Looking to get rid of these cards and pretty much the rest of my standard cards.  I also have a Foil Spell Snare that I'd like to get rid of.

I want foils for this deck: https://deckbox.org/sets/1243583

or any wants from my wishlist: https://deckbox.org/sets/108551

Check out my stuff, and put together a trade.  I'll try to find some value out of your tradelist.  No guarantees, but its worth a shot.

Do you still have the FoW for sale?


I've got a Baneslayer (+value)for trade.  I'd like to get Elesh from you, if you'd be willing to trade.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in No Mercy.  Look through my trade list and let me know what you find.

I have Sphinx's Revelation for trade, but I'm not interested in anything listed here.  Is he trading more than what's listed?

Do you trade from your inventory(chord of calling, noble hierarch, misty rainforest)?

Have VoR

Do you trade from your inventory (chord of calling, marsh flats, fetid heath)?

How much are you paying for Garruk?

Are you interested in a Foil Seedborn?

Do you want to buy, or are you specifically interested in trading?  I've got quite a bit of you wishlist, but I'm not interested in standard atm.

Looking for Fetches or Dual lands (lol, long shot), or my wishlist.

I've got Reckoner x3, Pricinct Captain, and 1 Sacred Foundry I'll sell.  Set up a trade if you're interested and we can work out a price.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a VoR for trade.  Do you trade from your inventory (lili, fetches)?

I have Voice for trade, but only see things on your inventory list.  Is that off limits?

I'm looking to get some Mistys, and want to trade my Voices + something to make up the difference.

I'll sell you 3 Lifebane Zombies.

I've got 3 DD but don't see anything I need, unless you want to part with mutavaults or shocks.  Let me know.


Thanks for looking!

Morning bump.

My friend got an Archangel and wants to trade it off for standard (value at $23ish).  He's wanting shocks or other value offers.


Price for Kitchen Finks, Eternal Witness, and Loxodon Smiter, ?