quite a bit for things you'd be interested in)

medium and lower stuff- rtr shocklands, random crap on wishlist...which I'm guessing isn't that much anymore...if you have something on there, I'll try and finish it off with stuff I find in your list.

note:  if you're iffy on if I might want something from your list, should you have a card worth over 50$ that wasn't available from revised, I'm probably interested in it (not really looking for dual lands).

Have a terminus and am interested in your crypt if you can find something small to finish it off...started dialogue

Sure it's just a good practice in general- but at the bare minimum, drop a link to your db profile at the bottom of your post- let's them know how have/wants line up at minimum, and worst case you saved them several pinch to zooms to tap on your name then tap to open your profile.

Aside- really wish just clicking on a user's name took me to their db profile and not their forum profile.

Arioch wrote:

Any chance a Tundra from your inventory would be available if some Force of Will was in the mix?

Hrm I guess larger is a relative term- sorry but no, I had meant it to mean the bigger stuff on my wants list...already have a few extra forces.

shade36 wrote:

could you do desecration demon, lotleth troll, and mizzium mortars for a temple garden?

Hrm my small stuff gets out of date- demon is gone or I'd say yes, anything else bitty catch your eye?

Draft a lot and don't have use for these so a buck or 2 high on my side won't bother me (e.g. traded off Olivia for temple garden last week)- so not picky on what shocks, just want them rtr and will trade for foils as well.  Would consider zend fetches too I suppose.  Both are pretty low want, just putting together playsets.

On the off chance someone out there has the larger wants on my list, inventory opens up a lot if you see something you want (gurus/drain/etc).

Profile to match lists:

looking to trade these off- mainly want rtr shocks but will look through a list for stuff like lackey's bc I need 2, lol.



(always drop those links in your posts so folks can just 1 click to get there!!!)


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll have one at fnm next week hippy.

yup, it's gone- like the card's popular or something.

VideSupra wrote:

Judge foil only, cheapest one is about $250 - best of luck!

No, cheapest is 190 at cardkingdom, and 200 at scg surprisingly...both with about 5 in stock at nm.  Will just buy one if I can't find one....though I wish I knew it was only judge foil when I could have bought one earlier, guy with it was certain that ed had foils, meh tongue

Looking for one for a buddy, don't care version, just let me know what you'd like!

scurveymobile wrote:

What do you value the monolith at?

around 40 because it looks to be unplayed; calling it sp because only wear on it looks to be from boxing and handling on the edges, but it sits flat.  Really nice original card. 

Darktire wrote:

Interested in your trostani, see anything you'd like for it?

flipped through but didn't see anything.

high end edh bling to trade off:

John Avon signed full art foil zendikar mountain (sp)
korean BB mana vault (nm, arguably max bling edition on this card!)
italian BB sol ring (nm)
alpha basalt monolith (sp, max bling edition of this card!)
foil linvala, keeper of silence

and boring rtr stuff like trostani.

Don't play much standard, so if you don't have something specifically on my wishlist, I'll look at yours if you think I might find something.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Only legacy stuff I ever picked up in State College area was from trading foils and other rare stuff to Don, lol.  Other poster had some pretty solid advice about trading in to CB with store credit- they way over offer on stuff when set comes out...traded like 4 sorins to them at 47$ a piece store credit.  Sure their prices suck, but things like that will make up for it.

bfotd is gone.

answer correctly to "when does the narwhal bacon"

Picked it up from rare redraft post drafting, nm- from some edge scuffing...noone picked white, and odrick is kinda good etc.

Looking to trade it towards 2x snaps or caverns, or a combo of the 2, or whatever will be good still when next set comes out.

I'm saying in have a silver queen, and I want to know what else you have available to trade for it.

I've got an sp queen, but tamiyo not your tradelist do much for me- anything else available?

I'm not saying to slap their name and home address down, I'm just saying sharing not to trade with "SlipperyJim" or whoever might be a good idea.

who was it?  A public shaming can help on here since I find most users know a few others outside of here.

scurveymobile wrote:

What sort of high end stuff are we talking about here?

Uhh, stuff in wishlist? Lol.  Ultra high end vintage stuff- so like AR lands, workshop, some power.  Stuff that drops anyone's jaw.

*edited to verify I did indeed use the phrase "ultra high end" in title.

someone out there has to have some nice vintage only stuff I'm looking for big_smile  depending on which, full inventory might be available to be picked through

less picky on stuff on tradelist like a foil linvala I'd like to move.