(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

As in how to get started using deckbox or how to get started building a cube?

Based on taking a quick look at your inventory sorted by rares... It looks like your best choice may be to build an EDH deck, using Emmara Tandris as your commander. You don't have many rares and you only have one copy of most that you do have so this is my advice.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Idea is to ramp into the larger Demons and swing away. Still trying to decide on the Sideboard.
Help please.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

First attempt at a tribal EDH deck. I've made ALL of my creatures Zombie creatures, And I'm wondering how planeswalkers apply to tribal. In other words can they be used? Let me know what you think.

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is my Commander.



(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I could see swapping out Griselbrand for Vorinclex but I disagree with Jin-Gitazias and Sphinx simply because of adding a 4th color mana. I mean I guess you can just know that the only way they will ever be cast is with the reanimation effect but I would rather be able to cast everything in my deck based off the land I have. JS.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Kammikaze wrote:

This deck needs more Griselbrand.

Not a horrible idea but already plenty of big creatures that do the reanimation part.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Check this out.


let me know how you feel about the changes I made.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

That's a good use of Lotleth Troll. I have a black green EDH deck with Meren as my Commander and have done that same thing before.
Her ability to bring a creature back from the grave is insanely awesome.
I would say go ahead and cut your Undying Evil, Jin-Gataxius, and the Sphinx. Replace with another Iona, Shield of Emeria and another Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, and 1 more Sheoldred, Whispering One.
To make up the rest of the space either do as you suggested and add in more Brimaz and/or Fleecemane, or some kind of removal. Ruinous Path comes to mind first because it's in standard and it's low CMC. Then there's one of my favorite cards In Garruk's Wake but thats 9 frickin mana so....

I'm gonna copy paste your deck and edit it the way I would run it and then you can look at that and modify yours to fit with what you want it to do and the cards you have or are willing to purchase.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Your mana base is not set up to support all 4 colors you have in your deck.
You can either address the mana issue and add in some mana fixing options as well as some land that produces blue mana. Or you can remove blue from your deck all together (which would be my personal choice).
Additionally you might want to consider adding in some Beastcaller Savant either way. Also your deck isn't very consistent. You have a bunch of really good cards but they don't neccessarily work with one another and you only have one or two of most of them. Figure out what you want your deck to do and add more of those cards and take out ones that don't do that.

That should get you started then we can go from there.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This is my first attempt at a 5 color deck of any sort.
Please ignore the Lands. They are simply the best I could throw together with what I had. I know I need to spend like $500 on lands but that's not happening anytime soon.

Commander is General Tazri. Thoughts and opinions please?



(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

When I saw your post I said to myself "Hey I have a G/W creature pump deck that I haven't played in a long time that was pretty powerful."
And it was. However when I pulled it out to look through it I realized that it was extremely inconsistent and needs a lot of modification. Lol. So thanks for drawing my attention to that.
I like your deck but there are a few things I would change:
-Since its only a two color deck I feel Oath of Nissa is unnecessary.
-As for creatures you the only spot you don't have filled is a 4-drop. I would consider replacing the Oath's for a couple "Dawnbringer Charioteers"
-As for your land, Selesnya Sanctuary requires you to return a land from the battlefield. If you have some lands that have a nice trigger when they enter the battlefield that is useful but otherwise I would swap it out for an "Evolving Wilds". And of course if you can replace your two Blossoming Sands with more Canopy Vista that would probably be a good idea too.
That is all. The rest seems like it probably works well together.

Last thing. When posting for deck reviews, instead of listing out the deck contents: build a deck on Deckbox and provide a link to it. This allows us to see more of the card details if we can't remember them off the top of our head. smile

Happy Playing


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Are there any other creatures that have the same ability as Nettle Drone's second ability "Whenever you cast a colorless spell untap" + (Card Name)?
I'm not sure how exactly to search for it. Any insight?


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Decided to take out one of the Holdout Settlement along with Resupply, and Expedition Envoy.
Trying to run this tomorrow at FNM.

Thoughts and Opinions still welcome. smile


So I have 63 Cards in my deck 21-Land and 42-Nonland:
I'm thinking I should take out the 2 Serene Steward, and then 1 Land but not sure which land or if Serene Steward is the best option.

Thoughts and opinions please?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok that makes sense. Except for Karn I have all the cards you mentioned in the deck as well. I should probably check my quantities though. Thanks.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Someone told me that Ulamog's Crusher is "Unplayable in Modern".... Am I missing something? It's not banned by wizards and in a tron deck which is what I have it in I can easily play it turn 4. So does anyone know why someone said this?
This happened on a forum and when I asked why I was never responded to. Just wondering if there was something that I'm supposed to know that I don't.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yeah I do have some Unkown Shores and Holdout Settlements... but I'll make that decision when I actually get the cards to put the rest of it together.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I will be taking this to FNM. I have thought about having a colorful sideboard as well and I dont hate the idea. The deck we have been working on is where I would like my deck to get to. I currently have this build: https://deckbox.org/sets/1332937?s=c&o=a . It's just what I had available when I put the deck together. Obviously I still have to buy some cards. Which I plan to do either this week or next. I think I will run 4 Crumbling Vestige and sideboard a few extra spells. Negate is usually a staple for me if I can run blue. And I am going to ditch the other non-basics. I played my current build a few times over the weekend and its very strong and not as slow as I thought it might be. By turn 4 its not problem to have 6 mana and drop in one of the larger eldrazi then by turn 6 I can usually have one of the really big guys out. And Walker of the Wastes gets big quick with nothing but Wastes for land.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

@Talus21 Thanks for the reply... Idk how I missed Eldrazi Mimic. I bumped up to 4 Shrine's, I also moved Ulamog to the sideboard which I know sounds crazy but I've won with Ulamog plenty of times. I want to try something different. I noticed you had removed Walker of the Wastes which was honestly alot of the reason I'm building this deck so I moved Matter Reshaper to the sideboard instead and bumped a couple of creatures up to 4... Check it out and see if you think it looks better. Oh also I took out Tomb of the Spirit Dragon simply because I know it's not going to be in Standard once SOI comes out.


just wanting to keep it std and colorless open to any other suggestions.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Trying for the alternate win con. Any thoughts or recomendations?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

you could have a dynamic shipping cost set by the seller.

if (cardCount < 3){
  shipCost = cost1
  shipCost = cost2

and then the seller could set both shipping costs accordingly.

I don't know how your shopping cart works but it seems valid that when they go to checkout or when they add something to their cart that the shipping cost is calculated


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

overlordmario wrote:
GeekMagicWarp wrote:

Yeah what Valdor said is a good idea.. and I would run some counterspells (Negate comes to mind first) and maybe Artful Dodge to make it unblockable.

Artful dodge was in the list lmao. So is Slip Through Space

Yeah I realize that now... I was half aslep when I wrote my reply... didn't know X could be zero though, but makes sense.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ReliquaryTower wrote:

Are you trying to go for a budget build?

Not neccesarily. Just a good solid build.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ReliquaryTower wrote:

Stupid alternate wincon decks. Currently testing a Hedron Alignment pile of garbage. Where would that fall?

I kind of consider alternate wincon in the combo category... at least that particular one.. I looked at that when the spoiler came out... I give props to anyone who pulls that off.