(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For me I dbl sleeve every foil, rare and mythic I play with, all my lands (which are all full art or specialty), all the tokens I use or emblems, and just misc rares or cards I come across when I have a perfect fit handy.  I exclusively use KMC and have for about 4-5 years now.  I play all formats including vintage and have never had an issue.  I also sleeve my cards upside down . . . or they get dirty from shuffling and the like.  My collection is probably around 50,000 cards and for the most part I don't often need a card out of a box that isn't already sleeved in a KMC.  From playing the cards when Standard, years later for Modern or Legacy they will already be sleeved.  So far no worries . . . but I heard something about the new Expedition Lands having issues in perfect fits???