
Looking for Foil RG Breach pieces too like Through the Breach, Valakuts, Summoner's Pact, Search for Tomorrow, Farseek, Sakura-Tribe Elder, etc.


Have a huge list -- probably some more things than just what I've updated on deckbox. Some notables:

**Legacy Haves**

12x Lion's Eye Diamond

12x Mox Diamond

7x Alliances Force of Will

4x Foil Cavern of Souls

4x City of Traitors

4x Foil Thorn of Amethyst

**Notable modern haves:**

2x Foil MM15 Tarmogoyf

2x Foil Kamigawa Kiki-Jiki

4x Foil Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

4x Voice of Resurgence

4x Arcbound Ravager

4x Mox Opal

2x Inkmoth Nexus

4x Glimmervoid

1x Foil Karn, Liberated

3x Karn, Liberated

2x MM Vendilion Clique

2x MM15 Vendilion Clique

2x Foil Stony Silence

4x Steel Overseer

1x Foil Sphinx's Revelation

**Notable standard haves:**

2x Liliana, The Last Hope

2x Emrakul, The Promised End

4x Grim Flayer

4x Ishkanah, Graft Widow

4x Hangarback Walker

1x Deathmist Raptor

1x Mindwrack Demon

4x Tireless Tracker

4x Den Protector

4x Foil Collected Company

4x Kytheon, Hero of Akros

4x Foil Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

4x Foil Nissa, Voice of Zendikar

4x Nissa, Vastwood Seer

4x Archangel of Tithes

3x Foil Dragonlord Ojutai

2x Dragonlord Ojutai

8x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet

4x Foil Drana, Liberator of Malakir

4x Drana, Liberator of Malakir

7x Foil Painful Truths

20x Prized Amalgam

**Wants in order of preference:**

Revised Duals (probably the only thing I'll trade LEDs/Mox Diamond for)

Foil Shardless Bug pieces (2x Foil Baleful Strix, 4x Foil Shardless Agent, 4x Foil Brainstorm, 4x Foil Abrupt Decay, 2x Foil JTMS, 4x Foil Force of Will, 2x Foil Creeping Tar Pit)

Foil Death & Taxes pieces (4x Judge Rishadan Port, Foil MM13 Sword of Fire & Ice, 1x Legends Karakas, 3x Pack Foil Thalia, Heretic Cathar)

SDCC 2015 Planeswalker Set

SDCC 2016 Planeswalker Set

Foil/Non-Foil KTK Fetches

4x Foil Grim Flayer

2x Foil Celestial Purge

4x Foil Raging Ravine

2x Foil Kalitas

Foil/Non-Foil Eidolon of the Great Revel

Foil Gods from Theros/Journey/Born

Foil Manlands from BFZ/OGW (Needle Spires, Hissing Quagmire, Shambling Vent, Lumbering Falls, Wandering Fumerole)

Ugin, The Spirit Dragon

Promo Griselbrand

Foil Nykthos

Foil Mana Confluence

Otherwise always willing to look at value trades if you're after something I have and don't have anything on my want list.

bgp5009 wrote:

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= … WVhVHo2Mm8

That is most of what I have plus Modern eldrazi XD and an old miracle shell (just the lower value stuff in foreign languages). See anything for Ravagers?

Oh man this is a bit of a necro, my want list has changed a bit. I'll take a look and open up a trade though, maybe we can figure something out.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

valdor wrote:
STLCards wrote:

I opened trades with each of SinfulKayla's potential victims to warn them as well, just in case they aren't reading the forums. I've been scammed before and it sucks, hopefully these people avoid it!

This is why I think if someone reports your account for scamming, the account needs to instantly be frozen to prevent others from getting scammed

Well it's tricky because it lends itself to abuse (lets say you have a contentious trade negotation and someone leaves feeling angry, they can report an account just to freeze them out for a few days while admins investigate). Maybe if only certain users with like 100+ feedback could do this it might work, but low accounts with low feedback (and I say this as a person with single digit feedback so far) are too easy to re-create for the purposes of trolling.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I opened trades with each of SinfulKayla's potential victims to warn them as well, just in case they aren't reading the forums. I've been scammed before and it sucks, hopefully these people avoid it!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I hit the report button with this feedback "Scammer, has 10 feedback instantly all today from fake accounts. Please ban all 11 accounts."

Definitely worth it to get all the accounts banned not just the first one. At least to make the scammer go through the hassle of setting up 11 new accounts again instead of just giving 9 feedback to one of the other ones.

Have a lot of stuff for trade, lots of legacy/modern/standard staples.

Mostly after 2x Foil Ancestral Vision and 4x RPTQ Snapcaster Mage.

Second priorities are foil Manlands, GP Stoneforge Mystic, Eidolons of the Great Revel, KTK Fetches, and foil Gods from BRN/JOU/THEROS.

Izanamiel wrote:

Hate to necro but this guy just showed up again here:

I was told the addresses matched on the scammer list. Just thought you all should know

This is a very valid reason to necro, good looking out.

Since the scammer is using the same address, if you got scammed before make sure to file a Mail Fraud report. This means this guy doesn't easily have access to other addresses or he wouldn't be using a repeat scamming address.


sebi wrote:

(Also worth noting the mentioned case is not cut-and-dried yet, I will still try to contact him further, but it is a perfect example of what the proposed system tries to prevent.)

As someone who got burned by this guy (he had a couple trades marked as sent and hadn't opened the other 20 trades so it looked fairly legitimate unfortunately) I am definitely in favor of some type of safeguards against this kind of thing in the future.

Also if it is at all possible, is there a way to put anybody who opened a dispute against him into some sort of Internal chat/dispute/thread so we can explain to everybody the steps we took to file for Mail Fraud and contact the Coats PD? I'm pretty skeptical anything will happen with just 1 person doing those steps but if everybody he scammed does that, I find it hard to believe the local PD would ignore 20 complaints against the same mailing address.

Notable modern haves:
2x Foil MM15 Tarmogoyfs
11x Goblin Guides (4x Zen Foil, 3x GP Promo Foil, 4x Zen Reg)
4x Voice of Resurgence
4x Vendilion Clique
4x Arcbound Ravager
4x Mox Opal
4x Inkmoth Nexus
4x Glimmervoid
2x Blood Moon
2x Foil Stony Silence

Notable standard haves:
4x Foil Drana, Liberator of Malakir
4x Non-Foil Drana, Liberator of Malakir
3x Foil Collected Company
4x Foil Prerelease Atarka's Command
4x Foil Prerelease Abbot of Keral Keep
8x Foil Tasigur, the Golden Fang
8x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
7x Foil Painful Truths

Wants (in order of desirability):
Foreign Black Border Dual Lands
Revised Dual Lands
Lion's Eye Diamonds
Mox Diamonds
4x Wasteland Expedition
Foil/Non-Foil KTK Fetches
Foil/Non-Foil Eidolon of the Great Revel
OGW Expeditions
Foil Gods from Theros/Journey/Born
Foil Manlands from BFZ/OGW (Needle Spires, Hissing Quagmire, Shambling Vent, Lumbering Falls, Wandering Fumerole)
Foil Origins Flip Walkers except Jace
4x Non-Foil Flip Kytheon
2x Non-Foil Flip Nissa
3x Morningtide Mutavault

I doubt he actually plays at Cape Fear Games since a scammer wouldn't put real info in their profile. But I did file a Mail Fraud report. My main hope is that even with a fake name, he has a mailing address that can only be accessed by one household so that it is obvious who the scammer was. Wouldn't think someone would risk jail time to commit mail fraud over $200 in magic cards (and if the actual ~15 or so people who sent him cards all file Mail Fraud reports it will probably actually get looked into) but I guess you learn something new every day.

He got me too. He had a bunch of trades "sent" about a week before our trade and I hadn't read any complaints so I figured he was legit. Plus I have very low feedback and was trying to give another new trader a chance. Lesson learned I guess.



Notable modern haves:
2x Foil MM15 Tarmogoyfs
4x Foil Innistrad Snapcasters
4x Foil Voice of Resurgence
11x Goblin Guides (4x Zen Foil, 3x GP Promo Foil, 4x Zen Reg)
4x Foil MM15 Noble Hierarch
4x Vendilion Clique
3x PRM Geist of Saint Traft
2x Foil Geist of Saint Traft
4x Arcbound Ravager
4x Mox Opal
4x Inkmoth Nexus
4x Glimmervoid
2x Blood Moon

Notable standard haves:
4x Foil Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
3x Foil Collected Company
4x Foil Prerelease Atarka's Command
4x Foil Prerelease Abbot of Keral Keep
8x Foil Tasigur, the Golden Fang
8x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
7x Foil Painful Truths

Wants (in order of desirability):
Foreign Black Border Dual Lands
Revised Dual Lands
Lion's Eye Diamonds
3x Mox Diamonds
4x Wasteland Expedition
Any KTK Fetches
1x Misty Rainforest BFZ Expedition
Foil Eidolon of the Great Revel
OGW Expeditions except Eye of Ugin
Foil Gods from Theros/Journey/Born
4x Foil Huntmaster of the Fells
4x Foil Mayor of Avabruck
4x Foil Immerwolf
4x Foil Sylvan Advocate
4x Foil Nissa, Voice of Zendikar

Bistiquea wrote:

Would you trade any of your dual lands for KTK fetches? Obviously, with a premium in your favor. I am trying to finish up playsets, and I have a lot of fetches to spare.

Really depends on the premium, I'm hesitant to trade reserved list for non-RL, but if the trade looks tempting enough I could see it.



Notable modern haves:
2x Foil MM15 Tarmogoyfs
4x Foil Innistrad Snapcasters
4x Foil Voice of Resurgence
11x Goblin Guides (4x Zen Foil, 3x GP Promo Foil, 4x Zen Reg)
4x Foil MM15 Dark Confidant
4x Foil MM15 Noble Hierarch
4x Vendilion Clique
3x PRM Geist of Saint Traft
2x Foil Geist of Saint Traft
4x Arcbound Ravager
4x Mox Opal
4x Inkmoth Nexus
4x Glimmervoid
2x Blood Moon

Notable standard haves:
4x Foil Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
3x Foil Collected Company
4x Foil Prerelease Atarka's Command
4x Foil Prerelease Abbot of Keral Keep
8x Foil Tasigur, the Golden Fang
8x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
7x Foil Painful Truths

Wants (in order of desirability):
Foreign Black Border Dual Lands
Revised Dual Lands
Lion's Eye Diamonds
3x Mox Diamonds
4x Wasteland Expedition
Any KTK Fetches
1x Misty Rainforest BFZ Expedition
Foil Eidolon of the Great Revel
OGW Expeditions except Eye of Ugin
Foil Gods from Theros/Journey/Born
4x Foil Sylvan Advocate
4x Foil Nissa, Voice of Zendikar

Inzuki wrote:

Interested in the foil Goyfs, I have a bit of the stuff you want - I'm able to acquire more expeditions from OGW at my store if you'd like to work something out! Plus I got a Twilight Mire EXP I have yet to put up. Just let me know smile

Sure, let me send you a PM and we'll try to work something out.

**Notable modern haves:**

4x Foil MM15 Tarmo
4x Foil Inn Snapcaster
4x Foil Voice of Resurgence
12x Goblin Guides (4x Zen Foil, 4x GP Promo Foil, 4x Zen Reg)
4x Foil MM15 Dark Confidant
4x Foil MM15 Noble Hierarch
4x Arcbound Ravager
4x Mox Opal
4x Inkmoth Nexus
4x Glimmervoid
2x Blood Moon


**Notable standard haves:**

4x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4x Foil Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
3x Foil Collected Company
4x Foil Prerelease Atarka's Command
4x Foil Prerelease Abbot of Keral Keep
21x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
8x Foil Painful Truths


Revised Dual Lands
3x Grand Prix Stoneforge Mystic
4x Grand Prix Batterskull
Any OGW Expeditions
4x Misty Rainforest BFZ Expedition
Any KTK Fetches
Foil Eidolon of the Great Revel
Foil Gods from Theros/Journey/Born

**Otherwise I'm always available to value trade if its in my favor (in a way that makes it cheaper to trade with me rather than sell your cards to someone and then buy whatever you're after).**