No not really I'd just like to get rid of them as a whole.

I've sold everything else and still looking to sell my 102 zendikar full art basic lands.  There are 20 of each that vary artwork except for 22 swamps.  If you're interested I can let you know the artwork card numbers.  I am asking $50 via PayPal for the lot.  Respond here or start a trade please.

I've sold everything else and still looking to sell my 102 zendikar full art basic lands.  There are 20 of each that vary artwork except for 22 swamps.  If you're interested I can let you know the artwork card numbers.  I am asking $50 via PayPal for the lot.  Respond here or start a trade please.


Only selling, I am selling off my whole collection.

I have 102 Zendikar full art basic lands for sale.

I'd like $50 for the set.

I'd thought I would post here before putting this up on eBay.

I have Sealed Product for Sale:

Innistrad Hold the Line Event Deck looking for $15 + shipping

Planechase 2012:
Primordial Hunger  looking for $15 + shipping
Night of the Ninja make me an offer
Chaos Reigns make me an offer

Zendikar Full arts!  Make me an offer
I have 20 of each except for 22 swamps
I can post the artwork numbers if anyone is interested in them as they vary.

I accept PayPal and you can respond here or start up a trade.

I'd thought I would post here before putting this up on eBay.

I have Sealed Product for Sale:

Innistrad Hold the Line Event Deck looking for $15 + shipping

Planechase 2012:
Primordial Hunger  looking for $15 + shipping
Night of the Ninja make me an offer
Chaos Reigns make me an offer

Zendikar Full arts!  Make me an offer
I have 20 of each except for 22 swamps
I can post the artwork numbers if anyone is interested in them as they vary. 

I accept PayPal and you can respond here or start up a trade.

I did not specify in the original post but I am taking offers as both singles and the whole lot.

Paul_K wrote:

what are you asking for the entire thing?

I assumed that I would part it out and sell it as singles but you're more that welcome to send me an offer on the whole lot.

I am looking to sell my whole collection!  I am moving soon and I don't have the space.  My inventory is a bit out of date so if you don't see anything you like inquire and I will let you know if I have any.  Some notables are Liliana of the Veil, Huntmaster, Thragtusk, Snap Mage, GoST, Resto Angels and almost every duel land currently in standard.  I also have some sealed product available also: Night of the Ninja and Chaos Reigns.  Everything is for sale unless its in a Duel Deck or Premium Deck.

I am looking to sell my whole collection!  I am moving soon and I don't have the space.  My inventory is a bit out of date so if you don't see anything you like inquire and I will let you know if I have any.  Some notables are Liliana of the Veil, Huntmaster, Thragtusk, Snap Mage, GoST, Resto Angels and almost every duel land currently in standard.  I also have some sealed product available also: Night of the Ninja and Chaos Reigns.  Everything is for sale unless its in a Duel Deck or Premium Deck.

Possibly looking for 1 Huntmaster of the Fells , 1 Aurelia the Warleader.  Some notable haves include: Hellrider, Promo Restoration Angel, Garruk Primalhunter.

No it has been traded, sorry.

Pack fresh Foil Watery Grave for trade

W: Check out my want list!

Looking for cards for W/B Zombies and Boros stuff

Pack fresh Foil Watery Grave for trade

W: Check out my want list!

Velocizachtor wrote:

what are you looking for?

I pulled another Foil Watery Grave and offered you a trade

Hellrider for Breeding Pool?

I have a Foil Pithing Needle

I have a promo Restoration Angel for trade.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump and no longer need Hallowed Fountain

Since you have no completed trades or feedback I will have to ask you to send first.

smithcnp10 wrote:

would you do it for two sacred foundry and either one or two legion loyalist

Yes I will do it for 2 Sacred Foundry and 2 Legion Loyalist

I'm also looking for Legion Loyalist and Boros Reckoner.