(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

shmebula wrote:

You can copy other people's decks.  Once you do this, you'll be able to see how many cards of each you are short.  Not as efficient, but it's a solution.

Unfortunately this is not a solution at all... there are so many decks that I cannot copy one by one and checking for each one how many cards I miss.
The only way to make it working is having this information before copying the deck, when I'm still browsing the decks list; also, the possibility to order the list by the number of missing cards would make it perfect.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't know if this was already suggested, but I was thinking that it would be nice to create a new deck browsing other's decks AND knowking how much cards you are short to complete it.

Currently, you can browse other people decks but you don't know which cards in their deck you have and/or you miss.
If you can have this information, and maybe even sorting other people decks for the number of cards you miss for it, you have a very simple way to create a competitive deck using the cards you own.

What do you think about this?