Edit and Bump

Sent you a trade.

Trying one more push here.

Doing all the bumps!

Sorry man, pushed through 6 trades yesterday after posting this, hoping for another 6 today and tomorrow! smile

Someone already snapped it up, doesn't need to tempt you any more big_smile

Hey everyone,

Looking to pickup a couple of fetchlands
3 Misty's to round out a set of them and get my UR storm deck that much closer to being done.

Have a few nice things but likely end up needing to trade up fairly heavily for them, will value both at around $70 in trades a piece.

I also have a sealed box of Modern Masters for anyone that would want to try to put a trade together for that.

Tradelist: https://deckbox.org/sets/105773

Post can be deleted, Tradelist wiped out. Thanks for the help with the cube to everyone that gave it.

Tuesday Morning Bump.

Another bump?

Bump for Title edit and main post edit.

I throw in one last bump. I'm willing to trade $100 in cards for this FoW. You mix up anything on my tradelist in a trade to me and propose with at least a FoW on your side and it's done. I can pack up and ship first, I understand I don't have much feedback here.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

timesnewspartan wrote:

Talk to this guy. http://deckbox.org/users/Ponkaton

You are awesome bro.

Sending trade.

I'll kick another bump into this. Would love to get that sinkhole or FoW.

Bumping with a link to my tradelist. http://deckbox.org/sets/105773

Really looking to get rid of some of the standard stuff for cube goodies on my wishlist.

Editing title again.

My profile is in a post below, anything you want on my tradelist up to $100 value for a NM Force of Will. Just post a trade.

Not trading anything that isn't on my tradelist, as everything that is in my inventory and not in tradelist is going into my cube. Finishing this cube is all I care about I don't play any real magic, own any decks that aren't played in a kitchen table environment, just trying to create a cube for my playgroup to enjoy.